Source code for tidy3d.web.api.container

"""higher level wrappers for webapi functions for individual (Job) and batch (Batch) tasks."""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
from abc import ABC
from typing import Dict, Tuple
import time

from rich.progress import Progress
import pydantic.v1 as pd

from .tidy3d_stub import SimulationType, SimulationDataType
from ..api import webapi as web
from ..core.task_info import TaskInfo, RunInfo
from ..core.constants import TaskId, TaskName
from ...components.base import Tidy3dBaseModel
from ...components.types import annotate_type
from ...log import log, get_logging_console

from ...exceptions import DataError

DEFAULT_DATA_PATH = "simulation_data.hdf5"

class WebContainer(Tidy3dBaseModel, ABC):
    """Base class for :class:`Job` and :class:`Batch`, technically not used"""

[docs] class Job(WebContainer): """ Interface for managing the running of a :class:`.Simulation` on server. Notes ----- This class provides a more convenient way to manage single simulations, mainly because it eliminates the need for keeping track of the ``task_id`` and original :class:`.Simulation`. We can get the cost estimate of running the task before actually running it. This prevents us from accidentally running large jobs that we set up by mistake. The estimated cost is the maximum cost corresponding to running all the time steps. Another convenient thing about :class:`Job` objects is that they can be saved and loaded just like other ``tidy3d`` components. Examples -------- Once you've created a ``job`` object using :class:`tidy3d.web.api.container.Job`, you can upload it to our servers with: .. code-block:: python tidy3d.web.upload(simulation, task_name="task_name", verbose=verbose)` It will not run until you explicitly tell it to do so with: .. code-block:: python tidy3d.web.api.webapi.start(job.task_id) To monitor the simulation's progress and wait for its completion, use .. code-block:: python tidy3d.web.api.webapi.monitor(job.task_id, verbose=verbose) After running the simulation, you can load the results using for example: .. code-block:: python sim_data = tidy3d.web.api.webapi.load(job.task_id, path="out/simulation.hdf5", verbose=verbose) The job container has a convenient method to save and load the results of a job that has already finished, without needing to know the task_id, as below: .. code-block:: python # Saves the job metadata to a single file. job.to_file("data/job.json") # You can exit the session, break here, or continue in new session. # Load the job metadata from file. job_loaded = tidy3d.web.api.container.Job.from_file("data/job.json") # Download the data from the server and load it into a SimulationData object. sim_data = job_loaded.load(path="data/sim.hdf5") See Also -------- :meth:`tidy3d.web.api.webapi.run_async` Submits a set of :class:`.Simulation` objects to server, starts running, monitors progress, downloads, and loads results as a :class:`.BatchData` object. :class:`Batch` Interface for submitting several :class:`Simulation` objects to sever. **Notebooks** * `Running simulations through the cloud <../../notebooks/WebAPI.html>`_ * `Performing parallel / batch processing of simulations <../../notebooks/ParameterScan.html>`_ * `Inverse taper edge coupler <../../notebooks/EdgeCoupler.html>`_ """ simulation: SimulationType = pd.Field( ..., title="simulation", description="Simulation to run as a 'task'.", discriminator="type", ) task_name: TaskName = pd.Field(..., title="Task Name", description="Unique name of the task.") folder_name: str = pd.Field( "default", title="Folder Name", description="Name of folder to store task on web UI." ) callback_url: str = pd.Field( None, title="Callback URL", description="Http PUT url to receive simulation finish event. " "The body content is a json file with fields " "``{'id', 'status', 'name', 'workUnit', 'solverVersion'}``.", ) solver_version: str = pd.Field( None, title="Solver Version", description_str="Custom solver version to use, " "otherwise uses default for the current front end version.", ) verbose: bool = pd.Field( True, title="Verbose", description="Whether to print info messages and progressbars." ) simulation_type: str = pd.Field( "tidy3d", title="Simulation Type", description="Type of simulation, used internally only.", ) parent_tasks: Tuple[TaskId, ...] = pd.Field( None, title="Parent Tasks", description="Tuple of parent task ids, used internally only." ) task_id: TaskId = pd.Field( None, title="Task Id", description="Task ID number, set when the task is uploaded, leave as None.", ) _upload_fields = ( "simulation", "task_name", "folder_name", "callback_url", "verbose", "simulation_type", "parent_tasks", )
