Source code for tidy3d.components.geometry.polyslab

"""Geometry extruded from polygonal shapes."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Tuple
from math import isclose

import pydantic.v1 as pydantic
import numpy as np
import shapely
from matplotlib import path

from ..base import cached_property
from ..base import skip_if_fields_missing
from ..types import Axis, Bound, PlanePosition, ArrayFloat2D, Coordinate
from ..types import MatrixReal4x4, Shapely
from ...log import log
from ...exceptions import SetupError, ValidationError
from ...constants import MICROMETER, fp_eps, LARGE_NUMBER
from ...packaging import verify_packages_import

from . import base
from . import triangulation

# sampling polygon along dilation for validating polygon to be
# non self-intersecting during the entire dilation process

_IS_CLOSE_RTOL = np.finfo(float).eps

# Warn for too many divided polyslabs

# Warn before triangulating large polyslabs due to inefficiency

[docs] class PolySlab(base.Planar): """Polygon extruded with optional sidewall angle along axis direction. Example ------- >>> vertices = np.array([(0,0), (1,0), (1,1)]) >>> p = PolySlab(vertices=vertices, axis=2, slab_bounds=(-1, 1)) """ slab_bounds: Tuple[float, float] = pydantic.Field( ..., title="Slab Bounds", description="Minimum and maximum positions of the slab along axis dimension.", units=MICROMETER, ) dilation: float = pydantic.Field( 0.0, title="Dilation", description="Dilation of the supplied polygon by shifting each edge along its " "normal outwards direction by a distance; a negative value corresponds to erosion.", units=MICROMETER, ) vertices: ArrayFloat2D = pydantic.Field( ..., title="Vertices", description="List of (d1, d2) defining the 2 dimensional positions of the polygon " "face vertices at the ``reference_plane``. " "The index of dimension should be in the ascending order: e.g. if " "the slab normal axis is ``axis=y``, the coordinate of the vertices will be in (x, z)", units=MICROMETER, )
[docs] @pydantic.validator("slab_bounds", always=True) def slab_bounds_order(cls, val): """Maximum position of the slab should be no smaller than its minimal position.""" if val[1] < val[0]: raise SetupError( "Polyslab.slab_bounds must be specified in the order of " "minimum and maximum positions of the slab along the axis. " f"But now the maximum {val[1]} is smaller than the minimum {val[0]}." ) return val
[docs] @pydantic.validator("vertices", always=True) def correct_shape(cls, val): """Makes sure vertices size is correct. Make sure no intersecting edges. """ # overall shape of vertices if val.shape[1] != 2: raise SetupError( "PolySlab.vertices must be a 2 dimensional array shaped (N, 2). " f"Given array with shape of {val.shape}." ) # make sure no polygon splitting, islands, 0 area poly_heal = shapely.make_valid(shapely.Polygon(val)) if poly_heal.area < fp_eps: raise SetupError("The polygon almost collapses to a 1D curve.") if not poly_heal.geom_type == "Polygon" or len(poly_heal.interiors) > 0: raise SetupError( "Polygon is self-intersecting, resulting in " "polygon splitting or generation of holes/islands. " "A general treatment to self-intersecting polygon will be available " "in future releases." ) return val
[docs] @pydantic.validator("vertices", always=True) @skip_if_fields_missing(["dilation"]) def no_complex_self_intersecting_polygon_at_reference_plane(cls, val, values): """At the reference plane, check if the polygon is self-intersecting. There are two types of self-intersection that can occur during dilation: 1) the one that creates holes/islands, or splits polygons, or removes everything; 2) the one that does not. For 1), we issue an error since it is yet to be supported; For 2), we heal the polygon, and warn that the polygon has been cleaned up. """ # no need to validate anything here if isclose(values["dilation"], 0): return val val_np = PolySlab._proper_vertices(val) dist = values["dilation"] # 0) fully eroded if dist < 0 and dist < -PolySlab._maximal_erosion(val_np): raise SetupError("Erosion value is too large. The polygon is fully eroded.") # no edge events if not PolySlab._edge_events_detection(val_np, dist, ignore_at_dist=False): return val poly_offset = PolySlab._shift_vertices(val_np, dist)[0] if PolySlab._area(poly_offset) < fp_eps**2: raise SetupError("Erosion value is too large. The polygon is fully eroded.") # edge events poly_offset = shapely.make_valid(shapely.Polygon(poly_offset)) # 1) polygon split or create holes/islands if not poly_offset.geom_type == "Polygon" or len(poly_offset.interiors) > 0: raise SetupError( "Dilation/Erosion value is too large, resulting in " "polygon splitting or generation of holes/islands. " "A general treatment to self-intersecting polygon will be available " "in future releases." ) # case 2 log.warning( "The dilation/erosion value is too large. resulting in a " "self-intersecting polygon. " "The vertices have been modified to make a valid polygon." ) return val
[docs] @pydantic.validator("vertices", always=True) @skip_if_fields_missing(["sidewall_angle", "dilation", "slab_bounds", "reference_plane"]) def no_self_intersecting_polygon_during_extrusion(cls, val, values): """In this simple polyslab, we don't support self-intersecting polygons yet, meaning that any normal cross section of the PolySlab cannot be self-intersecting. This part checks if any self-interction will occur during extrusion with non-zero sidewall angle. There are two types of self-intersection, known as edge events, that can occur during dilation: 1) neighboring vertex-vertex crossing. This type of edge event can be treated with ``ComplexPolySlab`` which divides the polyslab into a list of simple polyslabs. 