Data Model

The data model is used when the S parameters for a component are available as value arrays, for example, loaded from a Touchstone (snp) file. This type of model allows the use of data imported from alternative sources and, in particular, experimental data to be used for simulation.

import numpy as np
import photonforge as pf
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

pf.config.default_technology = pf.basic_technology()

Sample Data Generation

For practical reasons, we’ll first create a Touchstone file with data from a Tidy3D model simulation, instead of running an actual experiment. The following component is not practical, but it is a small example that provides an interesting S parameter curve.

component = pf.Component("MAIN")

    pf.Path((0, -2.5), 0.5)
    .segment((0, -2))
    .segment((0, -1.5), 0.2)
    .segment((0, 1.5))
    .segment((0, 2), 0.5)
    .segment((0, 2.5)),
    *[pf.Rectangle(center=(0, i * 0.4), size=(2, 0.25)) for i in range(-4, 5)]

component.add("WG_CLAD", pf.envelope(component, 1, trim_y_min=True, trim_y_max=True))


component.add_model(pf.Tidy3DModel(port_symmetries=[("P1", "P0", {"P0": "P1"})]), "Tidy3D")


The S matrix values will be computed using 21 equally-spaced points in wavelength domain:

s_matrix = component.s_matrix(pf.C_0 / np.linspace(1.3, 1.7, 21))

plt.plot(pf.C_0 / s_matrix.frequencies, np.abs(s_matrix["P0@0", "P0@0"]), label="Reflection")
plt.plot(pf.C_0 / s_matrix.frequencies, np.abs(s_matrix["P0@0", "P1@0"]), label="Transmission")
plt.xlabel("Wavelength (μm)")
_ = plt.legend()
Loading cached simulation from .tidy3d/pf_cache/SWB/fdtd_info-K3DFMOHNAP4PMBG7ULTLI4VDJ7QT4FQSYYEP3WKVDUC4YD7RUAJA.json.
Progress: 100%

The data is written to a Touchstone file to be loaded as if it were experimental data.

_ = s_matrix.write_snp("data.s2p")

Loading S Matrix Data

Loading Touchstone files can be done with the load_snp function or the SMatrix.load_snp method. The former returns an array with the S matrix values and another with their corresponding frequencies, and the latter creates an S matrix object directly and is usually easier to use.

loaded_s_matrix = pf.SMatrix.load_snp("data.s2p")

data_model = pf.DataModel(loaded_s_matrix, interpolation_method="linear")

The data model can be used just as any other model to generate S parameters for the component they are assigned to. The only condition that must be respected is that the number of ports/modes of the component must match the model’s.

For example, we can create a black-box components and use our experimental data model to include the component in larger systems with circuit models.

black_box = pf.Component("BB")

black_box.add_port(pf.Port((0, 0), 0, "Strip"), "P0")
black_box.add_port(pf.Port((1, 0), 180, "Rib"), "P1")

black_box.add_model(data_model, "Data")

s_data = black_box.s_matrix(pf.C_0 / np.linspace(1.3, 1.7, 101))

plt.plot(pf.C_0 / s_matrix.frequencies, np.abs(s_matrix["P0@0", "P0@0"]), "o")
plt.plot(pf.C_0 / s_data.frequencies, np.abs(s_data["P0@0", "P0@0"]))
plt.xlabel("Wavelength (μm)")
_ = plt.ylabel("Reflection")
Progress: 100%


Note that the S matrix retrieved from the data model earlier used a different set of frequency points from the original. The data model computes the S parameters using linear interpolation by default, but that can be easily changed to a few other methods, documented in the data model constructor. Let’s use the "akima" method for a smoother interpolation:

model = pf.DataModel(loaded_s_matrix, interpolation_method="akima")

s_data = model.s_matrix(component, pf.C_0 / np.linspace(1.3, 1.7, 101))

plt.plot(pf.C_0 / s_matrix.frequencies, np.abs(s_matrix["P0@0", "P0@0"]), "o")
plt.plot(pf.C_0 / s_data.frequencies, np.abs(s_data["P0@0", "P0@0"]))
plt.xlabel("Wavelength (μm)")
_ = plt.ylabel("Reflection")
Progress: 100%

By default, the interpolation is applied to the magnitude and phases independently. It is also possible to interpolate using the real and imaginary components of the S parameters, but that usually leads to large phase jumps.