[docs] def run(self, path: str = DEFAULT_DATA_PATH) -> SimulationDataType: """Run :class:`Job` all the way through and return data. Parameters ---------- path_dir : str = "./simulation_data.hdf5" Base directory where data will be downloaded, by default current working directory. Returns ------- Union[:class:`.SimulationData`, :class:`.HeatSimulationData`] Object containing simulation results. """ self.start() self.monitor() return self.load(path=path)
@pd.root_validator() def _upload(cls, values) -> None: """Upload simulation to server without running.""" # task_id already present, don't re-upload if values.get("task_id") is not None: return values # upload kwargs with all fields except task_id upload_kwargs = {key: values.get(key) for key in cls._upload_fields} task_id = web.upload(**upload_kwargs) # then set the task_id and return values["task_id"] = task_id return values
[docs] def get_info(self) -> TaskInfo: """Return information about a :class:`Job`. Returns ------- :class:`TaskInfo` :class:`TaskInfo` object containing info about status, size, credits of task and others. """ return web.get_info(task_id=self.task_id)
@property def status(self): """Return current status of :class:`Job`.""" return self.get_info().status
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Start running a :class:`Job`. Note ---- To monitor progress of the :class:`Job`, call :meth:`Job.monitor` after started. """ web.start(self.task_id, solver_version=self.solver_version)
[docs] def get_run_info(self) -> RunInfo: """Return information about the running :class:`Job`. Returns ------- :class:`RunInfo` Task run information. """ return web.get_run_info(task_id=self.task_id)
[docs] def monitor(self) -> None: """Monitor progress of running :class:`Job`. Note ---- To load the output of completed simulation into :class:`.SimulationData` objects, call :meth:`Job.load`. """ web.monitor(self.task_id, verbose=self.verbose)
[docs] def download(self, path: str = DEFAULT_DATA_PATH) -> None: """Download results of simulation. Parameters ---------- path : str = "./simulation_data.hdf5" Path to download data as ``.hdf5`` file (including filename). Note ---- To load the data after download, use :meth:`Job.load`. """, path=path, verbose=self.verbose)
[docs] def load(self, path: str = DEFAULT_DATA_PATH) -> SimulationDataType: """Download job results and load them into a data object. Parameters ---------- path : str = "./simulation_data.hdf5" Path to download data as ``.hdf5`` file (including filename). Returns ------- Union[:class:`.SimulationData`, :class:`.HeatSimulationData`] Object containing simulation results. """ return web.load(task_id=self.task_id, path=path, verbose=self.verbose)
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """Delete server-side data associated with :class:`Job`.""" web.delete(self.task_id)
[docs] def real_cost(self, verbose: bool = True) -> float: """Get the billed cost for the task associated with this job. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool = True Whether to log the cost and helpful messages. Returns ------- float Billed cost of the task in FlexCredits. """ return web.real_cost(self.task_id, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def estimate_cost(self, verbose: bool = True) -> float: """Compute the maximum FlexCredit charge for a given :class:`.Job`. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool = True Whether to log the cost and helpful messages. Returns ------- float Estimated cost of the task in FlexCredits. Note ---- Cost is calculated assuming the simulation runs for the full ``run_time``. If early shut-off is triggered, the cost is adjusted proportionately. """ return web.estimate_cost(self.task_id, verbose=verbose)
[docs] class BatchData(Tidy3dBaseModel): """ Holds a collection of :class:`.SimulationData` returned by :class:`Batch`. Notes ----- When the batch is completed, the output is not a :class:`.SimulationData` but rather a :class:`BatchData`. The data within this :class:`BatchData` object can either be indexed directly ``batch_results[task_name]`` or can be looped through ``batch_results.items()`` to get the :class:`.SimulationData` for each task. See Also -------- :class:`Batch`: Interface for submitting several :class:`.Simulation` objects to sever. :class:`.SimulationData`: Stores data from a collection of :class:`.Monitor` objects in a :class:`.Simulation`. **Notebooks** * `Running simulations through the cloud <../../notebooks/WebAPI.html>`_ * `Performing parallel / batch processing of simulations <../../notebooks/ParameterScan.html>`_ """ task_paths: Dict[TaskName, str] = pd.Field( ..., title="Data Paths", description="Mapping of task_name to path to corresponding data for each task in batch.", ) task_ids: Dict[TaskName, str] = pd.Field( ..., title="Task IDs", description="Mapping of task_name to task_id for each task in batch." ) verbose: bool = pd.Field( True, title="Verbose", description="Whether to print info messages and progressbars." )