2) other types of edge events that can create holes/islands or split polygons. To detect this, we sample _N_SAMPLE_POLYGON_INTERSECT cross sections to see if any creation of polygons/holes, and changes in vertices number. """ # no need to validate anything here if isclose(values["sidewall_angle"], 0): return val # apply dilation poly_ref = PolySlab._proper_vertices(val) if not isclose(values["dilation"], 0): poly_ref = PolySlab._shift_vertices(poly_ref, values["dilation"])[0] poly_ref = PolySlab._heal_polygon(poly_ref) # Fist, check vertex-vertex crossing at any point during extrusion length = values["slab_bounds"][1] - values["slab_bounds"][0] dist = [-length * np.tan(values["sidewall_angle"])] # reverse the dilation value if it's defined on the top if values["reference_plane"] == "top": dist = [-dist[0]] # for middle, both direction needs to be examined elif values["reference_plane"] == "middle": dist = [dist[0] / 2, -dist[0] / 2] # capture vertex crossing events max_thick = [] for dist_val in dist: max_dist = PolySlab._neighbor_vertices_crossing_detection(poly_ref, dist_val) if max_dist is not None: max_thick.append(max_dist / abs(dist_val) * length) if len(max_thick) > 0: max_thick = min(max_thick) raise SetupError( "Sidewall angle or structure thickness is so large that the polygon " "is self-intersecting during extrusion. " f"Please either reduce structure thickness to be < {max_thick:.3e}, " "or use our plugin 'ComplexPolySlab' to divide the complex polyslab " "into a list of simple polyslabs." ) # vertex-edge crossing event. for dist_val in dist: if PolySlab._edge_events_detection(poly_ref, dist_val): raise SetupError( "Sidewall angle or structure thickness is too large, " "resulting in polygon splitting or generation of holes/islands. " "A general treatment to self-intersecting polygon will be available " "in future releases." ) return val
[docs] @classmethod def from_gds( cls, gds_cell, axis: Axis, slab_bounds: Tuple[float, float], gds_layer: int, gds_dtype: int = None, gds_scale: pydantic.PositiveFloat = 1.0, dilation: float = 0.0, sidewall_angle: float = 0, reference_plane: PlanePosition = "middle", ) -> List[PolySlab]: """Import :class:`PolySlab` from a ``gdstk.Cell`` or a ``gdspy.Cell``. Parameters ---------- gds_cell : Union[gdstk.Cell, gdspy.Cell] ``gdstk.Cell`` or ``gdspy.Cell`` containing 2D geometric data. axis : int Integer index into the polygon's slab axis. (0,1,2) -> (x,y,z). slab_bounds: Tuple[float, float] Minimum and maximum positions of the slab along ``axis``. gds_layer : int Layer index in the ``gds_cell``. gds_dtype : int = None Data-type index in the ``gds_cell``. If ``None``, imports all data for this layer into the returned list. gds_scale : float = 1.0 Length scale used in GDS file in units of MICROMETER. For example, if gds file uses nanometers, set ``gds_scale=1e-3``. Must be positive. dilation : float = 0.0 Dilation of the polygon in the base by shifting each edge along its normal outwards direction by a distance; a negative value corresponds to erosion. sidewall_angle : float = 0 Angle of the sidewall. ``sidewall_angle=0`` (default) specifies vertical wall, while ``0<sidewall_angle<np.pi/2`` for the base to be larger than the top. reference_plane : PlanePosition = "middle" The position of the GDS layer. It can be at the ``bottom``, ``middle``, or ``top`` of the PolySlab. E.g. if ``axis=1``, ``bottom`` refers to the negative side of y-axis, and ``top`` refers to the positive side of y-axis. Returns ------- List[:class:`PolySlab`] List of :class:`PolySlab` objects sharing ``axis`` and slab bound properties. """ all_vertices = PolySlab._load_gds_vertices(gds_cell, gds_layer, gds_dtype, gds_scale) return [ cls( vertices=verts, axis=axis, slab_bounds=slab_bounds, dilation=dilation, sidewall_angle=sidewall_angle, reference_plane=reference_plane, ) for verts in all_vertices ]
@staticmethod def _load_gds_vertices( gds_cell, gds_layer: int, gds_dtype: int = None, gds_scale: pydantic.PositiveFloat = 1.0, ) -> List[ArrayFloat2D]: """Import :class:`PolySlab` from a ``gdstk.Cell`` or a ``gdspy.Cell``. Parameters ---------- gds_cell : Union[gdstk.Cell, gdspy.Cell] ``gdstk.Cell`` or ``gdspy.Cell`` containing 2D geometric data. gds_layer : int Layer index in the ``gds_cell``. gds_dtype : int = None Data-type index in the ``gds_cell``. If ``None``, imports all data for this layer into the returned list. gds_scale : float = 1.0 Length scale used in GDS file in units of MICROMETER. For example, if gds file uses nanometers, set ``gds_scale=1e-3``. Must be positive. Returns ------- List[ArrayFloat2D] List of :class:`.ArrayFloat2D` """ # switch the GDS cell loader function based on the class name string # TODO: make this more robust in future releases gds_cell_class_name = str(gds_cell.__class__) if "gdstk" in gds_cell_class_name: gds_loader_fn = base.Geometry.load_gds_vertices_gdstk elif "gdspy" in gds_cell_class_name: gds_loader_fn = base.Geometry.load_gds_vertices_gdspy else: raise ValueError( f"validate 'gds_cell' of type '{gds_cell_class_name}' " "does not seem to be associated with 'gdstk' or 'gdspy' packages " "and therefore can't be loaded by Tidy3D." ) all_vertices = gds_loader_fn( gds_cell=gds_cell, gds_layer=gds_layer, gds_dtype=gds_dtype, gds_scale=gds_scale ) # convert vertices into polyslabs polygons = [shapely.Polygon(vertices).buffer(0) for vertices in all_vertices] polys_union = shapely.unary_union(polygons, grid_size=base.POLY_GRID_SIZE) if polys_union.geom_type == "Polygon": all_vertices = [np.array(polys_union.exterior.coords)] elif polys_union.geom_type == "MultiPolygon": all_vertices = [np.array(polygon.exterior.coords) for polygon in polys_union.geoms] return all_vertices @property def center_axis(self) -> float: """Gets the position of the center of the geometry in the out of plane dimension.""" zmin, zmax = self.slab_bounds if np.isneginf(zmin) and np.isposinf(zmax): return 0.0 zmin = max(zmin, -LARGE_NUMBER) zmax = min(zmax, LARGE_NUMBER) return (zmax + zmin) / 2.0 @property def length_axis(self) -> float: """Gets the length of the geometry along the out of plane dimension.""" zmin, zmax = self.slab_bounds return zmax - zmin @cached_property def reference_polygon(self) -> np.ndarray: """The polygon at the reference plane. Returns ------- ArrayLike[float, float] The vertices of the polygon at the reference plane. """ vertices = self._proper_vertices(self.vertices) if isclose(self.dilation, 0): return vertices offset_vertices = self._shift_vertices(vertices, self.dilation)[0] return self._heal_polygon(offset_vertices) @cached_property def middle_polygon(self) -> np.ndarray: """The polygon at the middle. Returns ------- ArrayLike[float, float] The vertices of the polygon at the