"""Objects that define how data is recorded from simulation."""
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pydantic.v1 as pydantic
from ..constants import HERTZ, MICROMETER, RADIAN, SECOND, inf
from ..exceptions import SetupError, ValidationError
from ..log import log
from .apodization import ApodizationSpec
from .base import Tidy3dBaseModel, cached_property, skip_if_fields_missing
from .base_sim.monitor import AbstractMonitor
from .medium import MediumType
from .mode import ModeSpec
from .types import (
from .validators import assert_plane, validate_freqs_min, validate_freqs_not_empty
# Field projection windowing factor that determines field decay at the edges of surface field
# projection monitors. A value of 15 leads to a decay of < 1e-3x in field amplitude.
# This number relates directly to the standard deviation of the Gaussian function which is used
# for windowing the monitor.
class Monitor(AbstractMonitor):
"""Abstract base class for monitors."""
interval_space: Tuple[Literal[1], Literal[1], Literal[1]] = pydantic.Field(
(1, 1, 1),
title="Spatial Interval",
description="Number of grid step intervals between monitor recordings. If equal to 1, "
"there will be no downsampling. If greater than 1, the step will be applied, but the "
"first and last point of the monitor grid are always included. "
"Not all monitors support values different from 1.",
colocate: Literal[True] = pydantic.Field(
title="Colocate Fields",
description="Defines whether fields are colocated to grid cell boundaries (i.e. to the "
"primal grid) on-the-fly during a solver run. Can be toggled for field recording monitors "
"and is hard-coded for other monitors depending on their specific function.",
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
def _storage_size_solver(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of intermediate data recorded by the monitor during a solver run."""
return self.storage_size(num_cells=num_cells, tmesh=tmesh)
class FreqMonitor(Monitor, ABC):
""":class:`Monitor` that records data in the frequency-domain."""
freqs: FreqArray = pydantic.Field(
description="Array or list of frequencies stored by the field monitor.",
apodization: ApodizationSpec = pydantic.Field(
title="Apodization Specification",
description="Sets parameters of (optional) apodization. Apodization applies a windowing "
"function to the Fourier transform of the time-domain fields into frequency-domain ones, "
"and can be used to truncate the beginning and/or end of the time signal, for example "
"to eliminate the source pulse when studying the eigenmodes of a system. Note: apodization "
"affects the normalization of the frequency-domain fields.",
_freqs_not_empty = validate_freqs_not_empty()
_freqs_lower_bound = validate_freqs_min()
@pydantic.validator("freqs", always=True)
def _warn_num_freqs(cls, val, values):
"""Warn if number of frequencies is too large."""
if len(val) > WARN_NUM_FREQS:
f"A large number ({len(val)}) of frequencies detected in monitor "
f"'{values['name']}'. This can lead to solver slow-down and increased cost. "
"Consider decreasing the number of frequencies in the monitor. This may become a "
"hard limit in future Tidy3D versions.",
return val
def frequency_range(self) -> FreqBound:
"""Frequency range of the array ``self.freqs``.
Tuple[float, float]
Minimum and maximum frequencies of the frequency array.
return (min(self.freqs), max(self.freqs))
class TimeMonitor(Monitor, ABC):
""":class:`Monitor` that records data in the time-domain."""
start: pydantic.NonNegativeFloat = pydantic.Field(
title="Start Time",
description="Time at which to start monitor recording.",
stop: pydantic.NonNegativeFloat = pydantic.Field(
title="Stop Time",
description="Time at which to stop monitor recording. "
"If not specified, record until end of simulation.",
interval: pydantic.PositiveInt = pydantic.Field(
title="Time Interval",
description="Sampling rate of the monitor: number of time steps between each measurement. "
"Set ``interval`` to 1 for the highest possible resolution in time. "
"Higher integer values downsample the data by measuring every ``interval`` time steps. "
"This can be useful for reducing data storage as needed by the application.",
@pydantic.validator("interval", always=True)
@skip_if_fields_missing(["start", "stop"])
def _warn_interval_default(cls, val, values):
"""If all defaults used for time sampler, warn and set ``interval=1`` internally."""
if val is None:
start = values.get("start")
stop = values.get("stop")
if start == 0.0 and stop is None:
"The monitor 'interval' field was left as its default value, "
"which will set it to 1 internally. "
"A value of 1 means that the data will be sampled at every time step, "
"which may potentially produce more data than desired, "
"depending on the use case. "
"To reduce data storage, one may downsample the data by setting 'interval > 1'"
" or by choosing alternative 'start' and 'stop' values for the time sampling. "
"If you intended to use the highest resolution time sampling, "
"you may suppress this warning "
"by explicitly setting 'interval=1' in the monitor."
# set 'interval = 1' for backwards compatibility
val = 1
return val
@pydantic.validator("stop", always=True, allow_reuse=True)
def stop_greater_than_start(cls, val, values):
"""Ensure sure stop is greater than or equal to start."""
start = values.get("start")
if val and val < start:
raise SetupError("Monitor start time is greater than stop time.")
return val
def time_inds(self, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Compute the starting and stopping index of the monitor in a given discrete time mesh."""
