"""Tool for generating an S matrix automatically from a Tidy3d simulation and modal port definitions."""
# TODO: The names "ComponentModeler" and "Port" should be changed to "ModalComponentModeler" and
# "ModalPort" to explicitly differentiate these from "TerminalComponentModeler" and "LumpedPort".
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import pydantic.v1 as pd
from ....components.base import cached_property
from ....components.data.sim_data import SimulationData
from ....components.monitor import ModeMonitor
from ....components.simulation import Simulation
from ....components.source import GaussianPulse, ModeSource
from ....components.types import Ax, Complex
from ....components.viz import add_ax_if_none, equal_aspect
from ....exceptions import SetupError
from ....web.api.container import BatchData
from ..ports.modal import ModalPortDataArray, Port
from .base import FWIDTH_FRAC, AbstractComponentModeler
MatrixIndex = Tuple[str, pd.NonNegativeInt] # the 'i' in S_ij
Element = Tuple[MatrixIndex, MatrixIndex] # the 'ij' in S_ij
class ComponentModeler(AbstractComponentModeler):
Tool for modeling devices and computing scattering matrix elements.
.. TODO missing basic example
See Also
* `Computing the scattering matrix of a device <../../notebooks/SMatrix.html>`_
ports: Tuple[Port, ...] = pd.Field(
description="Collection of ports describing the scattering matrix elements. "
"For each input mode, one simulation will be run with a modal source.",
element_mappings: Tuple[Tuple[Element, Element, Complex], ...] = pd.Field(
title="Element Mappings",
description="Mapping between elements of the scattering matrix, "
"as specified by pairs of ``(port name, mode index)`` matrix indices, where the "
"first element of the pair is the output and the second element of the pair is the input."
"Each item of ``element_mappings`` is a tuple of ``(element1, element2, c)``, where "
"the scattering matrix ``Smatrix[element2]`` is set equal to ``c * Smatrix[element1]``."
"If all elements of a given column of the scattering matrix are defined by "
" ``element_mappings``, the simulation corresponding to this column "
"is skipped automatically.",
run_only: Optional[Tuple[MatrixIndex, ...]] = pd.Field(
title="Run Only",
description="If given, a tuple of matrix indices, specified by (:class:`.Port`, ``int``),"
" to run only, excluding the other rows from the scattering matrix. "
"If this option is used, "
"the data corresponding to other inputs will be missing in the resulting matrix.",
"""Finally, to exclude some rows of the scattering matrix, one can supply a ``run_only`` parameter to the
:class:`ComponentModeler`. ``run_only`` contains the scattering matrix indices that the user wants to run as a
source. If any indices are excluded, they will not be run."""
verbose: bool = pd.Field(
description="Whether the :class:`.ComponentModeler` should print status and progressbars.",
callback_url: str = pd.Field(
title="Callback URL",
description="Http PUT url to receive simulation finish event. "
"The body content is a json file with fields "
"``{'id', 'status', 'name', 'workUnit', 'solverVersion'}``.",
@pd.validator("simulation", always=True)
def _sim_has_no_sources(cls, val):
"""Make sure simulation has no sources as they interfere with tool."""
if len(val.sources) > 0:
raise SetupError("'ComponentModeler.simulation' must not have any sources.")
return val
def sim_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Simulation]:
"""Generate all the :class:`Simulation` objects for the S matrix calculation."""
sim_dict = {}
mode_monitors = [self.to_monitor(port=port) for port in self.ports]
for port_name, mode_index in self.matrix_indices_run_sim:
port = self.get_port_by_name(port_name=port_name)
port_source = self.shift_port(port=port)
mode_source = self.to_source(port=port_source, mode_index=mode_index)
new_mnts = list(self.simulation.monitors) + mode_monitors
sim_copy = self.simulation.copy(update=dict(sources=[mode_source], monitors=new_mnts))
task_name = self._task_name(port=port, mode_index=mode_index)
sim_dict[task_name] = sim_copy
return sim_dict
def matrix_indices_monitor(self) -> Tuple[MatrixIndex, ...]:
"""Tuple of all the possible matrix indices (port, mode_index) in the Component Modeler."""