middle. """ dist = self._extrusion_length_to_offset_distance(self.finite_length_axis / 2) if self.reference_plane == "bottom": return self._shift_vertices(self.reference_polygon, dist)[0] if self.reference_plane == "top": return self._shift_vertices(self.reference_polygon, -dist)[0] # middle case return self.reference_polygon @cached_property def base_polygon(self) -> np.ndarray: """The polygon at the base, derived from the ``middle_polygon``. Returns ------- ArrayLike[float, float] The vertices of the polygon at the base. """ if self.reference_plane == "bottom": return self.reference_polygon dist = self._extrusion_length_to_offset_distance(-self.finite_length_axis / 2) return self._shift_vertices(self.middle_polygon, dist)[0] @cached_property def top_polygon(self) -> np.ndarray: """The polygon at the top, derived from the ``middle_polygon``. Returns ------- ArrayLike[float, float] The vertices of the polygon at the top. """ if self.reference_plane == "top": return self.reference_polygon dist = self._extrusion_length_to_offset_distance(self.finite_length_axis / 2) return self._shift_vertices(self.middle_polygon, dist)[0] @cached_property def _normal_2dmaterial(self) -> Axis: """Get the normal to the given geometry, checking that it is a 2D geometry.""" if self.slab_bounds[0] != self.slab_bounds[1]: raise ValidationError("'Medium2D' requires the 'PolySlab' bounds to be equal.") return self.axis @cached_property def is_ccw(self) -> bool: """Is this ``PolySlab`` CCW-oriented?""" return PolySlab._area(self.vertices) > 0
[docs] def inside( self, x: np.ndarray[float], y: np.ndarray[float], z: np.ndarray[float] ) -> np.ndarray[bool]: """For input arrays ``x``, ``y``, ``z`` of arbitrary but identical shape, return an array with the same shape which is ``True`` for every point in zip(x, y, z) that is inside the volume of the :class:`Geometry`, and ``False`` otherwise. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray[float] Array of point positions in x direction. y : np.ndarray[float] Array of point positions in y direction. z : np.ndarray[float] Array of point positions in z direction. Returns ------- np.ndarray[bool] ``True`` for every point that is inside the geometry. """ self._ensure_equal_shape(x, y, z) z, (x, y) = self.pop_axis((x, y, z), axis=self.axis) z0 = self.center_axis dist_z = np.abs(z - z0) inside_height = dist_z <= (self.finite_length_axis / 2) # avoid going into face checking if no points are inside slab bounds if not np.any(inside_height): return inside_height # check what points are inside polygon cross section (face) z_local = z - z0 # distance to the middle dist = -z_local * self._tanq # # Leaving this function and commented out lines using it below in case we want to revert # # to it at some point, e.g. if we introduce a MATPLOTLIB_INSTALLED flag. # def contains_pointwise(face_polygon): # def fun_contain(xy_point): # point = shapely.Point(xy_point) # return face_polygon.covers(point) # return fun_contain if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): inside_polygon = np.zeros_like(inside_height) xs_slab = x[inside_height] ys_slab = y[inside_height] # vertical sidewall if isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0): # face_polygon = shapely.Polygon(self.reference_polygon) # fun_contain = contains_pointwise(face_polygon) # contains_vectorized = np.vectorize(fun_contain, signature="(n)->()") poly_path = path.Path(self.reference_polygon) contains_vectorized = poly_path.contains_points points_stacked = np.stack((xs_slab, ys_slab), axis=1) inside_polygon_slab = contains_vectorized(points_stacked) inside_polygon[inside_height] = inside_polygon_slab # slanted sidewall, offsetting vertices at each z else: # a helper function for moving axis def _move_axis(arr): return np.moveaxis(arr, source=self.axis, destination=-1) def _move_axis_reverse(arr): return np.moveaxis(arr, source=-1, destination=self.axis) inside_polygon_axis = _move_axis(inside_polygon) x_axis = _move_axis(x) y_axis = _move_axis(y) for z_i in range(z.shape[self.axis]): if not _move_axis(inside_height)[0, 0, z_i]: continue vertices_z = self._shift_vertices( self.middle_polygon, _move_axis(dist)[0, 0, z_i] )[0] # face_polygon = shapely.Polygon(vertices_z) # fun_contain = contains_pointwise(face_polygon) # contains_vectorized = np.vectorize(fun_contain, signature="(n)->()") poly_path = path.Path(vertices_z) contains_vectorized = poly_path.contains_points points_stacked = np.stack( (x_axis[:, :, 0].flatten(), y_axis[:, :, 0].flatten()), axis=1 ) inside_polygon_slab = contains_vectorized(points_stacked) inside_polygon_axis[:, :, z_i] = inside_polygon_slab.reshape(x_axis.shape[:2]) inside_polygon = _move_axis_reverse(inside_polygon_axis) else: vertices_z = self._shift_vertices(self.middle_polygon, dist)[0] face_polygon = shapely.Polygon(vertices_z) point = shapely.Point(x, y) inside_polygon = face_polygon.covers(point) return inside_height * inside_polygon
[docs] @verify_packages_import(["trimesh"]) def intersections_tilted_plane( self, normal: Coordinate, origin: Coordinate, to_2D: MatrixReal4x4 ) -> List[Shapely]: """Return a list of shapely geometries at the plane specified by normal and origin. Parameters ---------- normal : Coordinate Vector defining the normal direction to the plane. origin : Coordinate Vector defining the plane origin. to_2D : MatrixReal4x4 Transformation matrix to apply to resulting shapes. Returns ------- List[shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry] List of 2D shapes that intersect plane. For more details refer to `Shapely's Documentation <>`_. """ import trimesh if len(self.base_polygon) > _MAX_POLYSLAB_VERTICES_FOR_TRIANGULATION: log.warning( "Processing of PolySlabs with large numbers of vertices can be slow.", log_once=True ) base_triangles = triangulation.triangulate(self.base_polygon) top_triangles = ( base_triangles if isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0) else triangulation.triangulate(self.top_polygon) ) n = len(self.base_polygon) faces = ( [[a, b, c] for c, b, a in base_triangles] + [[n + a, n + b, n + c] for a, b, c in top_triangles] + [(i, (i + 1) % n, n + i) for i in range(n)] + [((i + 1) % n, n + ((i + 1) % n), n + i) for i in range(n)] ) x = np.hstack((self.base_polygon[:, 0], self.top_polygon[:, 0])) y = np.hstack((self.base_polygon[:, 1], self.top_polygon[:, 1])) z = np.hstack((np.full(n, self.slab_bounds[0]), np.full(n, self.slab_bounds[1]))) vertices = np.vstack(self.unpop_axis(z, (x, y), self.axis)).T mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices, faces) section = mesh.section(plane_origin=origin, plane_normal=normal) if section is None: return [] path, _ = section.to_planar(to_2D=to_2D) return path.polygons_full.tolist()
