"""Concrete primitive geometrical objects."""
from __future__ import annotations
from math import isclose
from typing import List
import autograd.numpy as anp
import numpy as np
import pydantic.v1 as pydantic
import shapely
from ...constants import C_0, LARGE_NUMBER, MICROMETER
from ...exceptions import SetupError, ValidationError
from ...packaging import verify_packages_import
from ..autograd import AutogradFieldMap, TracedSize1D
from ..autograd.derivative_utils import DerivativeInfo
from ..base import cached_property, skip_if_fields_missing
from ..types import Axis, Bound, Coordinate, MatrixReal4x4, Shapely, Tuple
from . import base
from .polyslab import PolySlab
# for sampling conical frustum in visualization
# for shapely circular shapes discretization in visualization
# Default number of points to discretize polyslab in `Cylinder.to_polyslab()`
# Default number of points per wvl in material for discretizing cylinder in autograd derivative
class Sphere(base.Centered, base.Circular):
"""Spherical geometry.
>>> b = Sphere(center=(1,2,3), radius=2)
def inside(
self, x: np.ndarray[float], y: np.ndarray[float], z: np.ndarray[float]
) -> np.ndarray[bool]:
"""For input arrays ``x``, ``y``, ``z`` of arbitrary but identical shape, return an array
with the same shape which is ``True`` for every point in zip(x, y, z) that is inside the
volume of the :class:`Geometry`, and ``False`` otherwise.
x : np.ndarray[float]
Array of point positions in x direction.
y : np.ndarray[float]
Array of point positions in y direction.
z : np.ndarray[float]
Array of point positions in z direction.
``True`` for every point that is inside the geometry.
self._ensure_equal_shape(x, y, z)
x0, y0, z0 = self.center
dist_x = np.abs(x - x0)
dist_y = np.abs(y - y0)
dist_z = np.abs(z - z0)
return (dist_x**2 + dist_y**2 + dist_z**2) <= (self.radius**2)
def intersections_tilted_plane(
self, normal: Coordinate, origin: Coordinate, to_2D: MatrixReal4x4
) -> List[Shapely]:
"""Return a list of shapely geometries at the plane specified by normal and origin.
normal : Coordinate
Vector defining the normal direction to the plane.
origin : Coordinate
Vector defining the plane origin.
to_2D : MatrixReal4x4
Transformation matrix to apply to resulting shapes.
List of 2D shapes that intersect plane.
For more details refer to
`Shapely's Documentation <https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/project.html>`_.
normal = np.array(normal)
unit_normal = normal / (np.sum(normal**2) ** 0.5)
projection = np.dot(np.array(origin) - np.array(self.center), unit_normal)
if abs(projection) >= self.radius:
return []
radius = (self.radius**2 - projection**2) ** 0.5
center = np.array(self.center) + projection * unit_normal
v = np.zeros(3)
v[np.argmin(np.abs(unit_normal))] = 1
u = np.cross(unit_normal, v)
u /= np.sum(u**2) ** 0.5
v = np.cross(unit_normal, u)
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, _N_SHAPELY_QUAD_SEGS * 4 + 1)[:-1]
circ = center + np.outer(np.cos(angles), radius * u) + np.outer(np.sin(angles), radius * v)
vertices = np.dot(np.hstack((circ, np.ones((angles.size, 1)))), to_2D.T)
return [shapely.Polygon(vertices[:, :2])]
def intersections_plane(self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None):
"""Returns shapely geometry at plane specified by one non None value of x,y,z.
x : float = None
Position of plane in x direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane.
y : float = None
Position of plane in x direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane.
z : float = None
Position of plane in x direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane.
List of 2D shapes that intersect plane.
For more details refer to
`Shapely's Documentation <https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/project.html>`_.
axis, position = self.parse_xyz_kwargs(x=x, y=y, z=z)
if not self.intersects_axis_position(axis, position):
return []
z0, (x0, y0) = self.pop_axis(self.center, axis=axis)
intersect_dist = self._intersect_dist(position, z0)
if not intersect_dist:
return []
return [shapely.Point(x0, y0).buffer(0.5 * intersect_dist, quad_segs=_N_SHAPELY_QUAD_SEGS)]
def bounds(self) -> Bound:
"""Returns bounding box min and max coordinates.
Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[float, float, float]
Min and max bounds packaged as ``(minx, miny, minz), (maxx, maxy, maxz)``.
coord_min = tuple(c - self.radius for c in self.center)
coord_max = tuple(c + self.radius for c in self.center)
return (coord_min, coord_max)
def _volume(self, bounds: Bound) -> float:
"""Returns object's volume within given bounds."""
volume = 4.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * self.radius**3
# a very loose upper bound on how much of sphere is in bounds
for axis in range(3):
if self.center[axis] <= bounds[0][axis] or self.center[axis] >= bounds[1][axis]:
volume *= 0.5
return volume
def _surface_area(self, bounds: Bound) -> float:
"""Returns object's surface area within given bounds."""
area = 4.0 * np.pi * self.radius**2
# a very loose upper bound on how much of sphere is in bounds
for axis in range(3):
if self.center[axis] <= bounds[0][axis] or self.center[axis] >= bounds[1][axis]:
area *= 0.5
return area
class Cylinder(base.Centered, base.Circular, base.Planar):
"""Cylindrical geometry with optional sidewall angle along axis
direction. When ``sidewall_angle`` is nonzero, the shape is a
conical frustum or a cone.
>>> c = Cylinder(center=(1,2,3), radius=2, length=5, axis=2)
See Also
* `THz integrated demultiplexer/filter based on a ring resonator <../../../notebooks/THzDemultiplexerFilter.html>`_
* `Photonic crystal waveguide polarization filter <../../../notebooks/PhotonicCrystalWaveguidePolarizationFilter.html>`_
# Provide more explanations on where radius is defined
radius: TracedSize1D = pydantic.Field(
description="Radius of geometry at the ``reference_plane``.",
length: pydantic.NonNegativeFloat = pydantic.Field(
description="Defines thickness of cylinder along axis dimension.",
@pydantic.validator("length", always=True)
@skip_if_fields_missing(["sidewall_angle", "reference_plane"])
def _only_middle_for_infinite_length_slanted_cylinder(cls, val, values):
"""For a slanted cylinder of infinite length, ``reference_plane`` can only
be ``middle``; otherwise, the radius at ``center`` is either td.inf or 0.
if isclose(values["sidewall_angle"], 0) or not np.isinf(val):
return val
if values["reference_plane"] != "middle":
raise SetupError(
"For a slanted cylinder here is of infinite length, "
"defining the reference_plane other than 'middle' "
"leads to undefined cylinder behaviors near 'center'."
return val
def to_polyslab(
self, num_pts_circumference: int = _N_PTS_CYLINDER_POLYSLAB, **kwargs
) -> PolySlab:
"""Convert instance of ``Cylinder`` into a discretized version using ``PolySlab``.
num_pts_circumference : int = 51
Number of points in the circumference of the discretized polyslab.
Extra keyword arguments passed to ``PolySlab()``, such as ``dilation``.
Extruded polygon representing a discretized version of the cylinder.
center_axis = self.center_axis
length_axis = self.length_axis
slab_bounds = (center_axis - length_axis / 2.0, center_axis + length_axis / 2.0)
if num_pts_circumference < 3:
raise ValueError("'PolySlab' from 'Cylinder' must have 3 or more radius points.")
_, (x0, y0) = self.pop_axis(self.center, axis=self.axis)
xs_, ys_ = self._points_unit_circle(num_pts_circumference=num_pts_circumference)
xs = x0 + self.radius * xs_
ys = y0 + self.radius * ys_
vertices = anp.stack((xs, ys), axis=-1)
return PolySlab(
def _points_unit_circle(
self, num_pts_circumference: int = _N_PTS_CYLINDER_POLYSLAB
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Set of x and y points for the unit circle when discretizing cylinder as a polyslab."""
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num_pts_circumference, endpoint=False)
xs = np.cos(angles)
ys = np.sin(angles)
return np.stack((xs, ys), axis=0)
def compute_derivatives(self, derivative_info: DerivativeInfo) -> AutogradFieldMap:
"""Compute the adjoint derivatives for this object."""