matrix_indices = []
for port in self.ports:
for mode_index in range(port.mode_spec.num_modes):
matrix_indices.append((port.name, mode_index))
return tuple(matrix_indices)
def matrix_indices_source(self) -> Tuple[MatrixIndex, ...]:
"""Tuple of all the source matrix indices (port, mode_index) in the Component Modeler."""
if self.run_only is not None:
return self.run_only
return self.matrix_indices_monitor
def matrix_indices_run_sim(self) -> Tuple[MatrixIndex, ...]:
"""Tuple of all the source matrix indices (port, mode_index) in the Component Modeler."""
if self.element_mappings is None or self.element_mappings == {}:
return self.matrix_indices_source
# all the (i, j) pairs in `S_ij` that are tagged as covered by `element_mappings`
elements_determined_by_map = [element_out for (_, element_out, _) in self.element_mappings]
# loop through rows of the full s matrix and record rows that still need running.
source_indices_needed = []
for col_index in self.matrix_indices_source:
# loop through columns and keep track of whether each element is covered by mapping.
matrix_elements_covered = []
for row_index in self.matrix_indices_monitor:
element = (row_index, col_index)
element_covered_by_map = element in elements_determined_by_map
# if any matrix elements in row still not covered by map, a source is needed for row.
if not all(matrix_elements_covered):
return source_indices_needed
def port_names(self) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
"""List of port names for inputs and outputs, respectively."""
def get_port_names(matrix_elements: Tuple[str, int]) -> List[str]:
"""Get the port names from a list of (port name, mode index)."""
port_names = []
for port_name, _ in matrix_elements:
if port_name not in port_names:
return port_names
port_names_in = get_port_names(self.matrix_indices_source)
port_names_out = get_port_names(self.matrix_indices_monitor)
return port_names_out, port_names_in
def to_monitor(self, port: Port) -> ModeMonitor:
"""Creates a mode monitor from a given port."""
return ModeMonitor(
def to_source(
self, port: Port, mode_index: int, num_freqs: int = 1, **kwargs
) -> List[ModeSource]:
"""Creates a list of mode sources from a given port."""
freq0 = np.mean(self.freqs)
fdiff = max(self.freqs) - min(self.freqs)
fwidth = max(fdiff, freq0 * FWIDTH_FRAC)
return ModeSource(
source_time=GaussianPulse(freq0=freq0, fwidth=fwidth),
def _shift_value_signed(self, port: Port) -> float:
"""How far (signed) to shift the source from the monitor."""
# get the grid boundaries and sizes along port normal from the simulation
normal_axis = port.size.index(0.0)
grid = self.simulation.grid
grid_boundaries = grid.boundaries.to_list[normal_axis]
grid_centers = grid.centers.to_list[normal_axis]
# get the index of the grid cell where the port lies
port_position = port.center[normal_axis]
port_pos_gt_grid_bounds = np.argwhere(port_position > grid_boundaries)
# no port index can be determined
if len(port_pos_gt_grid_bounds) == 0:
raise SetupError(f"Port position '{port_position}' outside of simulation bounds.")
port_index = port_pos_gt_grid_bounds[-1]
# shift the port to the left
if port.direction == "+":
shifted_index = port_index - 2
if shifted_index < 0:
raise SetupError(
f"Port {port.name} normal is too close to boundary "
f"on -{'xyz'[normal_axis]} side."