def _intersections_normal(self, z: float): """Find shapely geometries intersecting planar geometry with axis normal to slab. Parameters ---------- z : float Position along the axis normal to slab. Returns ------- List[shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry] List of 2D shapes that intersect plane. For more details refer to `Shapely's Documentation <>`_. """ if isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0): return [shapely.Polygon(self.reference_polygon)] z0 = self.center_axis z_local = z - z0 # distance to the middle dist = -z_local * self._tanq vertices_z = self._shift_vertices(self.middle_polygon, dist)[0] return [shapely.Polygon(vertices_z)] def _intersections_side(self, position, axis) -> list: """Find shapely geometries intersecting planar geometry with axis orthogonal to slab. For slanted polyslab, the procedure is as follows, 1) Find out all z-coordinates where the plane will intersect directly with a vertex. Denote the coordinates as (z_0, z_1, z_2, ... ) 2) Find out all polygons that can be formed between z_i and z_{i+1}. There are two types of polygons: a) formed by the plane intersecting the edges b) formed by the plane intersecting the vertices. For either type, one needs to compute: i) intersecting position ii) angle between the plane and the intersecting edge For a), both are straightforward to compute; while for b), one needs to compute which edge the plane will slide into. 3) Looping through z_i, and merge all polygons. The partition by z_i is because once the plane intersects the vertex, it can intersect with other edges during the extrusion. Parameters ---------- position : float Position along ``axis``. axis : int Integer index into 'xyz' (0,1,2). Returns ------- List[shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry] List of 2D shapes that intersect plane. For more details refer to `Shapely's Documentation <>`_. """ # find out all z_i where the plane will intersect the vertex z0 = self.center_axis z_base = z0 - self.finite_length_axis / 2 axis_ordered = self._order_axis(axis) height_list = self._find_intersecting_height(position, axis_ordered) polys = [] # looping through z_i to assemble the polygons height_list = np.append(height_list, self.finite_length_axis) h_base = 0.0 for h_top in height_list: # length within between top and bottom h_length = h_top - h_base # coordinate of each subsection z_min = z_base + h_base z_max = np.inf if np.isposinf(h_top) else z_base + h_top # for vertical sidewall, no need for complications if isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0): ints_y, ints_angle = self._find_intersecting_ys_angle_vertical( self.reference_polygon, position, axis_ordered ) else: # for slanted sidewall, move up by `fp_eps` in case vertices are degenerate at the base. dist = -(h_base - self.finite_length_axis / 2 + fp_eps) * self._tanq vertices = self._shift_vertices(self.middle_polygon, dist)[0] ints_y, ints_angle = self._find_intersecting_ys_angle_slant( vertices, position, axis_ordered ) # make polygon with intersections and z axis information for y_index in range(len(ints_y) // 2): y_min = ints_y[2 * y_index] y_max = ints_y[2 * y_index + 1] minx, miny = self._order_by_axis(plane_val=y_min, axis_val=z_min, axis=axis) maxx, maxy = self._order_by_axis(plane_val=y_max, axis_val=z_max, axis=axis) if isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0): polys.append(, miny, maxx, maxy)) else: angle_min = ints_angle[2 * y_index] angle_max = ints_angle[2 * y_index + 1] angle_min = np.arctan(np.tan(self.sidewall_angle) / np.sin(angle_min)) angle_max = np.arctan(np.tan(self.sidewall_angle) / np.sin(angle_max)) dy_min = h_length * np.tan(angle_min) dy_max = h_length * np.tan(angle_max) x1, y1 = self._order_by_axis(plane_val=y_min, axis_val=z_min, axis=axis) x2, y2 = self._order_by_axis(plane_val=y_max, axis_val=z_min, axis=axis) x3, y3 = self._order_by_axis( plane_val=y_max - dy_max, axis_val=z_max, axis=axis ) x4, y4 = self._order_by_axis( plane_val=y_min + dy_min, axis_val=z_max, axis=axis ) vertices = ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)) polys.append(shapely.Polygon(vertices).buffer(0)) # update the base coordinate for the next subsection h_base = h_top # merge touching polygons polys_union = shapely.unary_union(polys, grid_size=base.POLY_GRID_SIZE) if polys_union.geom_type == "Polygon": return [polys_union] if polys_union.geom_type == "MultiPolygon": return polys_union.geoms # in other cases, just return the original unmerged polygons return polys def _find_intersecting_height(self, position: float, axis: int) -> np.ndarray: """Found a list of height where the plane will intersect with the vertices; For vertical sidewall, just return np.array([]). Assumes axis is handles so this function works on xy plane. Parameters ---------- position : float position along axis. axis : int Integer index into 'xyz' (0,1,2). Returns np.ndarray Height (relative to the base) where the plane will intersect with vertices. """ if isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0): return np.array([]) # shift rate dist = 1.0 shift_x, shift_y = PolySlab._shift_vertices(self.middle_polygon, dist)[2] shift_val = shift_x if axis == 0 else shift_y shift_val[np.isclose(shift_val, 0, rtol=_IS_CLOSE_RTOL)] = np.inf # for static vertices # distance to the plane in the direction of vertex shifting distance = self.middle_polygon[:, axis] - position height = distance / self._tanq / shift_val + self.finite_length_axis / 2 height = np.unique(height) # further filter very close ones is_not_too_close = np.insert((np.diff(height) > fp_eps), 0, True) height = height[is_not_too_close] height = height[height > fp_eps] height = height[height < self.finite_length_axis - fp_eps] return height def _find_intersecting_ys_angle_vertical( self, vertices: np.ndarray, position: float, axis: int, exclude_on_vertices: bool = False ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Finds pairs of forward and backwards vertices where polygon intersects position at axis, Find intersection point (in y) assuming straight line,and intersecting angle between plane and edges. (For unslanted polyslab). Assumes axis is handles so this function works on xy plane. Parameters ---------- vertices : np.ndarray Shape (N, 2) defining the polygon vertices in the xy-plane. position : float position along axis. axis : int Integer index into 'xyz' (0,1,2). exclude_on_vertices : bool = False Whether to exclude those intersecting directly with the vertices. Returns ------- Union[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] List of intersection points along y direction. List of angles between plane and edges. """ vertices_axis = vertices.copy() # flip vertices x,y for axis = y if axis == 1: vertices_axis = np.roll(vertices_axis, shift=1, axis=1) # get the forward vertices vertices_f = np.roll(vertices_axis, shift=-1, axis=0) # x coordinate of the two sets of vertices x_vertices_f = vertices_f[:, 0] x_vertices_axis = vertices_axis[:, 0] # find which segments intersect f_left_to_intersect = x_vertices_f <= position orig_right_to_intersect = x_vertices_axis > position intersects_b = np.logical_and(f_left_to_intersect, orig_right_to_intersect) f_right_to_intersect = x_vertices_f > position orig_left_to_intersect = x_vertices_axis <= position intersects_f = np.logical_and(f_right_to_intersect, orig_left_to_intersect) # exclude vertices at the position if exclude_on_vertices is True if exclude_on_vertices: intersects_on = np.isclose(x_vertices_axis, position, rtol=_IS_CLOSE_RTOL) intersects_f_on = np.isclose(x_vertices_f, position, rtol=_IS_CLOSE_RTOL) intersects_both_off = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(intersects_on, intersects_f_on)) intersects_f &= intersects_both_off intersects_b &= intersects_both_off intersects_segment = np.logical_or(intersects_b, intersects_f) iverts_b = vertices_axis[intersects_segment] iverts_f = vertices_f[intersects_segment] # intersecting positions and angles ints_y = [] ints_angle = [] for vertices_f_local, vertices_b_local in zip(iverts_b, iverts_f): x1, y1 = vertices_f_local x2, y2 = vertices_b_local slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) y = y1 + slope * (position - x1) ints_y.append(y) ints_angle.append(np.pi / 2 - np.arctan(np.abs(slope))) ints_y = np.array(ints_y) ints_angle = np.array(ints_angle) sort_index = np.argsort(ints_y) ints_y_sort = ints_y[sort_index] ints_angle_sort = ints_angle[sort_index] return ints_y_sort, ints_angle_sort def _find_intersecting_ys_angle_slant( self, vertices: np.ndarray, position: float, axis: int ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Finds pairs of forward and backwards vertices where polygon intersects position at axis, Find intersection point (in y) assuming straight line,and intersecting angle between plane and edges. (For slanted polyslab) Assumes axis is handles so this function works on xy plane. Parameters ---------- vertices : np.ndarray Shape (N, 2) defining the polygon vertices in the xy-plane. position : float position along axis. axis : int Integer index into 'xyz' (0,1,2). Returns ------- Union[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] List of intersection points along y direction. List of angles between plane and edges. """ vertices_axis = vertices.copy() # flip vertices x,y for axis = y if axis == 1: vertices_axis = np.roll(vertices_axis, shift=1, axis=1) # get the forward vertices vertices_f = np.roll(vertices_axis, shift=-1, axis=0) # get the backward vertices vertices_b = np.roll(vertices_axis, shift=1, axis=0) ## First part, plane intersects with edges, same as vertical ints_y, ints_angle = self._find_intersecting_ys_angle_vertical( vertices, position, axis, exclude_on_vertices=True ) ints_y = ints_y.tolist() ints_angle = ints_angle.tolist() ## Second part, plane intersects directly with vertices # vertices on the intersection intersects_on = np.isclose(vertices_axis[:, 0], position, rtol=_IS_CLOSE_RTOL) iverts_on = vertices_axis[intersects_on] # position of the neighbouring vertices iverts_b = vertices_b[intersects_on] iverts_f = vertices_f[intersects_on] # shift rate dist = -np.sign(self.sidewall_angle) shift_x, shift_y = self._shift_vertices(self.middle_polygon, dist)[2] shift_val = shift_x if axis == 0 else shift_y shift_val = shift_val[intersects_on] for vertices_f_local, vertices_b_local, vertices_on_local, shift_local in zip( iverts_f, iverts_b, iverts_on, shift_val ): x_on, y_on = vertices_on_local x_f, y_f = vertices_f_local x_b, y_b = vertices_b_local num_added = 0 # keep track the number of added vertices slope = [] # list of slopes for added vertices # case 1, shifting velocity is 0 if np.isclose(shift_local, 0, rtol=_IS_CLOSE_RTOL): ints_y.append(y_on) # Slope w.r.t. forward and backward should equal, # just pick one of them. slope.append((y_on - y_b) / (x_on - x_b)) ints_angle.append(np.pi / 2 - np.arctan(np.abs(slope[0]))) continue # case 2, shifting towards backward direction if (x_b - position) * shift_local < 0: ints_y.append(y_on) slope.append((y_on - y_b) / (x_on - x_b)) num_added += 1 # case 3, shifting towards forward direction if (x_f - position) * shift_local < 0: ints_y.append(y_on) slope.append((y_on - y_f) / (x_on - x_f)) num_added += 1 # in case 2, and case 3, if just num_added = 1 if num_added == 1: ints_angle.append(np.pi / 2 - np.arctan(np.abs(slope[0]))) # if num_added = 2, the order of the two new vertices needs to handled correctly; # it should be sorted according to the -slope * moving direction elif num_added == 2: dressed_slope = [-s_i * shift_local for s_i in slope] sort_index = np.argsort(np.array(dressed_slope)) sorted_slope = np.array(slope)[sort_index] ints_angle.append(np.pi / 2 - np.arctan(np.abs(sorted_slope[0]))) ints_angle.append(np.pi / 2 - np.arctan(np.abs(sorted_slope[1]))) ints_y = np.array(ints_y) ints_angle = np.array(ints_angle) sort_index = np.argsort(ints_y) ints_y_sort = ints_y[sort_index] ints_angle_sort = ints_angle[sort_index] return ints_y_sort, ints_angle_sort @cached_property def bounds(self) -> Bound: """Returns bounding box min and max coordinates. The dilation and slant angle are not taken into account exactly for speed. Instead, the polygon may be slightly smaller than the returned bounds, but it should always be fully contained. Returns ------- Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[float, float float] Min and max bounds packaged as ``(minx, miny, minz), (maxx, maxy, maxz)``. """ # check for the maximum possible contribution from dilation/slant on each side max_offset = self.dilation if not isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0): if self.reference_plane == "bottom": max_offset += max(0, -self._tanq * self.finite_length_axis) elif self.reference_plane == "top": max_offset += max(0, self._tanq * self.finite_length_axis) elif self.reference_plane == "middle": max_offset += max(0, abs(self._tanq) * self.finite_length_axis / 2) # special care when dilated if max_offset > 0: dilated_vertices = self._shift_vertices( self._proper_vertices(self.vertices), max_offset )[0] xmin, ymin = np.amin(dilated_vertices, axis=0) xmax, ymax = np.amax(dilated_vertices, axis=0) else: # otherwise, bounds are directly based on the supplied vertices xmin, ymin = np.amin(self.vertices, axis=0) xmax, ymax = np.amax(self.vertices, axis=0) # get bounds in (local) z zmin, zmax = self.slab_bounds # rearrange axes coords_min = self.unpop_axis(zmin, (xmin, ymin), axis=self.axis) coords_max = self.unpop_axis(zmax, (xmax, ymax), axis=self.axis) return (tuple(coords_min), tuple(coords_max)) def _extrusion_length_to_offset_distance(self, extrusion: float) -> float: """Convert extrusion length to offset distance.""" if isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0): return 0 return -extrusion * self._tanq @staticmethod def _area(vertices: np.ndarray) -> float: """Compute the signed polygon area (positive for CCW orientation). Parameters ---------- vertices : np.ndarray Shape (N, 2) defining the polygon vertices in the xy-plane. Returns ------- float Signed polygon area (positive for CCW orientation). """ vert_shift = np.roll(vertices.copy(), axis=0, shift=-1) term1 = vertices[:, 0] * vert_shift[:, 1] term2 = vertices[:, 1] * vert_shift[:, 0] return np.sum(term1 - term2) * 0.5 @staticmethod def _perimeter(vertices: np.ndarray) -> float: """Compute the polygon perimeter. Parameters ---------- vertices : np.ndarray Shape (N, 2) defining the polygon vertices in the xy-plane. Returns ------- float Polygon perimeter. """ vert_shift = np.roll(vertices.copy(), axis=0, shift=-1) dx = vertices[:, 0] - vert_shift[:, 0] dy = vertices[:, 1] - vert_shift[:, 1] return np.sum(np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)) @staticmethod def _orient(vertices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Return a CCW-oriented polygon. Parameters ---------- vertices : np.ndarray Shape (N, 2) defining the polygon vertices in the xy-plane. Returns ------- np.ndarray Vertices of a CCW-oriented polygon. """ return vertices if PolySlab._area(vertices) > 0 else vertices[::-1, :] @staticmethod def _remove_duplicate_vertices(vertices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Remove redundant/identical nearest neighbour vertices. Parameters ---------- vertices : np.ndarray Shape (N, 2) defining the polygon vertices in the xy-plane. Returns ------- np.ndarray Vertices of polygon. """ vertices_f = np.roll(vertices.copy(), shift=-1, axis=0) vertices_diff = np.linalg.norm(vertices - vertices_f, axis=1) return vertices[~np.isclose(vertices_diff, 0, rtol=_IS_CLOSE_RTOL)] @staticmethod def _proper_vertices(vertices: ArrayFloat2D) -> np.ndarray: """convert vertices to np.array format, removing duplicate neighbouring vertices, and oriented in CCW direction. Returns ------- ArrayLike[float, float] The vertices of the polygon for internal use. """ vertices_np = PolySlab.vertices_to_array(vertices) return PolySlab._orient(PolySlab._remove_duplicate_vertices(vertices_np)) @staticmethod def _edge_events_detection( proper_vertices: np.ndarray, dilation: float, ignore_at_dist: bool = True ) -> bool: """Detect any edge events within the offset distance ``dilation``. If ``ignore_at_dist=True``, the edge event at ``dist`` is ignored. """ # ignore the event that occurs right at the offset distance if ignore_at_dist: dilation -= fp_eps * dilation / abs(dilation) # number of vertices before offsetting num_vertices = proper_vertices.shape[0] # 0) fully eroded? if dilation < 0 and dilation < -PolySlab._maximal_erosion(proper_vertices): return True # sample at a few dilation values dist_list = dilation * np.linspace(0, 1, 1 + _N_SAMPLE_POLYGON_INTERSECT)[1:] for dist in dist_list: # offset: we offset the vertices first, and then use shapely to make it proper # in principle, one can offset with shapely.buffer directly, but shapely somehow # automatically removes some vertices even though no change of topology. poly_offset = PolySlab._shift_vertices(proper_vertices, dist)[0] # flipped winding number if PolySlab._area(poly_offset) < fp_eps**2: return True poly_offset = shapely.make_valid(shapely.Polygon(poly_offset)) # 1) polygon split or create holes/islands if not poly_offset.geom_type == "Polygon" or len(poly_offset.interiors) > 0: return True # 2) reduction in vertex number offset_vertices = PolySlab._proper_vertices(list(poly_offset.exterior.coords)) if offset_vertices.shape[0] != num_vertices: return True # 3) some split polygon might fully disappear after the offset, but they # can be detected if we offset back. poly_offset_back = shapely.make_valid( shapely.Polygon(PolySlab._shift_vertices(offset_vertices, -dist)[0]) ) if poly_offset_back.geom_type == "MultiPolygon" or len(poly_offset_back.interiors) > 0: return True offset_back_vertices = list(poly_offset_back.exterior.coords) if PolySlab._proper_vertices(offset_back_vertices).shape[0] != num_vertices: return True return False @staticmethod def _neighbor_vertices_crossing_detection( vertices: np.ndarray, dist: float, ignore_at_dist: bool = True ) -> float: """Detect if neighboring vertices will cross after a dilation distance dist. Parameters ---------- vertices : np.ndarray Shape (N, 2) defining the polygon vertices in the xy-plane. dist : float Distance to offset. ignore_at_dist : bool, optional whether to ignore the event right at ``dist`. Returns ------- float the absolute value of the maximal allowed dilation if there are any crossing, otherwise return ``None``. """ # ignore the event that occurs right at the offset distance if ignore_at_dist: dist -= fp_eps * dist / abs(dist) edge_length, edge_reduction = PolySlab._edge_length_and_reduction_rate(vertices) length_remaining = edge_length - edge_reduction * dist if np.any(length_remaining < 0): index_oversized = length_remaining < 0 max_dist = np.min( np.abs(edge_length[index_oversized] / edge_reduction[index_oversized]) ) return max_dist return None
