


Abstract model class to calculate a component's S matrix.

ModelResult(s_matrix[, status])

Convenience class to return S matrix results immediately.

Tidy3DModel([run_time, medium, symmetry, ...])

S matrix model based on Tidy3D FDTD calculation.

EMEModel(eme_grid_spec[, medium, symmetry, ...])

S matrix model based on Eigenmode Expansion calculation.

WaveguideModel([n_complex, length, ...])

Analytic model for straight waveguides.


Analytic model for a 1-port device.

TwoPortModel([t, r0, r1, ports])

Analytic model for a 2-port component.

PowerSplitterModel([t, i, r0, r1, ports])

Analytic model for a 3-port power splitter.

DirectionalCouplerModel([t, c, i, r, ports])

Analytic model for a 4-port directional coupler

DataModel([s_matrix, s_array, frequencies, ...])

Model based on existing S matrix data.

CircuitModel([mesh_refinement, verbose])

Model based on circuit-level S-parameter calculation.

SMatrix(frequencies, elements[, ports])

S matrix object.

PoleResidueMatrix(poles, residues[, ...])

Pole-residue representation of an S matrix.


pole_residue_fit(s_matrix[, initial_poles, ...])

Fit S matrix elements with rational functions sharing a set of poles.

plot_s_matrix(s_matrix[, input_ports, ...])

Helper function to plot a component S matrix.


Register a model class derived from Model.


Load an S matrix from a Touchstone (snp) file.