How do I export a spatially varying medium dataset to HDF5?

How do I export a spatially varying medium dataset to HDF5?#



2024-01-17 15:53:00


To export a spatially varying medium dataset to a HDF5 file you should use the to_hdf5(filename) method. In the example below, we illustrate how to do that after creating a tidy3d.CustomMedium.

# The coordinate for the refractive index data that includes x, y, z, and frequency
X = np.linspace(-20, 20, 100)  # x grid
Y = np.linspace(-20, 20, 100)  # y grid
Z = [0]  # z grid

# Create a permittivity dataset and a custom medium.
n_data = np.ones((100, 100, 1, 1)) * 12
n_dataset = tidy3d.SpatialDataArray(n_data, coords=dict(x=X, y=Y, z=Z, f=[freq0]))
data = tidy3d.PermittivityDataset(eps_xx=n_dataset, eps_yy=n_dataset, eps_zz=n_dataset)
mat_custom = tidy3d.CustomMedium(eps_dataset=data, interp_method="nearest")

# Export the custom medium dataset to HDF5.