[docs] def load_sim_data(self, task_name: str) -> SimulationDataType: """Load a simulation data object from file by task name.""" task_data_path = self.task_paths[task_name] task_id = self.task_ids[task_name] web.get_info(task_id) return web.load( task_id=task_id, path=task_data_path, replace_existing=False, verbose=self.verbose, )
[docs] def items(self) -> Tuple[TaskName, SimulationDataType]: """Iterate through the simulations for each task_name.""" for task_name in self.task_paths.keys(): yield task_name, self.load_sim_data(task_name)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, task_name: TaskName) -> SimulationDataType: """Get the simulation data object for a given ``task_name``.""" return self.load_sim_data(task_name)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path_dir: str = DEFAULT_DATA_DIR) -> BatchData: """Load :class:`Batch` from file, download results, and load them. Parameters ---------- path_dir : str = './' Base directory where data will be downloaded, by default current working directory. A `batch.hdf5` file must be present in the directory. Returns ------ :class:`BatchData` Contains Union[:class:`.SimulationData`, :class:`.HeatSimulationData`] for each Union[:class:`.Simulation`, :class:`.HeatSimulation`] in :class:`Batch`. """ batch_file = Batch._batch_path(path_dir=path_dir) batch = Batch.from_file(batch_file) return batch.load(path_dir=path_dir)
[docs] class Batch(WebContainer): """ Interface for submitting several :class:`Simulation` objects to sever. Notes ----- Commonly one needs to submit a batch of :class:`Simulation`. The built-in :class:`Batch` object is the best way to upload, start, monitor, and load a series of tasks. The batch object is like a :class:`Job`, but stores task metadata for a series of simulations. See Also -------- :meth:`tidy3d.web.api.webapi.run_async` Submits a set of :class:`.Simulation` objects to server, starts running, monitors progress, downloads, and loads results as a :class:`.BatchData` object. :class:`Job`: Interface for managing the running of a Simulation on server. **Notebooks** * `Running simulations through the cloud <../../notebooks/WebAPI.html>`_ * `Performing parallel / batch processing of simulations <../../notebooks/ParameterScan.html>`_ * `Inverse taper edge coupler <../../notebooks/EdgeCoupler.html>`_ """ simulations: Dict[TaskName, annotate_type(SimulationType)] = pd.Field( ..., title="Simulations", description="Mapping of task names to Simulations to run as a batch.", ) folder_name: str = pd.Field( "default", title="Folder Name", description="Name of folder to store member of each batch on web UI.", ) verbose: bool = pd.Field( True, title="Verbose", description="Whether to print info messages and progressbars." ) solver_version: str = pd.Field( None, title="Solver Version", description_str="Custom solver version to use, " "otherwise uses default for the current front end version.", ) callback_url: str = pd.Field( None, title="Callback URL", description="Http PUT url to receive simulation finish event. " "The body content is a json file with fields " "``{'id', 'status', 'name', 'workUnit', 'solverVersion'}``.", ) simulation_type: str = pd.Field( "tidy3d", title="Simulation Type", description="Type of each simulation in the batch, used internally only.", ) parent_tasks: Dict[str, Tuple[TaskId, ...]] = pd.Field( None, title="Parent Tasks", description="Collection of parent task ids for each job in batch, used internally only.", ) jobs: Dict[TaskName, Job] = pd.Field( None, title="Simulations", description="Mapping of task names to individual Job object for each task in the batch. " "Set by ``Batch.upload``, leave as None.", ) @staticmethod def _check_path_dir(path_dir: str) -> None: """Make sure ``path_dir`` exists and create one if not.""" if not os.path.exists(path_dir): os.makedirs(path_dir, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def run(self, path_dir: str = DEFAULT_DATA_DIR) -> BatchData: """Upload and run each simulation in :class:`Batch`. Parameters ---------- path_dir : str Base directory where data will be downloaded, by default current working directory. Returns ------ :class:`BatchData` Contains Union[:class:`.SimulationData`, :class:`.HeatSimulationData`] for each Union[:class:`.Simulation`, :class:`.HeatSimulation`] in :class:`Batch`. Note ---- A typical usage might look like: >>> from tidy3d.web.api.container import Batch >>> custom_batch = Batch() >>> batch_data = # doctest: +SKIP >>> for task_name, sim_data in batch_data.items(): # doctest: +SKIP ... # do something with data. # doctest: +SKIP ``bach_data`` does not store all of the data objects in memory, rather it iterates over the task names and loads the corresponding data from file one by one. If no file exists for that task, it downloads it. """ self._check_path_dir(path_dir) self.start() self.monitor() return self.load(path_dir=path_dir)
@pd.validator("jobs", always=True) def _upload(cls, val, values) -> None: """Create a series of tasks in the :class:`.Batch` and upload them to server. Note ---- To start the simulations running, must call :meth:`Batch.start` after uploaded. """ if val is not None: return val # the type of job to upload (to generalize to subclasses) JobType = cls.__fields__["jobs"].type_ parent_tasks = values.get("parent_tasks") verbose = bool(values.get("verbose")) solver_version = values.get("solver_version") jobs = {} for task_name, simulation in values.get("simulations").items(): upload_kwargs = {key: values.get(key) for key in JobType._upload_fields} upload_kwargs["task_name"] = task_name upload_kwargs["simulation"] = simulation upload_kwargs["verbose"] = verbose upload_kwargs["solver_version"] = solver_version if parent_tasks and task_name in parent_tasks: upload_kwargs["parent_tasks"] = parent_tasks[task_name] job = JobType(**upload_kwargs) jobs[task_name] = job return jobs
[docs] def get_info(self) -> Dict[TaskName, TaskInfo]: """Get information about each task in the :class:`Batch`. Returns ------- Dict[str, :class:`TaskInfo`] Mapping of task name to data about task associated with each task. """ info_dict = {} for task_name, job in task_info = job.get_info() info_dict[task_name] = task_info return info_dict
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Start running all tasks in the :class:`Batch`. Note ---- To monitor the running simulations, can call :meth:`Batch.monitor`. """ for _, job in job.start()
[docs] def get_run_info(self) -> Dict[TaskName, RunInfo]: """get information about a each of the tasks in the :class:`Batch`. Returns ------- Dict[str: :class:`RunInfo`] Maps task names to run info for each task in the :class:`Batch`. """ run_info_dict = {} for task_name, job in run_info = job.get_run_info() run_info_dict[task_name] = run_info return run_info_dict
[docs] def monitor(self) -> None: """Monitor progress of each of the running tasks. Note ---- To loop through the data of completed simulations, can call :meth:`Batch.items`. """ def pbar_description(task_name: str, status: str) -> str: """Make a progressbar description based on the status.""" description = f"{task_name}: status = {status}" # if something went wrong, make it red if "error" in status or "diverge" in status: description = f"[red]{description}" return description run_statuses = [ "draft", "queued", "preprocess", "queued_solver", "running", "postprocess", "visualize", "success", ] end_statuses = ("success", "error", "errored", "diverged", "diverge", "deleted", "draft") if self.verbose: console = get_logging_console() console.log("Started working on Batch.") self.estimate_cost() console.log( "Use 'Batch.real_cost()' to " "get the billed FlexCredit cost after the Batch has completed." ) with Progress(console=console) as progress: # create progressbars pbar_tasks = {} for task_name, job in status = job.status description = pbar_description(task_name, status) pbar = progress.add_task(description, total=len(run_statuses) - 1) pbar_tasks[task_name] = pbar while any(job.status not in end_statuses for job in for task_name, job in pbar = pbar_tasks[task_name] status = job.status description = pbar_description(task_name, status) # if a problem occurred, update progressbar completion to 100% if status not in run_statuses: completed = run_statuses.index("success") else: completed = run_statuses.index(status) progress.update(pbar, description=description, completed=completed) time.sleep(web.REFRESH_TIME) # set all to 100% completed (if error or diverge, will be red) for task_name, job in pbar = pbar_tasks[task_name] status = job.status description = pbar_description(task_name, status) progress.update( pbar, description=description, completed=len(run_statuses) - 1, refresh=True, ) console.log("Batch complete.") else: while any(job.status not in end_statuses for job in time.sleep(web.REFRESH_TIME)
