Source code for tidy3d.components.base

"""global configuration / base class for pydantic models used to make simulation."""
from __future__ import annotations

import json
import pathlib
import os
import tempfile
from functools import wraps
from typing import List, Callable, Dict, Union, Tuple, Any
from math import ceil
import io
import hashlib

import rich
import pydantic.v1 as pydantic
from pydantic.v1.fields import ModelField
import yaml
import numpy as np
import h5py
import xarray as xr

from .types import ComplexNumber, Literal, TYPE_TAG_STR
from .data.data_array import DataArray, DATA_ARRAY_MAP
from .file_util import compress_file_to_gzip, extract_gzip_file
from ..exceptions import FileError
from ..log import log

INDENT_JSON_FILE = 4  # default indentation of json string in json files
INDENT = None  # default indentation of json string used internally
# If json string is larger than ``MAX_STRING_LENGTH``, split the string when storing in hdf5

def cache(prop):
    """Decorates a property to cache the first computed value and return it on subsequent calls."""

    # note, we could also just use `prop` as dict key, but hashing property might be slow
    prop_name = prop.__name__

    def cached_property_getter(self):
        """The new property method to be returned by decorator."""

        stored_value = self._cached_properties.get(prop_name)

        if stored_value is not None:
            return stored_value

        computed_value = prop(self)
        self._cached_properties[prop_name] = computed_value
        return computed_value

    return cached_property_getter

def cached_property(cached_property_getter):
    """Shortcut for property(cache()) of a getter."""

    return property(cache(cached_property_getter))

def ndarray_encoder(val):
    """How a ``np.ndarray`` gets handled before saving to json."""
    if np.any(np.iscomplex(val)):
        return dict(real=val.real.tolist(), imag=val.imag.tolist())
    return val.real.tolist()

def _get_valid_extension(fname: str) -> str:
    """Return the file extension from fname, validated to accepted ones."""
    valid_extensions = [".json", ".yaml", ".hdf5", ".h5", ".hdf5.gz"]
    extensions = [s.lower() for s in pathlib.Path(fname).suffixes[-2:]]
    if len(extensions) == 0:
        raise FileError(f"File '{fname}' missing extension.")
    single_extension = extensions[-1]
    if single_extension in valid_extensions:
        return single_extension
    double_extension = "".join(extensions)
    if double_extension in valid_extensions:
        return double_extension
    raise FileError(
        f"File extension must be one of {', '.join(valid_extensions)}; file '{fname}' does not "
        "match any of those."

def skip_if_fields_missing(fields: List[str]):
    """Decorate ``validator`` to check that other fields have passed validation."""

    def actual_decorator(validator):
        def _validator(cls, val, values):
            """New validator function."""
            for field in fields:
                if field not in values:
                        f"Could not execute validator '{validator.__name__}' because field "
                        f"'{field}' failed validation."
                    return val

            return validator(cls, val, values)

