
photonforge.basic_technology(core_medium=None, clad_medium=None, trench_medium=None, top_medium=None, substrate_medium=None, core_thickness=0.22, slab_thickness=0.07, clad_thickness=1.0, box_thickness=1.0, core_layer=(2, 0), slab_layer=(3, 0), clad_layer=(1, 0), trench_layer=(4, 0), strip_width=0.5, rib_width=0.4, clad_width=1.0, mask_dilation=0, sidewall_angle=0, core_fill=False, core_thickness_stdev=0.002, slab_thickness_stdev=0.005, clad_thickness_stdev=0.05, box_thickness_stdev=0.05, mask_dilation_stdev=0.005, sidewall_angle_stdev=2)

Create a basic technology to be used as an example.

  • core_medium – Medium used for the core layer (defaults to crystalline silicon from Tidy3D’s material library, “Li1993_293K” variant).

  • clad_medium – Medium used for cladding (defaults to silicon dioxide from Tidy3D’s material library, “Palik_Lossless” variant).

  • trench_medium – Medium used for trenches (defaults to vacuum).

  • top_medium – If set, an infinite layer above the clad is added with this medium.

  • substrate_medium – If set, an infinite layer bellow the bottom clad is added with this medium.

  • core_thickness – Thickness of the core layer.

  • slab_thickness – Thickness of the slab region (partially etched core thickness).

  • clad_thickness – Top cladding thickness.

  • box_thickness – Bottom cladding thickness.

  • core_layer – Layer tuple for the core region.

  • slab_layer – Layer tuple for the slab region.

  • clad_layer – Layer tuple for the clad region.

  • trench_layer – Layer tuple for the trench region.

  • strip_width – Strip waveguide core width.

  • rib_width – Rib waveguide core width.

  • clad_width – Cladding width to the sides of waveguides.

  • mask_dilation – Dilation appplied to the core extrusion masks.

  • sidewall_angle – Etching angle in the core (in degrees).

  • core_fill – If set, device bounds will be filled with the core layer and only cladding and slab regions will have it (partially) removed. Otherwise, only core and slab regions will have the core medium.

  • core_thickness_stdev – Standard deviation for core_thickness.

  • slab_thickness_stdev – Standard deviation for core_thickness.

  • clad_thickness_stdev – Standard deviation for core_thickness.

  • box_thickness_stdev – Standard deviation for core_thickness.

  • mask_dilation_stdev – Standard deviation for mask_dilation.

  • sidewall_angle_stdev – Standard deviation for sidewall angle (in degrees).