@staticmethod def _job_data_path(task_id: TaskId, path_dir: str = DEFAULT_DATA_DIR): """Default path to data of a single :class:`Job` in :class:`Batch`. Parameters ---------- task_id : str task_id corresponding to a :class:`Job`. path_dir : str = './' Base directory where data will be downloaded, by default, the current working directory. Returns ------- str Full path to the data file. """ return os.path.join(path_dir, f"{str(task_id)}.hdf5") @staticmethod def _batch_path(path_dir: str = DEFAULT_DATA_DIR): """Default path to save :class:`Batch` hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- path_dir : str = './' Base directory where the batch.hdf5 will be downloaded, by default, the current working directory. Returns ------- str Full path to the batch file. """ return os.path.join(path_dir, "batch.hdf5")
[docs] def download(self, path_dir: str = DEFAULT_DATA_DIR) -> None: """Download results of each task. Parameters ---------- path_dir : str = './' Base directory where data will be downloaded, by default the current working directory. Note ---- To load and iterate through the data, use :meth:`Batch.items()`. The data for each task will be named as ``{path_dir}/{task_id}.hdf5``. The :class:`Batch` hdf5 file will be automatically saved as ``{path_dir}/batch.hdf5``, allowing one to load this :class:`Batch` later using ``batch = Batch.from_file()``. """ self.to_file(self._batch_path(path_dir=path_dir)) for task_name, job in job_path = self._job_data_path(task_id=job.task_id, path_dir=path_dir) if "error" in job.status: log.warning(f"Not downloading '{task_name}' as the task errored.") continue
[docs] def load(self, path_dir: str = DEFAULT_DATA_DIR) -> BatchData: """Download results and load them into :class:`.BatchData` object. Parameters ---------- path_dir : str = './' Base directory where data will be downloaded, by default current working directory. Returns ------ :class:`BatchData` Contains Union[:class:`.SimulationData`, :class:`.HeatSimulationData`] for each Union[:class:`.Simulation`, :class:`.HeatSimulation`] in :class:`Batch`. The :class:`Batch` hdf5 file will be automatically saved as ``{path_dir}/batch.hdf5``, allowing one to load this :class:`Batch` later using ``batch = Batch.from_file()``. """ self.to_file(self._batch_path(path_dir=path_dir)) if is None: raise DataError("Can't load batch results, hasn't been uploaded.") task_paths = {} task_ids = {} for task_name, job in if "error" in job.status: log.warning(f"Not loading '{task_name}' as the task errored.") continue task_paths[task_name] = self._job_data_path(task_id=job.task_id, path_dir=path_dir) task_ids[task_name] =[task_name].task_id return BatchData(task_paths=task_paths, task_ids=task_ids, verbose=self.verbose)
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """Delete server-side data associated with each task in the batch.""" for _, job in job.delete()
[docs] def real_cost(self, verbose: bool = True) -> float: """Get the sum of billed costs for each task associated with this batch. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool = True Whether to log the cost and helpful messages. Returns ------- float Billed cost for the entire :class:`.Batch`. """ real_cost_sum = 0.0 for _, job in cost_job = job.real_cost(verbose=False) if cost_job is not None: real_cost_sum += cost_job real_cost_sum = real_cost_sum or None # convert to None if 0 if real_cost_sum and verbose: console = get_logging_console() console.log(f"Total billed flex credit cost: {real_cost_sum:1.3f}.") return real_cost_sum
[docs] def estimate_cost(self, verbose: bool = True) -> float: """Compute the maximum FlexCredit charge for a given :class:`.Batch`. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool = True Whether to log the cost and helpful messages. Note ---- Cost is calculated assuming the simulation runs for the full ``run_time``. If early shut-off is triggered, the cost is adjusted proportionately. Returns ------- float Estimated total cost of the tasks in FlexCredits. """ batch_cost = sum(job.estimate_cost(verbose=False) for _, job in if verbose: console = get_logging_console() if batch_cost is not None and batch_cost > 0: console.log(f"Maximum FlexCredit cost: {batch_cost:1.3f} for the whole batch.") else: console.log("Could not get estimated batch cost!") return batch_cost