Atomically thin waveguides based on MoS2 monolayers#
Common waveguides in integrated photonics have a thickness in the order of hundreds of nanometers. However, a novel research Myungjae Lee et al., Wafer-scale δ waveguides for integrated two-dimensional photonics. Science 381, 648-653(2023)
DOI:10.1126/science.adi2322 demonstrates ultrathin, wafer-scale monolayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS:math:_2) waveguides that can efficiently guide visible and near-infrared light over millimeter
distances with a low loss. The extreme thickness on the order of a single atom enables light confinement analogous to a quantum mechanical
In this notebook, we replicate the key findings from the above publication. We have used the FastDispersionFitter and Medium2D features to model the
For more simulation examples, please visit our examples page. If you are new to the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, we highly recommend going through our FDTD101 tutorials. FDTD simulations can diverge due to various reasons. If you run into any simulation divergence issues, please follow the steps outlined in our troubleshooting guide to resolve it.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tidy3d as td
import tidy3d.web as web
from tidy3d.plugins.dispersion import FastDispersionFitter, AdvancedFastFitterParam
from tidy3d.plugins.mode import ModeSolver
Simulation Setup#
In our material library, we provide a built-in option of MoS2, which can be used by MoS2_medium = td.material_library['MoS2']['Li2014']
. However, for maximum consistency, in this notebook we will use the experimentally measured refractive index provided in the
reference. The refractive index is stored in a .csv file and we will use the FastDispersionFitter to fit it with the pole residue model. Using 4 pole residue pairs, we are able to fit it very nicely. The fit can be further improved by using even more pole residue pairs, but it is unnecessary in this case. In
addition, we can also manipulate the relative weights of the real and imaginar parts of the refractive index. Since in this case, both AdvancedFastFitterParam(weights=(1,1))
fitter = FastDispersionFitter.from_file('misc/MoS2_nk.csv', skiprows=0, delimiter=",")
advanced_param = AdvancedFastFitterParam(weights=(1,1))
MoS2, rms_error =, advanced_param=advanced_param, tolerance_rms=2e-2)
[09:55:48] WARNING: Unable to fit with weighted RMS error under 'tolerance_rms' of 0.02

The MoSfrom_medium
method and providing the thickness of the layer.
t = 0.00065 # thickness of the MoS2 monolayer
# define MoS2 as Medium2D
MoS2_2D = td.Medium2D.from_medium(medium=MoS2, thickness=t)
n_env = 1.46 # refractive index of the environment
env_medium = td.Medium(permittivity=n_env**2) # define environment medium
Define the simulation wavelength range. Here, we are interested in simulating the waveguide response between 500 nm to 900 nm.
lda0 = 0.7 # central wavelength
freq0 = td.C_0 / lda0 # central frequency
ldas = np.linspace(0.5, 0.9, 50) # wavelength range
freqs = td.C_0 / ldas # frequency range
fwidth = 0.4*(np.max(freqs) - np.min(freqs)) # width of the source frequency range
Define the waveguide structure.
l = 150 # length of the waveguide
# define the waveguide structure
MoS2_monolayer = td.Structure(geometry=td.Box(center=(0,0,0), size=(l, 0, td.inf)),
As discussed in the paper, the waveguide mode can be excited by a PlaneWave or a PointDipole. However, for simulations with a waveguide, the more natural source is a ModeSource. We will define a ModeSource at the begining of the waveguide here and later use the ModeSolver to investigate the waveguide mode profile and effective index.
In addition, we also defined a FieldMonitor to help visualize the waveguide mode propagation and out-couple into free space.
# define a mode source
mode_spec = td.ModeSpec(num_modes=1)
mode_source = td.ModeSource(
size=(0, td.inf, td.inf),
center=(-l/2+lda0, 0, 0),
source_time=td.GaussianPulse(freq0=freq0, fwidth=fwidth),
num_freqs=7, # using 7 (Chebyshev) points to approximate frequency dependence
# define a field monitor
field_monitor = td.FieldMonitor(
center=(0, 0, 0), size=(td.inf, 30, 0), freqs=[freq0], fields=['Ex','Ey','Ez'], interval_space=(1,2,1), name="field"
WARNING: Default value for the field monitor 'colocate' setting has changed to 'True' in Tidy3D 2.4.0. All field components will be colocated to the grid boundaries. Set to 'False' to get the raw fields on the Yee grid instead.
Now we are ready to define a Tidy3D Simulation. This is a 2D simulation so the domain size in
Lx = 200 # simulation domain size in the x direction
Ly = 80 # simulation domain size in the y direction
run_time = 1.5e-12 # simulation run time
# construct simulation
sim = td.Simulation(
center=((Lx-l)/2-lda0, 0, 0),
size=(Lx,Ly,0),, wavelength=lda0),
x=td.Boundary.pml(), y=td.Boundary.pml(), z=td.Boundary.periodic()
Visualize the simulation to see if it is set up correctly.
ax = sim.plot(z=0)