# compute number of points in the circumference of the polyslab using resolution info
wvl0 = C_0 / derivative_info.frequency
wvl_mat = wvl0 / max(1.0, np.sqrt(abs(derivative_info.eps_in)))
circumference = 2 * np.pi * self.radius
wvls_in_circumference = circumference / wvl_mat
num_pts_circumference = int(
np.ceil(_PTS_PER_WVL_MAT_CYLINDER_DISCRETIZE * wvls_in_circumference)
num_pts_circumference = max(3, num_pts_circumference)
# construct equivalent polyslab and compute the derivatives
polyslab = self.to_polyslab(num_pts_circumference=num_pts_circumference)
derivative_info_polyslab = derivative_info.updated_copy(paths=[("vertices",)], deep=False)
vjps_polyslab = polyslab.compute_derivatives(derivative_info_polyslab)
vjps_vertices_xs, vjps_vertices_ys = vjps_polyslab[("vertices",)].T
# transform polyslab vertices derivatives into Cylinder parameter derivatives
xs_, ys_ = self._points_unit_circle(num_pts_circumference=num_pts_circumference)
vjp_xs = np.sum(xs_ * vjps_vertices_xs)
vjp_ys = np.sum(ys_ * vjps_vertices_ys)
vjps = {}
for path in derivative_info.paths:
if path == ("radius",):
vjps[path] = vjp_xs + vjp_ys
elif "center" in path:
_, center_index = path
if center_index == self.axis:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Currently cannot differentiate Cylinder with respect to its 'center' along"
" the axis. If you would like this feature added, please feel free to raise"
" an issue on the tidy3d front end repository."
_, (index_x, index_y) = self.pop_axis((0, 1, 2), axis=self.axis)
if center_index == index_x:
vjps[path] = np.sum(vjps_vertices_xs)
elif center_index == index_y:
vjps[path] = np.sum(vjps_vertices_ys)
raise ValueError(
"Something unexpected happened. Was asked to differentiate "
f"with respect to 'Cylinder.center[{center_index}]', but this was not "
"detected as being one of the parallel axis with "
f"'Cylinder.axis' of '{self.axis}'. If you received this error, please raise "
"an issue on the tidy3d front end repository with details about how you "
"defined your 'Cylinder' in the objective function."
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Differentiation with respect to 'Cylinder' '{path}' field not supported. "
"If you would like this feature added, please feel free to raise "
"an issue on the tidy3d front end repository."
return vjps
def center_axis(self):
"""Gets the position of the center of the geometry in the out of plane dimension."""
z0, _ = self.pop_axis(self.center, axis=self.axis)
return z0
def length_axis(self) -> float:
"""Gets the length of the geometry along the out of plane dimension."""
return self.length
def _normal_2dmaterial(self) -> Axis:
"""Get the normal to the given geometry, checking that it is a 2D geometry."""
if self.length != 0:
raise ValidationError("'Medium2D' requires the 'Cylinder' length to be zero.")
return self.axis
def _update_from_bounds(self, bounds: Tuple[float, float], axis: Axis) -> Cylinder:
"""Returns an updated geometry which has been transformed to fit within ``bounds``
along the ``axis`` direction."""
if axis != self.axis:
raise ValueError(
f"'_update_from_bounds' may only be applied along axis '{self.axis}', "
f"but was given axis '{axis}'."
new_center = list(self.center)
new_center[axis] = (bounds[0] + bounds[1]) / 2
new_length = bounds[1] - bounds[0]
return self.updated_copy(center=new_center, length=new_length)
def _do_intersections_tilted_plane(
self, normal: Coordinate, origin: Coordinate, to_2D: MatrixReal4x4
) -> List[Shapely]:
"""Return a list of shapely geometries at the plane specified by normal and origin.
normal : Coordinate
Vector defining the normal direction to the plane.
origin : Coordinate
Vector defining the plane origin.
to_2D : MatrixReal4x4
Transformation matrix to apply to resulting shapes.
List of 2D shapes that intersect plane.