        return _validator

    return actual_decorator

[docs] class Tidy3dBaseModel(pydantic.BaseModel): """Base pydantic model that all Tidy3d components inherit from. Defines configuration for handling data structures as well as methods for importing, exporting, and hashing tidy3d objects. For more details on pydantic base models, see: `Pydantic Models <>`_ """
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """Hash method.""" try: return super().__hash__(self) except TypeError: return hash(self.json())
def _hash_self(self) -> str: """Hash this component with ``hashlib`` in a way that is the same every session.""" bf = io.BytesIO() self.to_hdf5(bf) return hashlib.sha256(bf.getvalue()).hexdigest()
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Init method, includes post-init validators.""" log.begin_capture() super().__init__(**kwargs) self._post_init_validators() log.end_capture(self)
def _post_init_validators(self) -> None: """Call validators taking ``self`` that get run after init, implement in subclasses."""
[docs] def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: """Things that are done to each of the models.""" cls.add_type_field() cls.generate_docstring()
[docs] class Config: """Sets config for all :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` objects. Configuration Options --------------------- allow_population_by_field_name : bool = True Allow properties to stand in for fields(?). arbitrary_types_allowed : bool = True Allow types like numpy arrays. extra : str = 'forbid' Forbid extra kwargs not specified in model. json_encoders : Dict[type, Callable] Defines how to encode type in json file. validate_all : bool = True Validate default values just to be safe. validate_assignment : bool Re-validate after re-assignment of field in model. """ arbitrary_types_allowed = True validate_all = True extra = "forbid" validate_assignment = True allow_population_by_field_name = True json_encoders = { np.ndarray: ndarray_encoder, complex: lambda x: ComplexNumber(real=x.real, imag=x.imag), xr.DataArray: DataArray._json_encoder, } frozen = True allow_mutation = False copy_on_model_validation = "none"
_cached_properties = pydantic.PrivateAttr({}) @pydantic.root_validator(skip_on_failure=True) def _special_characters_not_in_name(cls, values): name = values.get("name") if name: for character in FORBID_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS: if character in name: raise ValueError( f"Special character '{character}' not allowed in component name {name}." ) return values
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs) -> Tidy3dBaseModel: """Copy a Tidy3dBaseModel. With ``deep=True`` as default.""" if "deep" in kwargs and kwargs["deep"] is False: raise ValueError("Can't do shallow copy of component, set `deep=True` in copy().") kwargs.update(dict(deep=True)) new_copy = pydantic.BaseModel.copy(self, **kwargs) return self.validate(new_copy.dict())
[docs] def updated_copy(self, **kwargs) -> Tidy3dBaseModel: """Make copy of a component instance with ``**kwargs`` indicating updated field values.""" return self.copy(update=kwargs)
[docs] def help(self, methods: bool = False) -> None: """Prints message describing the fields and methods of a :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel`. Parameters ---------- methods : bool = False Whether to also print out information about object's methods. Example ------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ rich.inspect(self, methods=methods)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, fname: str, group_path: str = None, **parse_obj_kwargs) -> Tidy3dBaseModel: """Loads a :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from .yaml, .json, .hdf5, or .hdf5.gz file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the file to load the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from. group_path : str, optional Path to a group inside the file to use as the base level. Only for hdf5 files. Starting `/` is optional. **parse_obj_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to either pydantic's ``parse_obj`` function when loading model. Returns ------- :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` An instance of the component class calling ``load``. Example ------- >>> simulation = Simulation.from_file(fname='folder/sim.json') # doctest: +SKIP """ model_dict = cls.dict_from_file(fname=fname, group_path=group_path) return cls.parse_obj(model_dict, **parse_obj_kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def dict_from_file(cls, fname: str, group_path: str = None) -> dict: """Loads a dictionary containing the model from a .yaml, .json, .hdf5, or .hdf5.gz file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the file to load the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from. group_path : str, optional Path to a group inside the file to use as the base level. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the model. Example ------- >>> simulation = Simulation.from_file(fname='folder/sim.json') # doctest: +SKIP """ extension = _get_valid_extension(fname) kwargs = {"fname": fname} if group_path is not None: if extension == ".hdf5" or extension == ".hdf5.gz": kwargs["group_path"] = group_path else: log.warning("'group_path' provided, but this feature only works with hdf5 files.") converter = { ".json": cls.dict_from_json, ".yaml": cls.dict_from_yaml, ".hdf5": cls.dict_from_hdf5, ".hdf5.gz": cls.dict_from_hdf5_gz, ".h5": cls.dict_from_hdf5, }[extension] return converter(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_file(self, fname: str) -> None: """Exports :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` instance to .yaml, .json, or .hdf5 file Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .yaml or .json file to save the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` to. Example ------- >>> simulation.to_file(fname='folder/sim.json') # doctest: +SKIP """ extension = _get_valid_extension(fname) converter = { ".json": self.to_json, ".yaml": self.to_yaml, ".hdf5": self.to_hdf5, ".hdf5.gz": self.to_hdf5_gz, }[extension] return converter(fname=fname)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, fname: str, **parse_obj_kwargs) -> Tidy3dBaseModel: """Load a :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from .json file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .json file to load the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from. Returns ------- :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` An instance of the component class calling `load`. **parse_obj_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to pydantic's ``parse_obj`` method. Example ------- >>> simulation = Simulation.from_json(fname='folder/sim.json') # doctest: +SKIP """ model_dict = cls.dict_from_json(fname=fname) return cls.parse_obj(model_dict, **parse_obj_kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def dict_from_json(cls, fname: str) -> dict: """Load dictionary of the model from a .json file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .json file to load the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the model. Example ------- >>> sim_dict = Simulation.dict_from_json(fname='folder/sim.json') # doctest: +SKIP """ with open(fname, encoding="utf-8") as json_fhandle: model_dict = json.load(json_fhandle) return model_dict
[docs] def to_json(self, fname: str) -> None: """Exports :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` instance to .json file Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .json file to save the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` to. Example ------- >>> simulation.to_json(fname='folder/sim.json') # doctest: +SKIP """ json_string = self._json(indent=INDENT_JSON_FILE) self._warn_if_contains_data(json_string) with open(fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file_handle: file_handle.write(json_string)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, fname: str, **parse_obj_kwargs) -> Tidy3dBaseModel: """Loads :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from .yaml file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .yaml file to load the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from. **parse_obj_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to pydantic's ``parse_obj`` method. Returns ------- :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` An instance of the component class calling `from_yaml`. Example ------- >>> simulation = Simulation.from_yaml(fname='folder/sim.yaml') # doctest: +SKIP """ model_dict = cls.dict_from_yaml(fname=fname) return cls.parse_obj(model_dict, **parse_obj_kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def dict_from_yaml(cls, fname: str) -> dict: """Load dictionary of the model from a .yaml file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .yaml file to load the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the model. Example ------- >>> sim_dict = Simulation.dict_from_yaml(fname='folder/sim.yaml') # doctest: +SKIP """ with open(fname, encoding="utf-8") as yaml_in: model_dict = yaml.safe_load(yaml_in) return model_dict
[docs] def to_yaml(self, fname: str) -> None: """Exports :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` instance to .yaml file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .yaml file to save the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` to. Example ------- >>> simulation.to_yaml(fname='folder/sim.yaml') # doctest: +SKIP """ json_string = self._json_string self._warn_if_contains_data(json_string) model_dict = json.loads(json_string) with open(fname, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as file_handle: yaml.dump(model_dict, file_handle, indent=INDENT_JSON_FILE)
@staticmethod def _warn_if_contains_data(json_str: str) -> None: """Log a warning if the json string contains data, used in '.json' and '.yaml' file.""" if any((key in json_str for key, _ in DATA_ARRAY_MAP.items())): log.warning( "Data contents found in the model to be written to file. " "Note that this data will not be included in '.json' or '.yaml' formats. " "As a result, it will not be possible to load the file back to the original model." "Instead, use `.hdf5` extension in filename passed to 'to_file()'." ) @staticmethod def _construct_group_path(group_path: str) -> str: """Construct a group path with the leading forward slash if not supplied.""" # empty string or None if not group_path: return "/" # missing leading forward slash if group_path[0] != "/": return f"/{group_path}" return group_path