tmesh = np.array(tmesh)
tind_beg, tind_end = (0, 0)
if tmesh.size == 0:
return (tind_beg, tind_end)
# If monitor.stop is None, record until the end
t_stop = self.stop
if t_stop is None:
tind_end = int(tmesh.size)
t_stop = tmesh[-1]
tend = np.nonzero(tmesh <= t_stop)[0]
if tend.size > 0:
tind_end = int(tend[-1] + 1)
# Step to compare to in order to handle t_start = t_stop
dt = 1e-20 if np.array(tmesh).size < 2 else tmesh[1] - tmesh[0]
# If equal start and stopping time, record one time step
if np.abs(self.start - t_stop) < dt and self.start <= tmesh[-1]:
tind_beg = max(tind_end - 1, 0)
tbeg = np.nonzero(tmesh[:tind_end] >= self.start)[0]
tind_beg = tbeg[0] if tbeg.size > 0 else tind_end
return (tind_beg, tind_end)
def num_steps(self, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Compute number of time steps for a time monitor."""
tind_beg, tind_end = self.time_inds(tmesh)
return int((tind_end - tind_beg) / self.interval)
class AbstractFieldMonitor(Monitor, ABC):
""":class:`Monitor` that records electromagnetic field data as a function of x,y,z."""
fields: Tuple[EMField, ...] = pydantic.Field(
["Ex", "Ey", "Ez", "Hx", "Hy", "Hz"],
title="Field Components",
description="Collection of field components to store in the monitor.",
interval_space: Tuple[pydantic.PositiveInt, pydantic.PositiveInt, pydantic.PositiveInt] = (
(1, 1, 1),
title="Spatial Interval",
description="Number of grid step intervals between monitor recordings. If equal to 1, "
"there will be no downsampling. If greater than 1, the step will be applied, but the "
"first and last point of the monitor grid are always included.",
colocate: bool = pydantic.Field(
title="Colocate Fields",
description="Toggle whether fields should be colocated to grid cell boundaries (i.e. "
"primal grid nodes).",
def _storage_size_solver(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of intermediate data recorded by the monitor during a solver run."""
final_data_size = self.storage_size(num_cells=num_cells, tmesh=tmesh)
if len(self.fields) == 0:
return 0
# internally solver stores all E components if any one is requested, and same for H
field_components_factor = 0
if any(comp[0] == "E" for comp in self.fields):
field_components_factor += 3
if any(comp[0] == "H" for comp in self.fields):
field_components_factor += 3
# take out the stored field components factor and use the solver factor instead
solver_data_size = final_data_size / len(self.fields) * field_components_factor
return solver_data_size
class PlanarMonitor(Monitor, ABC):
""":class:`Monitor` that has a planar geometry."""
_plane_validator = assert_plane()
def normal_axis(self) -> Axis:
"""Axis normal to the monitor's plane."""
return self.size.index(0.0)
class AbstractModeMonitor(PlanarMonitor, FreqMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that records mode-related data."""
mode_spec: ModeSpec = pydantic.Field(
title="Mode Specification",
description="Parameters to feed to mode solver which determine modes measured by monitor.",
store_fields_direction: Direction = pydantic.Field(
title="Store Fields",
description="Propagation direction for the mode field profiles stored from mode solving.",
def plot(
x: float = None,
y: float = None,
z: float = None,
ax: Ax = None,
) -> Ax:
"""Plot this monitor."""
# call the monitor.plot() function first
ax = super().plot(x=x, y=y, z=z, ax=ax, **patch_kwargs)
kwargs_alpha = patch_kwargs.get("alpha")
arrow_alpha = ARROW_ALPHA if kwargs_alpha is None else kwargs_alpha
# and then add an arrow using the direction comuputed from `_dir_arrow`.
ax = self._plot_arrow(
return ax
def _dir_arrow(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Source direction normal vector in cartesian coordinates."""
dx = np.cos(self.mode_spec.angle_phi) * np.sin(self.mode_spec.angle_theta)
dy = np.sin(self.mode_spec.angle_phi) * np.sin(self.mode_spec.angle_theta)
dz = np.cos(self.mode_spec.angle_theta)
return self.unpop_axis(dz, (dx, dy), axis=self.normal_axis)
def _bend_axis(self) -> Axis:
if self.mode_spec.bend_radius is None:
return None
in_plane = [0, 0]
in_plane[self.mode_spec.bend_axis] = 1
direction = self.unpop_axis(0, in_plane, axis=self.normal_axis)
return direction.index(1)
@pydantic.validator("mode_spec", always=True)
def _warn_num_modes(cls, val, values):
"""Warn if number of modes is too large."""
if val.num_modes > WARN_NUM_MODES:
f"A large number ({val.num_modes}) of modes requested in monitor "
f"'{values['name']}'. This can lead to solver slow-down and increased cost. "
"Consider decreasing the number of modes and using 'ModeSpec.target_neff' "
"to target the modes of interest. This may become a hard limit in future "
"Tidy3D versions.",
custom_loc=["mode_spec", "num_modes"],
return val
def _storage_size_solver(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of intermediate data recorded by the monitor during a solver run."""
# Need to store all fields on the mode surface
bytes_single = BYTES_COMPLEX * num_cells * len(self.freqs) * self.mode_spec.num_modes * 6
if self.mode_spec.precision == "double":
return 2 * bytes_single
return bytes_single
class FieldMonitor(AbstractFieldMonitor, FreqMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that records electromagnetic fields in the frequency domain.
:class:`FieldMonitor` objects operate by running a discrete Fourier transform of the fields at a given set of
frequencies to perform the calculation “in-place” with the time stepping. :class:`FieldMonitor` objects are
useful for investigating the steady-state field distribution in 2D and 3D regions of the simulation.
>>> monitor = FieldMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(2,2,2),
... fields=['Hx'],
... freqs=[250e12, 300e12],
... name='steady_state_monitor',
... colocate=True)
See Also
* `Quickstart <../../notebooks/StartHere.html>`_: Usage in a basic simulation flow.
