
class JaxDataArray[source]#

Bases: Tidy3dBaseModel

A DataArray-like class that only wraps xarray for jax compatibility.

  • attrs (dict = {}) – Dictionary storing arbitrary metadata for a Tidy3D object. This dictionary can be freely used by the user for storing data without affecting the operation of Tidy3D as it is not used internally. Note that, unlike regular Tidy3D fields, attrs are mutable. For example, the following is allowed for setting an attr obj.attrs['foo'] = bar. Also note that Tidy3D` will raise a TypeError if attrs contain objects that can not be serialized. One can check if attrs are serializable by calling obj.json().

  • values (Optional[Any]) – Nested list containing the raw values, which can be tracked by jax.

  • coords (Mapping[str, list]) – Dictionary storing the coordinates, namely (direction, f, mode_index).



self.values as a jax array.


self.values as a numpy array converted to a list.


self.values as a numpy array.


Imaginary part of self.


The value and coordinate associated with the only non-zero element of self.values.


Real part of self.


Shape of self.values.




Assign new coordinates to this object.


Complex conjugate of self.

from_hdf5(fname, group_path)

Load an DataArray from an hdf5 file with a given path to the group.


Convert xr.DataArray instance to JaxDataArray.


Get a coordinate list by name.

interp([kwargs, assume_sorted])

Linearly interpolate into the JaxDataArray at values into coordinates.

interp_single(key, val)

Interpolate into a single dimension of self.


Select a value from the JaxDataArray by indexing into coordinates by index.

isel_single(coord_name, coord_index)

Select a value corresponding to a single coordinate from the JaxDataArray.

multiply_at(value, coord_name, indices)

Multiply self by value at indices into .

sel([indexers, method])

Select a value from the JaxDataArray by indexing into coordinates by value.

squeeze([dim, drop])

Remove any non-zero dims.


Sum (optionally along a single or multiple dimensions).

to_hdf5(fname, group_path)

Save an xr.DataArray to the hdf5 file with a given path to the group.


Convert JaxDataArray instance to xr.DataArray instance.


Jax works on the values, stash the coords for reconstruction.

tree_unflatten(aux_data, children)

How to unflatten the values and coords.

Inherited Common Usage


Convert JaxDataArray instance to xr.DataArray instance.

classmethod from_tidy3d(tidy3d_obj)[source]#

Convert xr.DataArray instance to JaxDataArray.


Check if two JaxDataArray instances are equal.

to_hdf5(fname, group_path)[source]#

Save an xr.DataArray to the hdf5 file with a given path to the group.

classmethod from_hdf5(fname, group_path)[source]#

Load an DataArray from an hdf5 file with a given path to the group.

property as_ndarray#

self.values as a numpy array.

property as_jnp_array#

self.values as a jax array.

property shape#

Shape of self.values.

property as_list#

self.values as a numpy array converted to a list.

property real#

Real part of self.

property imag#

Imaginary part of self.


Complex conjugate of self.


Absolute value of self’s values.


Values raised to a power.


Sum self with something else.


Negative of self.




Sum self with something else.


Multiply self with something else.


Multiply self with something else.


Sum (optionally along a single or multiple dimensions).

squeeze(dim=None, drop=True)[source]#

Remove any non-zero dims.


Get a coordinate list by name.

isel_single(coord_name, coord_index)[source]#

Select a value corresponding to a single coordinate from the JaxDataArray.


Select a value from the JaxDataArray by indexing into coordinates by index.

sel(indexers=None, method=None, **sel_kwargs)[source]#

Select a value from the JaxDataArray by indexing into coordinates by value.

  • sel_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments with names matching the coordinates of JaxDataArray and values given by scalars or lists, e.g. da.sel(x=0.1, y=[0.2, 0.3]).

  • method (Literal[None, "nearest"] = None) –

    Method to use for matching coordinate values:

    • None (default): only exact matches

    • nearest: use nearest valid index value


JaxDataArray with extracted values.

Return type:


assign_coords(coords=None, **coords_kwargs)[source]#

Assign new coordinates to this object.

multiply_at(value, coord_name, indices)[source]#

Multiply self by value at indices into .

interp_single(key, val)[source]#

Interpolate into a single dimension of self.

Note: this interpolation works by finding the index of the value into the coords list. Instead of an integer value, we use interpolation to get a floating point index. The floor() of this value is the ‘minus’ index and the ceil() gives the ‘plus’ index. We then apply coefficients linearly based on how close to plus or minus we are. This is a workaround to jnp.interp not allowing multi-dimensional interpolation.

interp(kwargs=None, assume_sorted=None, **interp_kwargs)[source]#

Linearly interpolate into the JaxDataArray at values into coordinates.

property nonzero_val_coords#

The value and coordinate associated with the only non-zero element of self.values.


Jax works on the values, stash the coords for reconstruction.

classmethod tree_unflatten(aux_data, children)[source]#

How to unflatten the values and coords.


Hash method.