# shift the port to the right
shifted_index = port_index + 2
if shifted_index >= len(grid_centers):
raise SetupError(
f"Port {port.name} normal is too close to boundary "
f"on +{'xyz'[normal_axis]} side."
new_pos = grid_centers[shifted_index]
return new_pos - port_position
def shift_port(self, port: Port) -> Port:
"""Generate a new port shifted by the shift amount in normal direction."""
shift_value = self._shift_value_signed(port=port)
center_shifted = list(port.center)
center_shifted[port.size.index(0.0)] += shift_value
port_shifted = port.copy(update=dict(center=center_shifted))
return port_shifted
def plot_sim(self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, ax: Ax = None) -> Ax:
"""Plot a :class:`Simulation` with all sources added for each port, for troubleshooting."""
plot_sources = []
for port_source in self.ports:
mode_source_0 = self.to_source(port=port_source, mode_index=0)
sim_plot = self.simulation.copy(update=dict(sources=plot_sources))
return sim_plot.plot(x=x, y=y, z=z, ax=ax)
def plot_sim_eps(
self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, ax: Ax = None, **kwargs
) -> Ax:
"""Plot permittivity of the :class:`Simulation` with all sources added for each port."""
plot_sources = []
for port_source in self.ports:
mode_source_0 = self.to_source(port=port_source, mode_index=0)
sim_plot = self.simulation.copy(update=dict(sources=plot_sources))
return sim_plot.plot_eps(x=x, y=y, z=z, ax=ax, **kwargs)
def _normalization_factor(self, port_source: Port, sim_data: SimulationData) -> complex:
"""Compute the normalization amplitude based on the measured input mode amplitude."""
port_monitor_data = sim_data[port_source.name]
mode_index = sim_data.simulation.sources[0].mode_index
normalize_amps = port_monitor_data.amps.sel(
return normalize_amps.values
def max_mode_index(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""maximum mode indices for the smatrix dataset for the in and out ports, respectively."""
def get_max_mode_indices(matrix_elements: Tuple[str, int]) -> int:
"""Get the maximum mode index for a list of (port name, mode index)."""
return max(mode_index for _, mode_index in matrix_elements)
max_mode_index_out = get_max_mode_indices(self.matrix_indices_monitor)
max_mode_index_in = get_max_mode_indices(self.matrix_indices_source)
return max_mode_index_out, max_mode_index_in
def _construct_smatrix(self, batch_data: BatchData) -> ModalPortDataArray:
"""Post process `BatchData` to generate scattering matrix."""
max_mode_index_out, max_mode_index_in = self.max_mode_index
num_modes_out = max_mode_index_out + 1
num_modes_in = max_mode_index_in + 1
port_names_out, port_names_in = self.port_names
values = np.zeros(
(len(port_names_out), len(port_names_in), num_modes_out, num_modes_in, len(self.freqs)),
coords = dict(
s_matrix = ModalPortDataArray(values, coords=coords)
# loop through source ports
for col_index in self.matrix_indices_run_sim:
port_name_in, mode_index_in = col_index
port_in = self.get_port_by_name(port_name=port_name_in)
sim_data = batch_data[self._task_name(port=port_in, mode_index=mode_index_in)]
for row_index in self.matrix_indices_monitor:
port_name_out, mode_index_out = row_index
port_out = self.get_port_by_name(port_name=port_name_out)
# directly compute the element
mode_amps_data = sim_data[port_out.name].copy().amps
dir_out = "-" if port_out.direction == "+" else "+"
amp = mode_amps_data.sel(
f=coords["f"], direction=dir_out, mode_index=mode_index_out
source_norm = self._normalization_factor(port_in, sim_data)
s_matrix_elements = np.array(amp.data) / np.array(source_norm)
] = s_matrix_elements
# element can be determined by user-defined mapping
for (row_in, col_in), (row_out, col_out), mult_by in self.element_mappings:
port_out_from, mode_index_out_from = row_in
port_in_from, mode_index_in_from = col_in
coords_from = dict(
port_out_to, mode_index_out_to = row_out
port_in_to, mode_index_in_to = col_out
coords_to = dict(
s_matrix.loc[coords_to] = mult_by * s_matrix.loc[coords_from].values
return s_matrix