
photonforge.parametric.rectangular_spiral(*, port_spec, turns, radius=None, separation=0, size=(0, 0), align_ports='', active_model='Circuit', technology=None, name='', bend_kwargs={}, straight_kwargs={}, tidy3d_model_kwargs={}, circuit_model_kwargs={})

Rectangular spiral.

  • port_spec (str | PortSpec) – Port specification describing waveguide cross-section.

  • turns (int) – Number of turns in each of the 2 spiral arms.

  • radius (float | None) – Bend radius for the spiral turns.

  • separation (float) – Distance between waveguide centers in parallel sections.

  • size (tuple[float, float]) – Spiral dimensions measured from the waveguide centers.

  • align_ports (Literal['', 'x', 'y']) – Optionally align ports to have centers with same "x" or "y" coordinates.

  • active_model (Literal['Circuit', 'Tidy3D']) – Name of the model to be used by default; must be either "Tidy3D" or "Circuit".

  • technology (Technology) – Component technology. If None, the default technology is used.

  • name (str) – Component name.

  • bend_kwargs (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of keyword arguments for bend().

  • straight_kwargs (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of keyword arguments for straight().

  • tidy3d_model_kwargs (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of keyword arguments passed to the component’s photonforge.Tidy3DModel.

  • circuit_model_kwargs (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of keyword arguments passed to the component’s photonforge.CircuitModel.


Component with the straight section, ports and model.

Return type:



The full length of the spiral can be computed by summing all path lengths from the main component’s references, assuming the paths in the specified layer have no offsets: sum(r.component.structures[layer][0].length() for r in spiral.references))

# Compact spiral
component1 = rectangular_spiral(
    port_spec="Strip", radius=5, turns=7, bend_kwargs={"euler_fraction": 0.5}

# Horizontally aligned ports
component2 = rectangular_spiral(
    port_spec="Strip", radius=5, turns=7, bend_kwargs={"euler_fraction": 0.5}, align_ports="y"

# Vertically aligned ports, predefined length
component3 = rectangular_spiral(
    bend_kwargs={"euler_fraction": 0.5},
    size=(75, 0),