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tuple_group_name(index: int) -> str: """Get the group name of a tuple element.""" return str(int(index))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tuple_index(key_name: str) -> int: """Get the index into the tuple based on its group name.""" return int(str(key_name))
[docs] @classmethod def tuple_to_dict(cls, tuple_values: tuple) -> dict: """How we generate a dictionary mapping new keys to tuple values for hdf5.""" return {cls.get_tuple_group_name(index=i): val for i, val in enumerate(tuple_values)}
[docs] @classmethod def get_sub_model(cls, group_path: str, model_dict: dict | list) -> dict: """Get the sub model for a given group path.""" for key in group_path.split("/"): if key: if isinstance(model_dict, list): tuple_index = cls.get_tuple_index(key_name=key) model_dict = model_dict[tuple_index] else: model_dict = model_dict[key] return model_dict
@staticmethod def _json_string_key(index: int) -> str: """Get json string key for string chunk number ``index``.""" if index: return f"{JSON_TAG}_{index}" return JSON_TAG @classmethod def _json_string_from_hdf5(cls, fname: str) -> str: """Load the model json string from an hdf5 file.""" with h5py.File(fname, "r") as f_handle: num_string_parts = len([key for key in f_handle.keys() if JSON_TAG in key]) json_string = b"" for ind in range(num_string_parts): json_string += f_handle[cls._json_string_key(ind)][()] return json_string
[docs] @classmethod def dict_from_hdf5( cls, fname: str, group_path: str = "", custom_decoders: List[Callable] = None ) -> dict: """Loads a dictionary containing the model contents from a .hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .hdf5 file to load the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from. group_path : str, optional Path to a group inside the file to selectively load a sub-element of the model only. custom_decoders : List[Callable] List of functions accepting (fname: str, group_path: str, model_dict: dict, key: str, value: Any) that store the value in the model dict after a custom decoding. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the model. Example ------- >>> sim_dict = Simulation.dict_from_hdf5(fname='folder/sim.hdf5') # doctest: +SKIP """ def is_data_array(value: Any) -> bool: """Whether a value is supposed to be a data array based on the contents.""" return isinstance(value, str) and value in DATA_ARRAY_MAP def load_data_from_file(model_dict: dict, group_path: str = "") -> None: """For every DataArray item in dictionary, load path of hdf5 group as value.""" for key, value in model_dict.items(): subpath = f"{group_path}/{key}" # apply custom validation to the key value pair and modify model_dict if custom_decoders: for custom_decoder in custom_decoders: custom_decoder( fname=fname, group_path=subpath, model_dict=model_dict, key=key, value=value, ) # write the path to the element of the json dict where the data_array should be if is_data_array(value): data_array_type = DATA_ARRAY_MAP[value] model_dict[key] = data_array_type.from_hdf5(fname=fname, group_path=subpath) continue # if a list, assign each element a unique key, recurse if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value_dict = cls.tuple_to_dict(tuple_values=value) load_data_from_file(model_dict=value_dict, group_path=subpath) # handle case of nested list of DataArray elements val_tuple = list(value_dict.values()) for ind, (model_item, value_item) in enumerate(zip(model_dict[key], val_tuple)): if is_data_array(model_item): model_dict[key][ind] = value_item # if a dict, recurse elif isinstance(value, dict): load_data_from_file(model_dict=value, group_path=subpath) model_dict = json.loads(cls._json_string_from_hdf5(fname=fname)) group_path = cls._construct_group_path(group_path) model_dict = cls.get_sub_model(group_path=group_path, model_dict=model_dict) load_data_from_file(model_dict=model_dict, group_path=group_path) return model_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5( cls, fname: str, group_path: str = "", custom_decoders: List[Callable] = None, **parse_obj_kwargs, ) -> Tidy3dBaseModel: """Loads :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` instance to .hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .hdf5 file to load the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from. group_path : str, optional Path to a group inside the file to selectively load a sub-element of the model only. Starting `/` is optional. custom_decoders : List[Callable] List of functions accepting (fname: str, group_path: str, model_dict: dict, key: str, value: Any) that store the value in the model dict after a custom decoding. **parse_obj_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to pydantic's ``parse_obj`` method. Example ------- >>> simulation = Simulation.from_hdf5(fname='folder/sim.hdf5') # doctest: +SKIP """ group_path = cls._construct_group_path(group_path) model_dict = cls.dict_from_hdf5( fname=fname, group_path=group_path, custom_decoders=custom_decoders ) return cls.parse_obj(model_dict, **parse_obj_kwargs)