* `Introduction to FDTD Simulation <https://www.flexcompute.com/fdtd101/Lecture-1-Introduction-to-FDTD-Simulation/#presentation-slides>`_: Usage in a basic simulation flow.
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
# stores 1 complex number per grid cell, per frequency, per field
return BYTES_COMPLEX * num_cells * len(self.freqs) * len(self.fields)
class FieldTimeMonitor(AbstractFieldMonitor, TimeMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that records electromagnetic fields in the time domain.
:class:`FieldTimeMonitor` objects are best used to monitor the time dependence of the fields at a single
point, but they can also be used to create “animations” of the field pattern evolution.
To create an animation, we need to capture the frames at different time instances of the simulation. This can
be done by using a :class:`FieldTimeMonitor`. Usually a FDTD simulation contains a large number of time steps
and grid points. Recording the field at every time step and grid point will result in a large dataset. For
the purpose of making animations, this is usually unnecessary.
>>> monitor = FieldTimeMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(2,2,2),
... fields=['Hx'],
... start=1e-13,
... stop=5e-13,
... interval=2,
... colocate=True,
... name='movie_monitor')
See Also
* `First walkthrough <../../notebooks/Simulation.html>`_: Usage in a basic simulation flow.
* `Creating FDTD animations <../../notebooks/AnimationTutorial.html>`_.
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
# stores 1 real number per grid cell, per time step, per field
num_steps = self.num_steps(tmesh)
return BYTES_REAL * num_steps * num_cells * len(self.fields)
class PermittivityMonitor(FreqMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that records the diagonal components of the complex-valued relative
permittivity tensor in the frequency domain. The recorded data has the same shape as a
:class:`.FieldMonitor` of the same geometry: the permittivity values are saved at the
Yee grid locations, and can be interpolated to any point inside the monitor.
If 2D materials are present, then the permittivity values correspond to the
volumetric equivalent of the 2D materials.
.. TODO add links to relevant areas
>>> monitor = PermittivityMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(2,2,2),
... freqs=[250e12, 300e12],
... name='eps_monitor')
colocate: Literal[False] = pydantic.Field(
title="Colocate Fields",
description="Colocation turned off, since colocated permittivity values do not have a "
"physical meaning - they do not correspond to the subpixel-averaged ones.",
interval_space: Tuple[pydantic.PositiveInt, pydantic.PositiveInt, pydantic.PositiveInt] = (
(1, 1, 1),
title="Spatial Interval",
description="Number of grid step intervals between monitor recordings. If equal to 1, "
"there will be no downsampling. If greater than 1, the step will be applied, but the "
"first and last point of the monitor grid are always included.",
apodization: ApodizationSpec = pydantic.Field(
title="Apodization Specification",
description="This field is ignored in this monitor.",
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
# stores 3 complex number per grid cell, per frequency
return BYTES_COMPLEX * num_cells * len(self.freqs) * 3
class SurfaceIntegrationMonitor(Monitor, ABC):
"""Abstract class for monitors that perform surface integrals during the solver run, as in
flux and near to far transformations."""
normal_dir: Direction = pydantic.Field(
title="Normal Vector Orientation",
description="Direction of the surface monitor's normal vector w.r.t. "
"the positive x, y or z unit vectors. Must be one of ``'+'`` or ``'-'``. "
"Applies to surface monitors only, and defaults to ``'+'`` if not provided.",
exclude_surfaces: Tuple[BoxSurface, ...] = pydantic.Field(
title="Excluded Surfaces",
description="Surfaces to exclude in the integration, if a volume monitor.",
def integration_surfaces(self):
"""Surfaces of the monitor where fields will be recorded for subsequent integration."""
if self.size.count(0.0) == 0:
return self.surfaces_with_exclusion(**self.dict())
return [self]
def normal_dir_exists_for_surface(cls, values):
"""If the monitor is a surface, set default ``normal_dir`` if not provided.
If the monitor is a box, warn that ``normal_dir`` is relevant only for surfaces."""
normal_dir = values.get("normal_dir")
name = values.get("name")
size = values.get("size")
if size.count(0.0) != 1:
if normal_dir is not None:
"The ``normal_dir`` field is relevant only for surface monitors "
f"and will be ignored for monitor {name}, which is a box."
if normal_dir is None:
values["normal_dir"] = "+"
return values
def check_excluded_surfaces(cls, values):
"""Error if ``exclude_surfaces`` is provided for a surface monitor."""
exclude_surfaces = values.get("exclude_surfaces")
if exclude_surfaces is None:
return values
name = values.get("name")
size = values.get("size")
if size.count(0.0) > 0:
raise SetupError(
f"Can't specify ``exclude_surfaces`` for surface monitor {name}; "
"valid for box monitors only."
return values
def _storage_size_solver(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of intermediate data recorded by the monitor during a solver run."""
# Need to store all fields on the integration surface. Frequency-domain monitors store at
# all frequencies, time domain at the current time step only.
num_sample = len(getattr(self, "freqs", [0]))
return BYTES_COMPLEX * num_cells * num_sample * 6
class AbstractFluxMonitor(SurfaceIntegrationMonitor, ABC):
""":class:`Monitor` that records flux during the solver run."""
class FluxMonitor(AbstractFluxMonitor, FreqMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that records power flux in the frequency domain.
If the monitor geometry is a 2D box, the total flux through this plane is returned, with a
positive sign corresponding to power flow in the positive direction along the axis normal to
the plane. If the geometry is a 3D box, the total power coming out of the box is returned by
integrating the flux over all box surfaces (except the ones defined in ``exclude_surfaces``).
