
Structures are the geometrical contents of a component: the shapes that make the device’s physical layout. The 2D structures of the component can be converted into 3D ones by an extrusion process guided by the component’s technology.

2D Structures

Polygon(vertices[, holes])

Polygonal geometric object.

Rectangle([corner1, corner2, center, size, ...])

Rectangular geometric object.

Circle(radius[, center, inner_radius, ...])

Circular primitives including circles, ellipses, rings and sectors.

Path(origin, width[, offset, caps, ...])

Planar path object.

3D Structures

Polyhedron(medium, vertices, triangles)

Triangulated volumetric object.

Extruded(medium, face, limits[, dilations, axis])

Extruded volumetric object.

ConstructiveSolid(operand1, operand2, operation)

Constructive geometry based on combinations of solids.


Expression(parameter, expresssion)

Numerical parametric expression object.

text(text_string, size[, origin, rotation, ...])

Create polygonal text.

boolean(operand1, operand2, operation)

Compute the boolean operation between 2 sets of polygons.

offset(operand, distance[, round_joins])

Dilate or erode a set of polygons.

envelope(operand[, offset, trim_x_min, ...])

Create an envelope for the given structures.


Snap the value to the current grid.


Snap the value to the current grid rounding towards \(-\infty\).


Snap the value to the current grid rounding towards \(+\infty\).