
class DesignSpace[source]#

Bases: Tidy3dBaseModel

Manages all exploration of a parameter space within specified parameters using a supplied search method. The DesignSpace forms the basis of the Design plugin, and receives a Method and Parameter list that define the scope of the design space and how it should be searched. DesignSpace.run() can then be called with a function(s) to generate different solutions from parameters suggested by the Method. The Method can either sample the design space systematically or randomly, or can optimize for a given problem through an iterative search and evaluate approach.

  • attrs (dict = {}) – Dictionary storing arbitrary metadata for a Tidy3D object. This dictionary can be freely used by the user for storing data without affecting the operation of Tidy3D as it is not used internally. Note that, unlike regular Tidy3D fields, attrs are mutable. For example, the following is allowed for setting an attr obj.attrs['foo'] = bar. Also note that Tidy3D` will raise a TypeError if attrs contain objects that can not be serialized. One can check if attrs are serializable by calling obj.json().

  • parameters (Tuple[Union[ParameterInt, ParameterFloat, ParameterAny], ...] = ()) – Set of parameters defining the dimensions and allowed values for the design space.

  • method (Union[MethodMonteCarlo, MethodGrid, MethodBayOpt, MethodGenAlg, MethodParticleSwarm]) – Specifications for the procedure used to explore the parameter space.

  • task_name (str =) – Task name assigned to tasks along with a simulation counter in the form of {task_name}_{sim_index}_{counter} where sim_index is the index of the Simulation from the pre function output. If the pre function outputs a dictionary the key will be included in the task name as {task_name}_{dict_key}_{counter}. Only used when pre-post functions are supplied.

  • name (Optional[str] = None) – Optional name for the design space.

  • path_dir (str = .) – Directory where simulation data files will be locally saved to. Only used when pre and post functions are supplied.

  • folder_name (str = default) – Folder path where the simulation will be uploaded in the Tidy3D Workspace. Will use β€˜default’ if no path is set.


Schematic outline of how to use the Design plugin to explore a design space.


The Design notebook contains an overview of the Design plugin and is the best place to learn how to get started. Detailed examples using the Design plugin can be found in the following notebooks:


>>> import tidy3d.plugins.design as tdd
>>> param = tdd.ParameterFloat(name="x", span=(0,1))
>>> method = tdd.MethodMonteCarlo(num_points=10)
>>> design_space = tdd.DesignSpace(parameters=[param], method=method)
>>> fn = lambda x: x**2
>>> result = design_space.run(fn)
>>> df = result.to_dataframe()
>>> im = df.plot()



dimensions defined by the design parameter names.


Defines the methods used for parameter sweep.




Compute the maximum FlexCredit charge for the DesignSpace.run computation.


Get the function source as a string, return None if not available.

run(fn[, fn_post, verbose])

Explore a parameter space with a supplied method using the user supplied function.

run_batch(fn_pre, fn_post[, path_dir])

This function has been superceded by run, please use run for batched simulations.

run_pre_post(fn_pre, fn_post, console)

Run a function with Tidy3D implicitly called in between.

run_single(fn, console)

Run a single function of parameter inputs.

summarize([fn_pre, verbose])

Summarize the setup of the DesignSpace

Inherited Common Usage

property dims#

dimensions defined by the design parameter names.

static get_fn_source(function)[source]#

Get the function source as a string, return None if not available.

run(fn, fn_post=None, verbose=True)[source]#

Explore a parameter space with a supplied method using the user supplied function. Supplied functions are used to evaluate the design space and are called within the method. For optimization methods these functions act as the fitness function. A single function can be supplied which will contain the preprocessing, computation, and analysis of the desired problem. If running a Tidy3D simulation, it is recommended to split this function into a pre function, that creates a Simulation object(s), and a post function which analyses the SimulationData produced by the pre function Simulations. This allows the DesignSpace to manage the batching of Simulations, which varies between Method used, and saving time writing their own batching code. It also efficiently submits simulations to the cloud servers allowing for the fastest exploration of a design space.

The fn function must take a dictionary input - this can be stored a dictionary def example_fn(**params) or left as keyword arguments def example_fn(arg1, arg2) where the keywords correspond to the name of the parameters in the design space.

If used as a pre function, the output of fn must be a float, Simulation, Batch, list, or dict. Supplied Batch objects are run without modification and are run in series. A list or dict of Simulation objects is flattened into a single Batch to enable parallel computation on the cloud. The original structure is then restored for output; all Simulation objects are replaced by SimulationData objects. Example pre return formats and associated post inputs can be seen in the table below.

Pre return formats and post input formats#

fn_pre return

fn_post call





{β€˜a’: 2, β€˜b’: β€˜hi’}

fn_post(a=2, b=’hi’)





[Simulation, Simulation]

fn_post(SimulationData, SimulationData)

[Simulation, 1.0]

fn_post(SimulationData, 1.0)

[Simulation, Batch]

fn_post(SimulationData, BatchData)

{β€˜a’: Simulation, β€˜b’: Batch, β€˜c’: 2.0}

fn_post(a=SimulationData, b=BatchData, c=2.0)

The output of fn_post (or fn if only one function is supplied) must be a float or a container where the first element is a float and second element is a list / dict e,g. [float {β€œaux_1”: str}]. The float is used by the optimizers as the return of the fitness function. The second element is for auxiliary data from the analysis that the user may want to keep. Sampling methods (MethodGrid or MethodMonteCarlo) can have any return type.

  • fn (Callable) – Function accepting arguments that correspond to the name fields of the DesignSpace.parameters. Must return in the expected format for the method used in DesignSpace, or return an object that fn_post can accept as an input.

  • fn_post (Callable = None) – Optional function performing postprocessing on the output of fn. It is recommended to supply fn_post when working with Simulation objects. Must return in the expected format for the method used in DesignSpace.

  • verbose (bool = True) – Toggle the output of statements stored in the logging console.


Object containing the results of the design space exploration. Can be converted to pandas.DataFrame with .to_dataframe().

Return type:


run_single(fn, console)[source]#

Run a single function of parameter inputs.

run_pre_post(fn_pre, fn_post, console)[source]#

Run a function with Tidy3D implicitly called in between.

run_batch(fn_pre, fn_post, path_dir='.', **batch_kwargs)[source]#

This function has been superceded by run, please use run for batched simulations.


Compute the maximum FlexCredit charge for the DesignSpace.run computation.

Require a pre function that should return a Simulation object, a Batch object, or collection of either. The pre function is called to estimate the cost - complicated pre functions may cause long runtimes. The cost per iteration is multiplied by the theoretical maximum number of iterations to give the maximum cost.


fn_pre (Callable) – Function accepting arguments that correspond to the name fields of the DesignSpace.parameters. Should return a Simulation or Batch object, or a list / dict of these objects.


Estimated maximum cost for the DesignSpace.run.

Return type:


summarize(fn_pre=None, verbose=True)[source]#

Summarize the setup of the DesignSpace

Prints a summary of the DesignSpace including the method and associated args, the parameters, and the maximum number of runs expected. If fn_pre is provided an estimated cost will also be included. Additional notes are printed where relevant. All data is returned as a dict.

  • fn_pre (Callable = None) – Function accepting arguments that correspond to the name fields of the DesignSpace.parameters. Allows for estimated cost to be included in the summary.

  • verbose (bool = True) – Toggle if the summary should be output to log. If False, the dict is returned silently.


summary_dict – Dictionary containing the summary information.

Return type:



Hash method.