How do I get resonance quality factors?

How do I get resonance quality factors?#



2023-12-20 18:51:02

Resonance Finder

To calculate low-quality factor resonances using Tidy3D, you can build and run a simulation until the electromagnetic fields fully decay to negligible values within the simulation domain. Then, you can obtain the resonance quality factor from the spectral response obtained from frequency-domain monitors.

However, when looking for long-lived resonances, the total time to the fields fully decay within the simulation domain can be extremely long. In this situation, the tidy3d.plugins.resonance.ResonanceFinder plugin allows one to find resonances and extract their information from time domain field monitors without the necessity of waiting for the fields to decay completely. The ResonanceFinder plugin needs tidy3d.FieldTimeMonitor to record the field as a function of time.

See this tutorial for more details on the ResonanceFinder plugin.