>>> monitor = FluxMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(2,2,0),
... freqs=[200e12, 210e12],
... name='flux_monitor')
See Also
* `THz integrated demultiplexer/filter based on a ring resonator <../../notebooks/THzDemultiplexerFilter.html>`_
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
# stores 1 real number per frequency
return BYTES_REAL * len(self.freqs)
class FluxTimeMonitor(AbstractFluxMonitor, TimeMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that records power flux in the time domain.
If the monitor geometry is a 2D box, the total flux through this plane is returned, with a
positive sign corresponding to power flow in the positive direction along the axis normal to
the plane. If the geometry is a 3D box, the total power coming out of the box is returned by
integrating the flux over all box surfaces (except the ones defined in ``exclude_surfaces``).
>>> monitor = FluxTimeMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(2,2,0),
... start=1e-13,
... stop=5e-13,
... interval=2,
... name='flux_vs_time')
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
# stores 1 real number per time step
num_steps = self.num_steps(tmesh)
return BYTES_REAL * num_steps
class ModeMonitor(AbstractModeMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that records amplitudes from modal decomposition of fields on plane.
The fields recorded by frequency monitors (and hence also mode monitors) are automatically
normalized by the power amplitude spectrum of the source. For multiple sources, the user can
select which source to use for the normalization too.
We can also use the mode amplitudes recorded in the mode monitor to reveal the decomposition
of the radiated power into forward- and backward-propagating modes, respectively.
.. TODO give an example of how to extract the data from this mode.
.. TODO add derivation in the notebook.
.. TODO add link to method
.. TODO add links to notebooks correspondingly
>>> mode_spec = ModeSpec(num_modes=3)
>>> monitor = ModeMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(2,2,0),
... freqs=[200e12, 210e12],
... mode_spec=mode_spec,
... name='mode_monitor')
See Also
* `ModalSourcesMonitors <../../notebooks/ModalSourcesMonitors.html>`_
colocate: Literal[False] = pydantic.Field(
title="Colocate Fields",
description="Defines whether fields are colocated to grid cell boundaries (i.e. to the "
"primal grid) on-the-fly during a solver run. Can be toggled for field recording monitors "
"and is hard-coded for other monitors depending on their specific function.",
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: int) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
amps_size = 3 * BYTES_COMPLEX * len(self.freqs) * self.mode_spec.num_modes
fields_size = 0
if self.store_fields_direction is not None:
fields_size = 6 * BYTES_COMPLEX * num_cells * len(self.freqs) * self.mode_spec.num_modes
if self.mode_spec.precision == "double":
fields_size *= 2
return amps_size + fields_size
class ModeSolverMonitor(AbstractModeMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that stores the mode field profiles returned by the mode solver in the
monitor plane.
>>> mode_spec = ModeSpec(num_modes=3)
>>> monitor = ModeSolverMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(2,2,0),
... freqs=[200e12, 210e12],
... mode_spec=mode_spec,
... name='mode_monitor')
direction: Direction = pydantic.Field(
title="Propagation Direction",
description="Direction of waveguide mode propagation along the axis defined by its normal "
colocate: bool = pydantic.Field(
title="Colocate Fields",
description="Toggle whether fields should be colocated to grid cell boundaries (i.e. "
"primal grid nodes).",
def set_store_fields(cls, values):
"""Ensure 'store_fields_direction' is compatible with 'direction'."""
store_fields_direction = values["store_fields_direction"]
direction = values["direction"]
if store_fields_direction is None:
values["store_fields_direction"] = direction
elif store_fields_direction != direction:
raise ValidationError(
f"The values of 'direction' ({direction}) and 'store_fields_direction' "
f"({store_fields_direction}) must be equal."
return values
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: int) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
bytes_single = 6 * BYTES_COMPLEX * num_cells * len(self.freqs) * self.mode_spec.num_modes
if self.mode_spec.precision == "double":
return 2 * bytes_single
return bytes_single
class FieldProjectionSurface(Tidy3dBaseModel):
Data structure to store surface monitors where near fields are recorded for
field projections.
.. TODO add example and derivation, and more relevant links.
See Also
* `Performing near field to far field projections <../../notebooks/FieldProjections.html>`_
monitor: FieldMonitor = pydantic.Field(
title="Field Monitor",
description=":class:`.FieldMonitor` on which near fields will be sampled and integrated.",
normal_dir: Direction = pydantic.Field(
title="Normal Vector Orientation",
description=":class:`.Direction` of the surface monitor's normal vector w.r.t.\
the positive x, y or z unit vectors. Must be one of '+' or '-'.",
def axis(self) -> Axis:
"""Returns the :class:`.Axis` normal to this surface."""
