Charge ⚡#
Contains all information about heat simulation. |
Defines thermoelectric simulations. |
Charge Mediums#
Conductor medium for conduction simulations. |
Insulating medium. |
This class is used to define semiconductors. |
The Caughey-Thomas temperature-dependent carrier mobility model. |
Generation Recombination#
Parameters for the Auger recombination model. |
Defines the parameters for the radiative recombination model. |
Defines the parameters for the Shockley-Reed-Hall (SRH) recombination model. |
Sets constant doping |
Sets a gaussian doping in the specified box. |
Parameters for the Slotboom model for band-gap narrowing. |
Charge Carrier Properties#
Specifies parameter's perturbation due to free carrier effects as a linear function of electron and hole densities: |
Specifies parameter's perturbation due to free carrier effects as a custom function of electron and hole densities defined as a two-dimensional array of perturbation values at sample electron and hole density points. |
Boundary Conditions#
Heat BC specification. |
Heat-Charge boundary conditions specification. |
Constant electric potential (voltage) |
Current boundary conditions. |
Insulation boundary condition. |
Placement of boundary conditions between two structures. |
Placement of boundary conditions on the structure's boundary. |
Placement of boundary conditions between two mediums. |
Placement of boundary conditions on the simulation box boundary covered by the structure. |
Placement of boundary conditions on the simulation box boundary. |
Thermal Sources#
Volumetric heat source generated from an electric simulation. |
Grid Specification#
Uniform grid. |
Adaptive grid based on distance to material interfaces. |
Electric potential ( |
Free-carrier monitor for Charge simulations. |
Capacitance monitor associated with a charge simulation. |
Output Data#
Simulation Data#
Stores results of a |
Monitor Data#
Stores electric potential |
Stores free-carrier concentration in charge simulations. |
Class that stores capacitance data from a Charge simulation. |
Unstructured Data Classes#
Dataset for storing triangular grid data. |
Dataset for storing tetrahedral grid data. |
Individual Datasets#
A two-dimensional array that stores coordinates of a collection of points. |
A two-dimensional array that stores indices of points composing each cell in a collection of cells of the same type (for example: triangles, tetrahedra, etc). |
Stores a one-dimensional array enumerated by coordinate |