
class photonforge.WaveguideModel(n_complex=None, length=None, mesh_refinement=None, verbose=True)

Analytic model for straight waveguides.

The component is expected to have 2 ports with identical profiles. The S matrix is zero for all reflection or mixed-mode coefficients. Same-mode transmission coefficients are modeled by:

\[S_{jk} = \exp(i 2 \pi f n_c L / c₀)\]

with \(n_c\) the complex effective index for the port profile modes, and \(L\) the waveguide length.

  • n_complex (complex | Buffer | _SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes] | None) – Waveguide complex effective index. For multimode models, a sequence of indices must be provided, one for each mode. If not set, a mode solver will be used to compute it.

  • length (float | None) – Physical length of the waveguide. If not provided, the distance between ports is be used (assuming a straight waveguide).

  • mesh_refinement (float | None) – Minimal number of mesh elements per wavelength used for mode solving.

  • verbose (bool) – Flag setting the verbosity of mode solver runs.


Dispersion can be included in the model by setting n_complex to a 2D array with shape (M, N), in which M is the number of modes in the waveguide, and N the length of the frequency sequence used in the S matrix computation.



De-serialize this model.

s_matrix(component, frequencies[, ...])

Compute the S matrix for a component using this model.

start(component, frequencies, **kwargs)

Start computing the S matrix response from a component.

update(*args, **kwargs)

Update this model.



Serialize this model.


Function used to update a parametric component.


Keyword arguments used to update a parametric component.


List of monte_carlo.RandomVariable associated to this component's parameters.

property as_bytes: bytes

Serialize this model.

classmethod from_bytes(byte_repr)

De-serialize this model.


byte_repr (bytes)

Return type:


start(component, frequencies, **kwargs)

Start computing the S matrix response from a component.

  • component (Component) – Component from which to compute the S matrix.

  • frequencies (Sequence[float]) – Sequence of frequencies at which to perform the computation.

  • **kwargs – Unused.


Result object with attributes status and s_matrix.

Return type:

ModelResult | _WaveguideModelRunner