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, fname: str, custom_encoders: List[Callable] = None) -> None: """Exports :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` instance to .hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .hdf5 file to save the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` to. custom_encoders : List[Callable] List of functions accepting (fname: str, group_path: str, value: Any) that take the ``value`` supplied and write it to the hdf5 ``fname`` at ``group_path``. Example ------- >>> simulation.to_hdf5(fname='folder/sim.hdf5') # doctest: +SKIP """ with h5py.File(fname, "w") as f_handle: json_str = self._json_string for ind in range(ceil(len(json_str) / MAX_STRING_LENGTH)): ind_start = int(ind * MAX_STRING_LENGTH) ind_stop = min(int(ind + 1) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH, len(json_str)) f_handle[self._json_string_key(ind)] = json_str[ind_start:ind_stop] def add_data_to_file(data_dict: dict, group_path: str = "") -> None: """For every DataArray item in dictionary, write path of hdf5 group as value.""" for key, value in data_dict.items(): # append the key to the path subpath = f"{group_path}/{key}" if custom_encoders: for custom_encoder in custom_encoders: custom_encoder(fname=f_handle, group_path=subpath, value=value) # write the path to the element of the json dict where the data_array should be if isinstance(value, xr.DataArray): value.to_hdf5(fname=f_handle, group_path=subpath) # if a tuple, assign each element a unique key if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value_dict = self.tuple_to_dict(tuple_values=value) add_data_to_file(data_dict=value_dict, group_path=subpath) # if a dict, recurse elif isinstance(value, dict): add_data_to_file(data_dict=value, group_path=subpath) add_data_to_file(data_dict=self.dict())
[docs] @classmethod def dict_from_hdf5_gz( cls, fname: str, group_path: str = "", custom_decoders: List[Callable] = None ) -> dict: """Loads a dictionary containing the model contents from a .hdf5.gz file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .hdf5.gz file to load the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from. group_path : str, optional Path to a group inside the file to selectively load a sub-element of the model only. custom_decoders : List[Callable] List of functions accepting (fname: str, group_path: str, model_dict: dict, key: str, value: Any) that store the value in the model dict after a custom decoding. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the model. Example ------- >>> sim_dict = Simulation.dict_from_hdf5(fname='folder/sim.hdf5.gz') # doctest: +SKIP """ file, extracted = tempfile.mkstemp(".hdf5") os.close(file) try: extract_gzip_file(fname, extracted) result = cls.dict_from_hdf5( extracted, group_path=group_path, custom_decoders=custom_decoders ) finally: os.unlink(extracted) return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5_gz( cls, fname: str, group_path: str = "", custom_decoders: List[Callable] = None, **parse_obj_kwargs, ) -> Tidy3dBaseModel: """Loads :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` instance to .hdf5.gz file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .hdf5.gz file to load the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` from. group_path : str, optional Path to a group inside the file to selectively load a sub-element of the model only. Starting `/` is optional. custom_decoders : List[Callable] List of functions accepting (fname: str, group_path: str, model_dict: dict, key: str, value: Any) that store the value in the model dict after a custom decoding. **parse_obj_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to pydantic's ``parse_obj`` method. Example ------- >>> simulation = Simulation.from_hdf5_gz(fname='folder/sim.hdf5.gz') # doctest: +SKIP """ group_path = cls._construct_group_path(group_path) model_dict = cls.dict_from_hdf5_gz( fname=fname, group_path=group_path, custom_decoders=custom_decoders ) return cls.parse_obj(model_dict, **parse_obj_kwargs)
[docs] def to_hdf5_gz(self, fname: str, custom_encoders: List[Callable] = None) -> None: """Exports :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` instance to .hdf5.gz file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the .hdf5.gz file to save the :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` to. custom_encoders : List[Callable] List of functions accepting (fname: str, group_path: str, value: Any) that take the ``value`` supplied and write it to the hdf5 ``fname`` at ``group_path``. Example ------- >>> simulation.to_hdf5_gz(fname='folder/sim.hdf5.gz') # doctest: +SKIP """ file, decompressed = tempfile.mkstemp(".hdf5") os.close(file) try: self.to_hdf5(decompressed, custom_encoders=custom_encoders) compress_file_to_gzip(decompressed, fname) finally: os.unlink(decompressed)
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """define < for getting unique indices based on hash.""" return hash(self) < hash(other)
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """define > for getting unique indices based on hash.""" return hash(self) > hash(other)
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """define <= for getting unique indices based on hash.""" return hash(self) <= hash(other)
