Module Configuration


Global configuration for the module.


config.grid = 0.001

Grid for snapping vertices after transformations. See also snap_to_grid().

config.tolerance = 0.005

Tolerance for geometry discretization (e.g. setting the number of straight segments that make up a curve).

config.default_technology (initially unset)

Default technology for new components.

config.default_radius (initially unset)

Default radius for paths.

config.default_mesh_refinement = 20.0

Default mesh refinement used in Tidy3D grids.

config.svg_ports = True

Show ports in component SVG representations.

config.svg_port_names = True

Show port names in component SVG representations.

config.svg_labels = True

Show labels in component SVG representations.

config.svg_virtual_connections = True

Show virtual connections in component SVG representations.

config.svg_references = True

Show references in component SVG representations.

config.svg_reference_names = False

Show reference names in component SVG representations.

config.svg_reference_ports = True

Show reference ports in component SVG representations.

config.svg_reference_port_names = False

Show reference port names in component SVG representations.

tidy3d_model.use_local_mode_solver = False

Flag controlling the use of Tidy3D’s local ModeSolver instead of the remote one.

cache.path = "~/.tidy3d/pf_cache"

Path to store cached simulations files.


photonforge.C_0 = 2.99792458e14

Speed of light in vacuum (in µm/s)