# assume that the monitor's axis is in the direction where the monitor is thinnest
return self.monitor.size.index(0.0)
@pydantic.validator("monitor", always=True)
def is_plane(cls, val):
"""Ensures that the monitor is a plane, i.e., its ``size`` attribute has exactly 1 zero"""
size = val.size
if size.count(0.0) != 1:
raise ValidationError(f"Monitor '{val.name}' must be planar, given size={size}")
return val
class AbstractFieldProjectionMonitor(SurfaceIntegrationMonitor, FreqMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that samples electromagnetic near fields in the frequency domain
and projects them to a given set of observation points.
custom_origin: Coordinate = pydantic.Field(
title="Local Origin",
description="Local origin used for defining observation points. If ``None``, uses the "
"monitor's center.",
far_field_approx: bool = pydantic.Field(
title="Far Field Approximation",
description="Whether to enable the far field approximation when projecting fields. "
"If ``True``, terms that decay as O(1/r^2) are ignored, as are the radial components "
"of fields. Typically, this should be set to ``True`` only when the projection distance "
"is much larger than the size of the device being modeled, and the projected points are "
"in the far field of the device.",
interval_space: Tuple[pydantic.PositiveInt, pydantic.PositiveInt, pydantic.PositiveInt] = (
(1, 1, 1),
title="Spatial Interval",
description="Number of grid step intervals at which near fields are recorded for "
"projection to the far field, along each direction. If equal to 1, there will be no "
"downsampling. If greater than 1, the step will be applied, but the first and last "
"point of the monitor grid are always included. Using values greater than 1 can "
"help speed up server-side far field projections with minimal accuracy loss, "
"especially in cases where it is necessary for the grid resolution to be high for "
"the FDTD simulation, but such a high resolution is unnecessary for the purpose of "
"projecting the recorded near fields to the far field.",
window_size: Tuple[pydantic.NonNegativeFloat, pydantic.NonNegativeFloat] = pydantic.Field(
(0, 0),
title="Spatial filtering window size",
description="Size of the transition region of the windowing function used to ensure that "
"the recorded near fields decay to zero near the edges of the monitor. "
"The two components refer to the two tangential directions associated with each surface. "
"For surfaces with the normal along ``x``, the two components are (``y``, ``z``). "
"For surfaces with the normal along ``y``, the two components are (``x``, ``z``). "
"For surfaces with the normal along ``z``, the two components are (``x``, ``y``). "
"Each value must be between 0 and 1, inclusive, and denotes the size of the transition "
"region over which fields are scaled to less than a thousandth of the original amplitude, "
"relative to half the size of the monitor in that direction. A value of 0 turns windowing "
"off in that direction, while a value of 1 indicates that the window will be applied to "
"the entire monitor in that direction. This field is applicable for surface monitors only, "
"and otherwise must remain (0, 0).",
medium: MediumType = pydantic.Field(
title="Projection medium",
description="Medium through which to project fields. Generally, the fields should be "
"projected through the same medium as the one in which this monitor is placed, and "
"this is the default behavior when ``medium=None``. A custom ``medium`` can be useful "
"in some situations for advanced users, but we recommend trying to avoid using a "
"non-default ``medium``.",
@pydantic.validator("window_size", always=True)
@skip_if_fields_missing(["size", "name"])
def window_size_for_surface(cls, val, values):
"""Ensures that windowing is applied for surface monitors only."""
size = values.get("size")
name = values.get("name")
if size.count(0.0) != 1:
if val != (0, 0):
raise ValidationError(
f"A non-zero 'window_size' cannot be used for projection monitor '{name}'. "
"Windowing can be applied only for surface projection monitors."
return val
@pydantic.validator("window_size", always=True)
def window_size_leq_one(cls, val, values):
"""Ensures that each component of the window size is less than or equal to 1."""
name = values.get("name")
if val[0] > 1 or val[1] > 1:
raise ValidationError(
f"Each component of 'window_size' for monitor '{name}' "
"must be less than or equal to 1."
return val
def projection_surfaces(self) -> Tuple[FieldProjectionSurface, ...]:
"""Surfaces of the monitor where near fields will be recorded for subsequent projection."""
surfaces = self.integration_surfaces
return [
for surface in surfaces
def local_origin(self) -> Coordinate:
"""Returns the local origin associated with this monitor."""
if self.custom_origin is None:
return self.center
return self.custom_origin
def window_parameters(self, custom_bounds: Bound = None) -> Tuple[Size, Coordinate, Coordinate]:
"""Return the physical size of the window transition region based on the monitor's size
and optional custom bounds (useful in case the monitor has infinite dimensions). The window
size is returned in 3D. Also returns the coordinate where the transition region beings on
the minus and plus side of the monitor."""
window_size = [0, 0, 0]
window_minus = [0, 0, 0]
window_plus = [0, 0, 0]
# windowing is for surface monitors only
if self.size.count(0.0) != 1:
return window_size, window_minus, window_plus
_, plane_inds = self.pop_axis([0, 1, 2], axis=self.size.index(0.0))
for i, ind in enumerate(plane_inds):
if custom_bounds:
size = min(self.size[ind], custom_bounds[1][ind] - custom_bounds[0][ind])
bound_min = max(self.bounds[0][ind], custom_bounds[0][ind])
bound_max = min(self.bounds[1][ind], custom_bounds[1][ind])
size = self.size[ind]
bound_min = self.bounds[0][ind]
bound_max = self.bounds[1][ind]
window_size[ind] = self.window_size[i] * size / 2
window_minus[ind] = bound_min + window_size[ind]
window_plus[ind] = bound_max - window_size[ind]
return window_size, window_minus, window_plus
def window_function(
points: ArrayFloat1D,
window_size: Size,
window_minus: Coordinate,
window_plus: Coordinate,
dim: int,
) -> ArrayFloat1D:
"""Get the windowing function along a given direction for a given set of points."""
rising_window = np.exp(
* ((points[points < window_minus[dim]] - window_minus[dim]) / window_size[dim]) ** 2
falling_window = np.exp(
* ((points[points > window_plus[dim]] - window_plus[dim]) / window_size[dim]) ** 2
window_fn = np.ones_like(points)
window_fn[points < window_minus[dim]] = rising_window
window_fn[points > window_plus[dim]] = falling_window
return window_fn
class FieldProjectionAngleMonitor(AbstractFieldProjectionMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that samples electromagnetic near fields in the frequency domain
and projects them at given observation angles.
