


class run_async[source]#


Submits a set of Union[Simulation, HeatSimulation, EMESimulation] objects to server, starts running, monitors progress, downloads, and loads results as a BatchData object.

  • simulations (Dict[str, Union[Simulation, HeatSimulation, EMESimulation]]) – Mapping of task name to simulation.

  • folder_name (str = "default") – Name of folder to store each task on web UI.

  • path_dir (str) – Base directory where data will be downloaded, by default current working directory.

  • callback_url (str = None) – Http PUT url to receive simulation finish event. The body content is a json file with fields {'id', 'status', 'name', 'workUnit', 'solverVersion'}.

  • num_workers (int = None) – Number of tasks to submit at once in a batch, if None, will run all at the same time.

  • verbose (bool = True) – If True, will print progressbars and status, otherwise, will run silently.

  • reduce_simulation (Literal["auto", True, False] = "auto") – Whether to reduce structures in the simulation to the simulation domain only. Note: currently only implemented for the mode solver.


Contains the Union[SimulationData, HeatSimulationData, EMESimulationData] for each Union[Simulation, HeatSimulation, EMESimulation] in Batch.

Return type:


See also


Interface for managing the running of a Simulation on server.


Interface for submitting several Simulation objects to sever.

Inherited Common Usage