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """define >= for getting unique indices based on hash.""" return hash(self) >= hash(other)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Define == for two Tidy3DBaseModels.""" if other is None: return False def check_equal(dict1: dict, dict2: dict) -> bool: """Check if two dictionaries are equal, with special handlings.""" # if different keys, automatically fail if not dict1.keys() == dict2.keys(): return False # loop through elements in each dict for key in dict1.keys(): val1 = dict1[key] val2 = dict2[key] # if one of val1 or val2 is None (exclusive OR) if (val1 is None) != (val2 is None): return False # convert tuple to dict to use this recursive function if isinstance(val1, tuple) or isinstance(val2, tuple): val1 = dict(zip(range(len(val1)), val1)) val2 = dict(zip(range(len(val2)), val2)) # if dictionaries, recurse if isinstance(val1, dict) or isinstance(val2, dict): are_equal = check_equal(val1, val2) if not are_equal: return False # if numpy arrays, use numpy to do equality check elif isinstance(val1, np.ndarray) or isinstance(val2, np.ndarray): if not np.array_equal(val1, val2): return False # everything else else: # note: this logic is because != is handled differently in DataArrays apparently if not val1 == val2: return False return True return check_equal(self.dict(), other.dict())
@cached_property def _json_string(self) -> str: """Returns string representation of a :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel`. Returns ------- str Json-formatted string holding :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` data. """ return self._json() def _json(self, indent=INDENT, exclude_unset=False, **kwargs) -> str: """Overwrites the model ``json`` representation with some extra customized handling. Parameters ----------- **kwargs : kwargs passed to `self.json()` Returns ------- str Json-formatted string holding :class:`Tidy3dBaseModel` data. """ def make_json_compatible(json_string: str) -> str: """Makes the string compatible with json standards, notably for infinity.""" tmp_string = "<<TEMPORARY_INFINITY_STRING>>" json_string = json_string.replace("-Infinity", tmp_string) json_string = json_string.replace("Infinity", '"Infinity"') return json_string.replace(tmp_string, '"-Infinity"') json_string = self.json(indent=indent, exclude_unset=exclude_unset, **kwargs) json_string = make_json_compatible(json_string) return json_string
[docs] @classmethod def add_type_field(cls) -> None: """Automatically place "type" field with model name in the model field dictionary.""" value = cls.__name__ annotation = Literal[value] tag_field = ModelField.infer( name=TYPE_TAG_STR, value=value, annotation=annotation, class_validators=None, config=cls.__config__, ) cls.__fields__[TYPE_TAG_STR] = tag_field
[docs] @classmethod def generate_docstring(cls) -> str: """Generates a docstring for a Tidy3D mode and saves it to the __doc__ of the class.""" # store the docstring in here doc = "" # if the model already has a docstring, get the first lines and save the rest original_docstrings = [] if cls.__doc__: original_docstrings = cls.__doc__.split("\n\n") class_description = original_docstrings.pop(0) doc += class_description original_docstrings = "\n\n".join(original_docstrings) # create the list of parameters (arguments) for the model doc += "\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n" for field_name, field in cls.__fields__.items(): # ignore the type tag if field_name == TYPE_TAG_STR: continue # get data type data_type = field._type_display() # get default values default_val = field.get_default() if "=" in str(default_val): # handle cases where default values are pydantic models default_val = f"{default_val.__class__.__name__}({default_val})" default_val = (", ").join(default_val.split(" ")) # make first line: name : type = default default_str = "" if field.required else f" = {default_val}" doc += f" {field_name} : {data_type}{default_str}\n" # get field metadata field_info = field.field_info doc += " " # add units (if present) units = field_info.extra.get("units") if units is not None: if isinstance(units, (tuple, list)): unitstr = "(" for unit in units: unitstr += str(unit) unitstr += ", " unitstr = unitstr[:-2] unitstr += ")" else: unitstr = units doc += f"[units = {unitstr}]. " # add description description_str = field_info.description if description_str is not None: doc += f"{description_str}\n" # add in remaining things in the docs if original_docstrings: doc += "\n" doc += original_docstrings doc += "\n" cls.__doc__ = doc
[docs] def get_submodels_by_hash(self) -> Dict[int, List[Union[str, Tuple[str, int]]]]: """Return a dictionary of this object's sub-models indexed by their hash values.""" fields = {} for key in self.__fields__: field = getattr(self, key) if isinstance(field, Tidy3dBaseModel): hash_ = hash(field) if hash_ not in fields: fields[hash_] = [] fields[hash_].append(key) # Do we need to consider np.ndarray here? elif isinstance(field, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): for index, sub_field in enumerate(field): if isinstance(sub_field, Tidy3dBaseModel): hash_ = hash(sub_field) if hash_ not in fields: fields[hash_] = [] fields[hash_].append((key, index)) elif isinstance(field, dict): for index, sub_field in field.items(): if isinstance(sub_field, Tidy3dBaseModel): hash_ = hash(sub_field) if hash_ not in fields: fields[hash_] = [] fields[hash_].append((key, index)) return fields