[docs] @staticmethod def array_to_vertices(arr_vertices: np.ndarray) -> ArrayFloat2D: """Converts a numpy array of vertices to a list of tuples.""" return list(arr_vertices)
[docs] @staticmethod def vertices_to_array(vertices_tuple: ArrayFloat2D) -> np.ndarray: """Converts a list of tuples (vertices) to a numpy array.""" return np.array(vertices_tuple)
@staticmethod def _shift_vertices( vertices: np.ndarray, dist ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Shifts the vertices of a polygon outward uniformly by distances `dists`. Parameters ---------- np.ndarray Shape (N, 2) defining the polygon vertices in the xy-plane. dist : float Distance to offset. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.narray,Tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray]] New polygon vertices; and the shift of vertices in direction parallel to the edges. Shift along x and y direction. """ if isclose(dist, 0): return vertices, np.zeros(vertices.shape[0], dtype=float), None def rot90(v): """90 degree rotation of 2d vector vx -> vy vy -> -vx """ vxs, vys = v return np.stack((-vys, vxs), axis=0) def cross(u, v): return np.cross(u, v, axis=0) def normalize(v): return v / np.linalg.norm(v, axis=0) vs_orig = vertices.T.copy() vs_next = np.roll(vs_orig.copy(), axis=-1, shift=-1) vs_previous = np.roll(vs_orig.copy(), axis=-1, shift=+1) asp = normalize(vs_next - vs_orig) asm = normalize(vs_orig - vs_previous) # the vertex shift is decomposed into parallel and perpendicular directions perpendicular_shift = -dist det = cross(asm, asp) tan_half_angle = np.where( np.isclose(det, 0, rtol=_IS_CLOSE_RTOL), 0.0, cross(asm, rot90(asm - asp)) / (det + np.isclose(det, 0, rtol=_IS_CLOSE_RTOL)), ) parallel_shift = dist * tan_half_angle shift_total = perpendicular_shift * rot90(asm) + parallel_shift * asm shift_x = shift_total[0, :] shift_y = shift_total[1, :] return np.swapaxes(vs_orig + shift_total, -2, -1), parallel_shift, (shift_x, shift_y) @staticmethod def _edge_length_and_reduction_rate(vertices: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Edge length of reduction rate of each edge with unit offset length. Parameters ---------- vertices : np.ndarray Shape (N, 2) defining the polygon vertices in the xy-plane. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.narray] edge length, and reduction rate """ # edge length vs_orig = vertices.T.copy() vs_next = np.roll(vs_orig.copy(), axis=-1, shift=-1) edge_length = np.linalg.norm(vs_next - vs_orig, axis=0) # edge length remaining dist = 1 parallel_shift = PolySlab._shift_vertices(vertices, dist)[1] parallel_shift_p = np.roll(parallel_shift.copy(), shift=-1) edge_reduction = -(parallel_shift + parallel_shift_p) return edge_length, edge_reduction @staticmethod def _maximal_erosion(vertices: np.ndarray) -> float: """The erosion value that reduces the length of all edges to be non-positive. """ edge_length, edge_reduction = PolySlab._edge_length_and_reduction_rate(vertices) ind_nonzero = abs(edge_reduction) > fp_eps return -np.min(edge_length[ind_nonzero] / edge_reduction[ind_nonzero]) @staticmethod def _heal_polygon(vertices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """heal a self-intersecting polygon.""" shapely_poly = shapely.Polygon(vertices) if shapely_poly.is_valid: return vertices # perform healing poly_heal = shapely.make_valid(shapely_poly) return PolySlab._proper_vertices(list(poly_heal.exterior.coords)) def _volume(self, bounds: Bound) -> float: """Returns object's volume within given bounds.""" z_min, z_max = self.slab_bounds z_min = max(z_min, bounds[0][self.axis]) z_max = min(z_max, bounds[1][self.axis]) length = z_max - z_min top_area = abs(self._area(self.top_polygon)) base_area = abs(self._area(self.base_polygon)) # return 1.0 / 3.0 * length * (top_area + base_area + np.sqrt(top_area * base_area)) def _surface_area(self, bounds: Bound) -> float: """Returns object's surface area within given bounds.""" area = 0 top_polygon = self.top_polygon base_polygon = self.base_polygon top_area = abs(self._area(top_polygon)) base_area = abs(self._area(base_polygon)) top_perim = self._perimeter(top_polygon) base_perim = self._perimeter(base_polygon) z_min, z_max = self.slab_bounds if z_min < bounds[0][self.axis]: z_min = bounds[0][self.axis] else: area += base_area if z_max > bounds[1][self.axis]: z_max = bounds[1][self.axis] else: area += top_area length = z_max - z_min area += 0.5 * (top_perim + base_perim) * length return area
class ComplexPolySlabBase(PolySlab): """Interface for dividing a complex polyslab where self-intersecting polygon can occur during extrusion. This class should not be used directly. Use instead :class:`plugins.polyslab.ComplexPolySlab`.""" @pydantic.validator("vertices", always=True) def no_self_intersecting_polygon_during_extrusion(cls, val, values): """Turn off the validation for this class.""" return val @classmethod def from_gds( cls, gds_cell, axis: Axis, slab_bounds: Tuple[float, float], gds_layer: int, gds_dtype: int = None, gds_scale: pydantic.PositiveFloat = 1.0, dilation: float = 0.0, sidewall_angle: float = 0, reference_plane: PlanePosition = "middle", ) -> List[PolySlab]: """Import :class:`.PolySlab` from a ``gdstk.Cell``. Parameters ---------- gds_cell : gdstk.Cell ``gdstk.Cell`` containing 2D geometric data. axis : int Integer index into the polygon's slab axis. (0,1,2) -> (x,y,z). slab_bounds: Tuple[float, float] Minimum and maximum positions of the slab along ``axis``. gds_layer : int Layer index in the ``gds_cell``. gds_dtype : int = None Data-type index in the ``gds_cell``. If ``None``, imports all data for this layer into the returned list. gds_scale : float = 1.0 Length scale used in GDS file in units of MICROMETER. For example, if gds file uses nanometers, set ``gds_scale=1e-3``. Must be positive. dilation : float = 0.0 Dilation of the polygon in the base by shifting each edge along its normal outwards direction by a distance; a negative value corresponds to erosion. sidewall_angle : float = 0 Angle of the sidewall. ``sidewall_angle=0`` (default) specifies vertical wall, while ``0<sidewall_angle<np.pi/2`` for the base to be larger than the top. reference_plane : PlanePosition = "middle" The position of the GDS layer. It can be at the ``bottom``, ``middle``, or ``top`` of the PolySlab. E.g. if ``axis=1``, ``bottom`` refers to the negative side of y-axis, and ``top`` refers to the positive side of y-axis. Returns ------- List[:class:`.PolySlab`] List of :class:`.PolySlab` objects sharing ``axis`` and slab bound properties. """ # TODO: change for 2.0 # handle reference plane kwarg all_vertices = PolySlab._load_gds_vertices(gds_cell, gds_layer, gds_dtype, gds_scale) polyslabs = [ cls( vertices=verts, axis=axis, slab_bounds=slab_bounds, dilation=dilation, sidewall_angle=sidewall_angle, reference_plane=reference_plane, ) for verts in all_vertices ] return [sub_poly for sub_polys in polyslabs for sub_poly in sub_polys.sub_polyslabs] @property def geometry_group(self) -> base.GeometryGroup: """Divide a complex polyslab into a list of simple polyslabs, which are assembled into a :class:`.GeometryGroup`. Returns ------- :class:`.GeometryGroup` GeometryGroup for a list of simple polyslabs divided from the complex polyslab. """ return base.GeometryGroup(geometries=self.sub_polyslabs) @property def sub_polyslabs(self) -> List[PolySlab]: """Divide a complex polyslab into a list of simple polyslabs. Only neighboring vertex-vertex crossing events are treated in this version. Returns ------- List[PolySlab] A list of simple polyslabs. """ sub_polyslab_list = [] num_division_count = 0 # initialize sub-polyslab parameters sub_polyslab_dict = self.dict(exclude={"type"}).copy() if isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0): return [PolySlab.parse_obj(sub_polyslab_dict)] sub_polyslab_dict.update({"dilation": 0}) # dilation accounted in setup # initialize offset distance offset_distance = 0 for dist_val in self._dilation_length: dist_now = 0.0 vertices_now = self.reference_polygon # constructing sub-polyslabs until reaching the base/top while not isclose(dist_now, dist_val): # bounds for sub-polyslabs assuming no self-intersection slab_bounds = [ self._dilation_value_at_reference_to_coord(dist_now), self._dilation_value_at_reference_to_coord(dist_val), ] # 1) find out any vertices touching events between the current # position to the base/top max_dist = PolySlab._neighbor_vertices_crossing_detection( vertices_now, dist_val - dist_now ) # vertices touching events captured, update bounds for sub-polyslab if max_dist is not None: # max_dist doesn't have sign, so construct signed offset distance offset_distance = max_dist * dist_val / abs(dist_val) slab_bounds[1] = self._dilation_value_at_reference_to_coord( dist_now + offset_distance ) # 2) construct sub-polyslab slab_bounds.sort() # for reference_plane=top/bottom, bounds need to be ordered # direction of marching reference_plane = "bottom" if dist_val / self._tanq < 0 else "top" sub_polyslab_dict.update( dict( slab_bounds=tuple(slab_bounds), vertices=vertices_now, reference_plane=reference_plane, ) ) sub_polyslab_list.append(PolySlab.parse_obj(sub_polyslab_dict)) # Now Step 3 if max_dist is None: break dist_now += offset_distance # new polygon vertices where collapsing vertices are removed but keep one vertices_now = PolySlab._shift_vertices(vertices_now, offset_distance)[0] vertices_now = PolySlab._remove_duplicate_vertices(vertices_now) # all vertices collapse if len(vertices_now) < 3: break # polygon collapse into 1D if shapely.Polygon(vertices_now).buffer(0).area < fp_eps: break vertices_now = PolySlab._orient(vertices_now) num_division_count += 1 if num_division_count > _COMPLEX_POLYSLAB_DIVISIONS_WARN: log.warning( f"Too many self-intersecting events: the polyslab has been divided into " f"{num_division_count} polyslabs; more than {_COMPLEX_POLYSLAB_DIVISIONS_WARN} may " f"slow down the simulation." ) return sub_polyslab_list @property def _dilation_length(self) -> List[float]: """dilation length from reference plane to the top/bottom of the polyslab.""" # for "bottom", only needs to compute the offset length to the top dist = [self._extrusion_length_to_offset_distance(self.finite_length_axis)] # reverse the dilation value if the reference plane is on the top if self.reference_plane == "top": dist = [-dist[0]] # for middle, both directions elif self.reference_plane == "middle": dist = [dist[0] / 2, -dist[0] / 2] return dist def _dilation_value_at_reference_to_coord(self, dilation: float) -> float: """Compute the coordinate based on the dilation value to the reference plane.""" z_coord = -dilation / self._tanq + self.slab_bounds[0] if self.reference_plane == "middle": return z_coord + self.finite_length_axis / 2 if self.reference_plane == "top": return z_coord + self.finite_length_axis # bottom case return z_coord def intersections_tilted_plane( self, normal: Coordinate, origin: Coordinate, to_2D: MatrixReal4x4 ) -> List[Shapely]: """Return a list of shapely geometries at the plane specified by normal and origin. Parameters ---------- normal : Coordinate Vector defining the normal direction to the plane. origin : Coordinate Vector defining the plane origin. to_2D : MatrixReal4x4 Transformation matrix to apply to resulting shapes. Returns ------- List[shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry] List of 2D shapes that intersect plane. For more details refer to `Shapely's Documentation <>`_. """ return [ shapely.unary_union( [ shape for polyslab in self.sub_polyslabs for shape in polyslab.intersections_tilted_plane(normal, origin, to_2D) ] ) ]