.. TODO this needs an illustration
**Parameters Caveats**
The :attr:`center` and :attr:`size` parameters define
where the monitor will be placed in order to record near fields, typically very close
to the structure of interest. The near fields are then projected
to far-field locations defined by :attr:`phi`, :attr:`theta`, and :attr:`proj_distance`, relative
to the :attr:`custom_origin`.
**Usage Caveats**
The field projections make use of the analytical homogeneous medium Green’s function, which assumes that the
fields are propagating in a homogeneous medium. Therefore, one should use :class:`PML` / :class:`Absorber` as
boundary conditions in the part of the domain where fields are projected.
.. TODO why not add equation here
Server-side field projections will add to the monetary cost of the simulation. However, typically the far field
projections have a very small computation cost compared to the FDTD simulation itself, so the increase in monetary
cost should be negligibly small in most cases. For applications where the monitor is an open surface rather than a box that
encloses the device, it is advisable to pick the size of the monitor such that the
recorded near fields decay to negligible values near the edges of the monitor.
.. TODO TYPO FIX o that the approximations are not used, and the projection is accurate even just a few wavelengths away from the near field locations.
By default, if no :attr:`proj_distance` was provided, the fields are projected to a distance of 1m.
**Server-side field projection Application**
Provide the :class:`FieldProjectionAngleMonitor` monitor as an input to the
:class:`Simulation` object as one of its monitors. Now, we no longer need to provide a separate near-field
:class:`FieldMonitor` - the near fields will automatically be recorded based on the size and location of the
``FieldProjectionAngleMonitor``. Note also that in some cases, the server-side computations may be slightly
more accurate than client-side ones, because on the server, the near fields are not downsampled at all.
We can re-project the already-computed far fields to a different distance away from the structure - we
neither need to run another simulation nor re-run the :class:`FieldProjector`.
**Far-Field Approximation Selection**
.. TODO unsure if add on params?
If the distance between the near and far field locations is
much larger than the size of the device, one can typically set :attr:`far_field_approx` to
``True``, which will make use of the far-field approximation to speed up calculations.
If the projection distance is comparable to the size of the device, we recommend setting
:attr:`far_field_approx` to ``False``.
.. image:: ../../notebooks/img/n2f_diagram.png
.. TODO Fix that image so remove right irrelevant side
When selected, it is assumed that:
- The fields are measured at a distance much greater than the size of our simulation in the transverse
- The geometric approximations imply that any quantity whose magnitude drops off as
:math:`\\frac{1}{r^2}` or faster is ignored.
The advantages of these approximations are:
* The projections are computed relatively fast.
* The projections are cast in a simple mathematical form.
which allows re-projecting the fields to different distance without the need to re-run a simulation or to
re-run the :class:`FieldProjector`.
In cases where we may want to project to intermediate distances where the far field approximation is no
longer valid, simply include the class definition parameter :attr:`far_field_approx` to ``False`` in the
``FieldProjectionAngleMonitor`` instantiation. The resulting computations will be a bit slower,
but the results will be significantly more accurate.
.. TODO include here inherited methods.
>>> monitor = FieldProjectionAngleMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(2,2,2),
... freqs=[250e12, 300e12],
... name='n2f_monitor',
... custom_origin=(1,2,3),
... phi=[0, np.pi/2],
... theta=np.linspace(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, 100),
... far_field_approx=True,
... )
See Also
* `Performing near field to far field projections <../../notebooks/FieldProjections.html>`_
* `Field projection for a zone plate <../../notebooks/ZonePlateFieldProjection.html>`_: Realistic case study further demonstrating the accuracy of the field projections.
* `Metalens in the visible frequency range <../../notebooks/Metalens.html>`_: Realistic case study further demonstrating the accuracy of the field projections.
* `Multilevel blazed diffraction grating <../../notebooks/GratingEfficiency.html>`_: For far field projections in the context of perdiodic boundary conditions.
proj_distance: float = pydantic.Field(
title="Projection Distance",
description="Radial distance of the projection points from ``local_origin``.",
theta: ObsGridArray = pydantic.Field(
title="Polar Angles",
description="Polar angles with respect to the global z axis, relative to the location of "
"``local_origin``, at which to project fields.",
phi: ObsGridArray = pydantic.Field(
title="Azimuth Angles",
description="Azimuth angles with respect to the global z axis, relative to the location of "
"``local_origin``, at which to project fields.",
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
# stores 1 complex number per pair of angles, per frequency,
# for Er, Etheta, Ephi, Hr, Htheta, and Hphi (6 components)
return BYTES_COMPLEX * len(self.theta) * len(self.phi) * len(self.freqs) * 6
class FieldProjectionCartesianMonitor(AbstractFieldProjectionMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that samples electromagnetic near fields in the frequency domain
and projects them on a Cartesian observation plane.
**Parameters Caveats**
The :attr:`center` and :attr:`size` fields define
where the monitor will be placed in order to record near fields, typically very close
to the structure of interest. The near fields are then projected
to far-field locations defined by :attr:`x`, :attr:`y`, and :attr:`proj_distance`, relative
to the :attr:`custom_origin`.
Here, :attr:`x` and :attr:`y`, correspond to a local coordinate system
where the local ``z`` axis is defined by :attr:`proj_axis`: which is the axis normal to this monitor.