Perform Mode Solving#
Before running the simulation, we use the ModeSolver to inspect the waveguide mode profile. The mode solving is performed on the same plane as the ModeSource defined ealier.
# define mode solving plane
mode_plane = td.Box(,
# define mode solver
mode_solver = ModeSolver(
simulation=sim, plane=mode_plane, mode_spec=mode_spec, freqs=freqs
# solving for the mode
mode_data = mode_solver.solve()
[09:55:49] WARNING: Use the remote mode solver with subpixel averaging for better accuracy through ''.
After running the mode solving, let’s plot the real part of the effective index,
n_eff = np.real(mode_data.n_complex.values)
plt.plot(ldas*1e3, n_eff)
plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')

Similarly, we can plot the imaginary part of the effective index,
k_eff = np.imag(mode_data.n_complex.values)
plt.plot(ldas*1e3, k_eff)
plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')

Lastly, we can visualize the mode profiles by plotting the Ez
component of the mode at different wavelengths. We see that the mode profile resembles that of the solution to the δ-potential problem in quantum mechanics. We can also observe that the width of the mode increases with wavelength from a few µm at 500 nm to over 10 µm at 900 nm.
f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(
1, 3, tight_layout=True, figsize=(8, 3)
mode_data.Ez.sel(mode_index=0, f=freqs[0]).abs.plot(ax=ax1)
ax1.set_title(f'$\lambda$={ldas[0]} $\mu m$')
mode_data.Ez.sel(mode_index=0, f=freq0, method='nearest').abs.plot(ax=ax2)
ax2.set_title(f'$\lambda$={lda0} $\mu m$')
mode_data.Ez.sel(mode_index=0, f=freqs[-1]).abs.plot(ax=ax3)
ax3.set_title(f'$\lambda$={ldas[-1]} $\mu m$')

Submit the Simulation#
Now we are ready to submit the simulation to the server. Although this simulation is 2D, the large simulation domain size and the fine grid still results in a good amount of computation. We can expect this simulation to finish in just a minute or two.
sim_data =
sim, task_name="mos2_wg", path="data/simulation.hdf5", verbose=True
View task using web UI at ' e05b98f7-0517-4f67-806a-50cc8ad299b7v1'.
Visualize the Result#
After the simulation is complete, we can plot the field distribution to visualize the waveguide mode propagation in the MoS
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,3))
sim_data.plot_field(field_monitor_name='field', field_name='E', val='abs^2', ax=ax)

In conclusion, the discussed method for creating 2D material waveguides can be applied to various atomically thin materials, enabling ultra-slim photonic circuits. These waveguides can guide a broad spectrum of light, making them versatile for multi-octave photonic systems. They also offer high-power, dispersion-free operation, ideal for 2D nonlinear photonics and pulse manipulation.
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