
class Planar[source]#

Bases: SimplePlaneIntersection, Geometry, ABC

Geometry with one axis that is slab-like with thickness height.

  • attrs (dict = {}) – Dictionary storing arbitrary metadata for a Tidy3D object. This dictionary can be freely used by the user for storing data without affecting the operation of Tidy3D as it is not used internally. Note that, unlike regular Tidy3D fields, attrs are mutable. For example, the following is allowed for setting an attr obj.attrs['foo'] = bar. Also note that Tidy3D` will raise a TypeError if attrs contain objects that can not be serialized. One can check if attrs are serializable by calling obj.json().

  • axis (Literal[0, 1, 2] = 2) – Specifies dimension of the planar axis (0,1,2) -> (x,y,z).

  • sidewall_angle (float = 0.0) – [units = rad]. Angle of the sidewall. sidewall_angle=0 (default) specifies a vertical wall; 0<sidewall_angle<np.pi/2 specifies a shrinking cross section along the axis direction; and -np.pi/2<sidewall_angle<0 specifies an expanding cross section along the axis direction.

  • reference_plane (Literal['bottom', 'middle', 'top'] = middle) – The position of the plane where the supplied cross section are defined. The plane is perpendicular to the axis. The plane is located at the bottom, middle, or top of the geometry with respect to the axis. E.g. if axis=1, bottom refers to the negative side of the y-axis, and top refers to the positive side of the y-axis.



Gets the position of the center of the geometry in the out of plane dimension.


Gets the length of the geometry along the out of plane dimension.


Gets the length of the geometry along the out of plane dimension.



intersections_plane([x, y, z])

Returns shapely geometry at plane specified by one non None value of x,y,z.


Inherited Common Usage

classmethod validate_angle(value)[source]#
abstract property center_axis#

Gets the position of the center of the geometry in the out of plane dimension.

abstract property length_axis#

Gets the length of the geometry along the out of plane dimension.

property finite_length_axis#

Gets the length of the geometry along the out of plane dimension. If the length is td.inf, return LARGE_NUMBER

intersections_plane(x=None, y=None, z=None)[source]#

Returns shapely geometry at plane specified by one non None value of x,y,z.

  • x (float) – Position of plane in x direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane.

  • y (float) – Position of plane in y direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane.

  • z (float) – Position of plane in z direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane.


  • List[shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry] – List of 2D shapes that intersect plane. For more details refer to

  • Shapely’s Documentation.


Hash method.