**Far-Field Approximation Selection**
If the distance between the near and far field locations is much larger than the size of the
device, one can typically set :attr:`far_field_approx` to ``True``, which will make use of the
far-field approximation to speed up calculations. If the projection distance is comparable
to the size of the device, we recommend setting :attr:`far_field_approx` to ``False``,
so that the approximations are not used, and the projection is accurate even just a few
wavelengths away from the near field locations.
For applications where the monitor is an open surface rather than a box that
encloses the device, it is advisable to pick the size of the monitor such that the
recorded near fields decay to negligible values near the edges of the monitor.
.. image:: ../../notebooks/img/n2f_diagram.png
.. TODO unsure if add on params?
When selected, it is assumed that:
- The fields are measured at a distance much greater than the size of our simulation in the transverse
- The geometric approximations imply that any quantity whose magnitude drops off as
:math:`\\frac{1}{r^2}` or faster is ignored.
The advantages of these approximations are:
* The projections are computed relatively fast.
* The projections are cast in a simple mathematical form.
which allows re-projecting the fields to different distance without the need to re-run a simulation or to
re-run the :class:`FieldProjector`.
In cases where we may want to project to intermediate distances where the far field approximation is no
longer valid, simply include the class definition parameter ``far_field_approx=False`` in the
``FieldProjectionCartesianMonitor`` instantiation. The resulting computations will be a bit slower,
but the results will be significantly more accurate.
.. TODO include this example
**Usage Caveats**
.. TODO I believe a little illustration here would be handy.
Since field projections rely on the surface equivalence principle, we have assumed that the tangential near
fields recorded on the near field monitor serve as equivalent sources which generate the correct far fields.
However, this requires that the field strength decays nearly to zero near the edges of the near-field
monitor, which may not always be the case. For example, if we had used a larger aperture compared to the full
simulation size in the transverse direction, we may expect a degradation in accuracy of the field
projections. Despite this limitation, the field projections are still remarkably accurate in realistic
scenarios. For realistic case studies further demonstrating the accuracy of the field projections,
see our metalens and zone plate case studies.
The field projections make use of the analytical homogeneous medium Green’s function, which assumes that the fields
are propagating in a homogeneous medium. Therefore, one should use PMLs / absorbers as boundary conditions in the
part of the domain where fields are projected. For far field projections in the context of perdiodic boundary
conditions, see the diffraction efficiency example which demonstrates the use of a DiffractionMonitor.
Server-side field projections will add to the monetary cost of the simulation. However, typically the far field
projections have a very small computation cost compared to the FDTD simulation itself, so the increase in monetary
cost should be negligibly small in most cases.
>>> monitor = FieldProjectionCartesianMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(2,2,2),
... freqs=[250e12, 300e12],
... name='n2f_monitor',
... custom_origin=(1,2,3),
... x=[-1, 0, 1],
... y=[-2, -1, 0, 1, 2],
... proj_axis=2,
... proj_distance=5,
... far_field_approx=True,
... )
See Also
* `Performing near field to far field projections <../../notebooks/FieldProjections.html>`_
* `Field projection for a zone plate <../../notebooks/ZonePlateFieldProjection.html>`_
* `Metalens in the visible frequency range <../../notebooks/Metalens.html>`_
* `Multilevel blazed diffraction grating <../../notebooks/GratingEfficiency.html>`_
proj_axis: Axis = pydantic.Field(
title="Projection Plane Axis",
description="Axis along which the observation plane is oriented.",
proj_distance: float = pydantic.Field(
title="Projection Distance",
description="Signed distance of the projection plane along ``proj_axis``. "
"from the plane containing ``local_origin``.",
x: ObsGridArray = pydantic.Field(
title="Local x Observation Coordinates",
description="Local x observation coordinates w.r.t. ``local_origin`` and ``proj_axis``. "
"When ``proj_axis`` is 0, this corresponds to the global y axis. "
"When ``proj_axis`` is 1, this corresponds to the global x axis. "
"When ``proj_axis`` is 2, this corresponds to the global x axis. ",
y: ObsGridArray = pydantic.Field(
title="Local y Observation Coordinates",
description="Local y observation coordinates w.r.t. ``local_origin`` and ``proj_axis``. "
"When ``proj_axis`` is 0, this corresponds to the global z axis. "
"When ``proj_axis`` is 1, this corresponds to the global z axis. "
"When ``proj_axis`` is 2, this corresponds to the global y axis. ",
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
# stores 1 complex number per pair of grid points, per frequency,
# for Er, Etheta, Ephi, Hr, Htheta, and Hphi (6 components)
return BYTES_COMPLEX * len(self.x) * len(self.y) * len(self.freqs) * 6
class FieldProjectionKSpaceMonitor(AbstractFieldProjectionMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that samples electromagnetic near fields in the frequency domain
and projects them on an observation plane defined in k-space.
The :attr:`center` and :attr:`size`
fields define where the monitor will be placed in order to record near fields, typically
very close to the structure of interest. The near fields are then
projected to far-field locations defined in k-space by ``ux``, ``uy``, and ``proj_distance``,
relative to the ``custom_origin``. Here, ``ux`` and ``uy`` are associated with a local
coordinate system where the local 'z' axis is defined by ``proj_axis``: which is the axis
normal to this monitor. If the distance between the near and far field locations is much
larger than the size of the device, one can typically set ``far_field_approx`` to ``True``,
which will make use of the far-field approximation to speed up calculations. If the
projection distance is comparable to the size of the device, we recommend setting
``far_field_approx`` to ``False``, so that the approximations are not used, and the
projection is accurate even just a few wavelengths away from the near field locations.
For applications where the monitor is an open surface rather than a box that
encloses the device, it is advisable to pick the size of the monitor such that the
recorded near fields decay to negligible values near the edges of the monitor.
**Usage Caveats**
.. TODO I believe a little illustration here would be handy.
Since field projections rely on the surface equivalence principle, we have assumed that the tangential near
fields recorded on the near field monitor serve as equivalent sources which generate the correct far fields.
However, this requires that the field strength decays nearly to zero near the edges of the near-field
monitor, which may not always be the case. For example, if we had used a larger aperture compared to the full
simulation size in the transverse direction, we may expect a degradation in accuracy of the field
projections. Despite this limitation, the field projections are still remarkably accurate in realistic
scenarios. For realistic case studies further demonstrating the accuracy of the field projections,
see our metalens and zone plate case studies.
The field projections make use of the analytical homogeneous medium Green’s function, which assumes that the fields
are propagating in a homogeneous medium. Therefore, one should use PMLs / absorbers as boundary conditions in the
part of the domain where fields are projected. For far field projections in the context of perdiodic boundary
conditions, see the diffraction efficiency example which demonstrates the use of a :class:`DiffractionMonitor`.
Server-side field projections will add to the monetary cost of the simulation. However, typically the far field
projections have a very small computation cost compared to the FDTD simulation itself, so the increase in monetary
cost should be negligibly small in most cases.
>>> monitor = FieldProjectionKSpaceMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(2,2,2),
... freqs=[250e12, 300e12],
... name='n2f_monitor',
... custom_origin=(1,2,3),
... proj_axis=2,
... ux=[0.1,0.2],
... uy=[0.3,0.4,0.5]
... )
See Also
* `Performing near field to far field projections <../../notebooks/FieldProjections.html>`_
* `Field projection for a zone plate <../../notebooks/ZonePlateFieldProjection.html>`_
* `Metalens in the visible frequency range <../../notebooks/Metalens.html>`_
* `Multilevel blazed diffraction grating <../../notebooks/GratingEfficiency.html>`_
proj_axis: Axis = pydantic.Field(
title="Projection Plane Axis",
description="Axis along which the observation plane is oriented.",
proj_distance: float = pydantic.Field(
title="Projection Distance",
description="Radial distance of the projection points from ``local_origin``.",
ux: ObsGridArray = pydantic.Field(
title="Normalized kx",
description="Local x component of wave vectors on the observation plane, "
"relative to ``local_origin`` and oriented with respect to ``proj_axis``, "
"normalized by (2*pi/lambda) where lambda is the wavelength "
"associated with the background medium. Must be in the range [-1, 1].",
uy: ObsGridArray = pydantic.Field(
title="Normalized ky",
description="Local y component of wave vectors on the observation plane, "
"relative to ``local_origin`` and oriented with respect to ``proj_axis``, "
"normalized by (2*pi/lambda) where lambda is the wavelength "
"associated with the background medium. Must be in the range [-1, 1].",
def reciprocal_vector_range(cls, values):
"""Ensure that ux, uy are in [-1, 1]."""
maxabs_ux = max(list(values.get("ux")), key=abs)
maxabs_uy = max(list(values.get("uy")), key=abs)
name = values.get("name")
if maxabs_ux > 1:
raise SetupError(f"Entries of 'ux' must lie in the range [-1, 1] for monitor {name}.")
if maxabs_uy > 1:
raise SetupError(f"Entries of 'uy' must lie in the range [-1, 1] for monitor {name}.")
return values
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
# stores 1 complex number per pair of grid points, per frequency,
# for Er, Etheta, Ephi, Hr, Htheta, and Hphi (6 components)
return BYTES_COMPLEX * len(self.ux) * len(self.uy) * len(self.freqs) * 6
class DiffractionMonitor(PlanarMonitor, FreqMonitor):
""":class:`Monitor` that uses a 2D Fourier transform to compute the
diffraction amplitudes and efficiency for allowed diffraction orders.
>>> monitor = DiffractionMonitor(
... center=(1,2,3),
... size=(inf,inf,0),
... freqs=[250e12, 300e12],
... name='diffraction_monitor',
... normal_dir='+',
... )
See Also
* `Multilevel blazed diffraction grating <../../notebooks/GratingEfficiency.html>`_
normal_dir: Direction = pydantic.Field(
title="Normal Vector Orientation",
description="Direction of the surface monitor's normal vector w.r.t. "
"the positive x, y or z unit vectors. Must be one of ``'+'`` or ``'-'``. "
"Defaults to ``'+'`` if not provided.",
colocate: Literal[False] = pydantic.Field(
title="Colocate Fields",
description="Defines whether fields are colocated to grid cell boundaries (i.e. to the "
"primal grid) on-the-fly during a solver run. Can be toggled for field recording monitors "
"and is hard-coded for other monitors depending on their specific function.",
@pydantic.validator("size", always=True)
def diffraction_monitor_size(cls, val):
"""Ensure that the monitor is infinite in the transverse direction."""
if val.count(inf) != 2:
raise SetupError(
"A 'DiffractionMonitor' must have a size of 'td.inf' along both "
f"transverse directions, given size={val}."
return val
def storage_size(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of monitor storage given the number of points after discretization."""
# assumes 1 diffraction order per frequency; actual size will be larger
return BYTES_COMPLEX * len(self.freqs)
def _storage_size_solver(self, num_cells: int, tmesh: ArrayFloat1D) -> int:
"""Size of intermediate data recorded by the monitor during a solver run."""
return BYTES_COMPLEX * num_cells * len(self.freqs) * 6
# types of monitors that are accepted by simulation
MonitorType = Union[