For more details refer to
`Shapely's Documentation <https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/project.html>`_.
import trimesh
z0, (x0, y0) = self.pop_axis(self.center, self.axis)
half_length = self.finite_length_axis / 2
z_top = z0 + half_length
z_bot = z0 - half_length
if np.isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0):
r_top = self.radius
r_bot = self.radius
r_top = self.radius_top
r_bot = self.radius_bottom
if r_top < 0 or np.isclose(r_top, 0):
r_top = 0
z_top = z0 + self._radius_z(z0) / self._tanq
elif r_bot < 0 or np.isclose(r_bot, 0):
r_bot = 0
z_bot = z0 + self._radius_z(z0) / self._tanq
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, _N_SHAPELY_QUAD_SEGS * 4 + 1)
if r_bot > 0:
x_bot = x0 + r_bot * np.cos(angles)
y_bot = y0 + r_bot * np.sin(angles)
x_bot[-1] = x0
y_bot[-1] = y0
x_bot = np.array([x0])
y_bot = np.array([y0])
if r_top > 0:
x_top = x0 + r_top * np.cos(angles)
y_top = y0 + r_top * np.sin(angles)
x_top[-1] = x0
y_top[-1] = y0
x_top = np.array([x0])
y_top = np.array([y0])
x = np.hstack((x_bot, x_top))
y = np.hstack((y_bot, y_top))
z = np.hstack((np.full_like(x_bot, z_bot), np.full_like(x_top, z_top)))
vertices = np.vstack(self.unpop_axis(z, (x, y), self.axis)).T
if x_bot.shape[0] == 1:
m = 1
n = x_top.shape[0] - 1
faces_top = [(m + n, m + i, m + (i + 1) % n) for i in range(n)]
faces_side = [(m + (i + 1) % n, m + i, 0) for i in range(n)]
faces = faces_top + faces_side
elif x_top.shape[0] == 1:
m = x_bot.shape[0]
n = m - 1
faces_bot = [(n, (i + 1) % n, i) for i in range(n)]
faces_side = [(i, (i + 1) % n, m) for i in range(n)]
faces = faces_bot + faces_side
m = x_bot.shape[0]
n = m - 1
faces_bot = [(n, (i + 1) % n, i) for i in range(n)]
faces_top = [(m + n, m + i, m + (i + 1) % n) for i in range(n)]
faces_side_bot = [(i, (i + 1) % n, m + (i + 1) % n) for i in range(n)]
faces_side_top = [(m + (i + 1) % n, m + i, i) for i in range(n)]
faces = faces_bot + faces_top + faces_side_bot + faces_side_top
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices, faces)
section = mesh.section(plane_origin=origin, plane_normal=normal)
if section is None:
return []
path, _ = section.to_planar(to_2D=to_2D)
return path.polygons_full
def _intersections_normal(self, z: float):
"""Find shapely geometries intersecting cylindrical geometry with axis normal to slab.
z : float
Position along the axis normal to slab
List of 2D shapes that intersect plane.
For more details refer to
`Shapely's Documentation <https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/project.html>`_.
static_self = self.to_static()
# radius at z
radius_offset = static_self._radius_z(z)
if radius_offset <= 0:
return []
_, (x0, y0) = self.pop_axis(static_self.center, axis=self.axis)
return [shapely.Point(x0, y0).buffer(radius_offset, quad_segs=_N_SHAPELY_QUAD_SEGS)]
def _intersections_side(self, position, axis):
"""Find shapely geometries intersecting cylindrical geometry with axis orthogonal to length.
When ``sidewall_angle`` is nonzero, so that it's in fact a conical frustum or cone, the
cross section can contain hyperbolic curves. This is currently approximated by a polygon
of many vertices.
position : float
Position along axis direction.
axis : int
Integer index into 'xyz' (0, 1, 2).
List of 2D shapes that intersect plane.
For more details refer to
`Shapely's Documentation <https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/project.html>`_.
# position in the local coordinate of the cylinder
position_local = position - self.center[axis]
# no intersection
if abs(position_local) >= self.radius_max:
return []
# half of intersection length at the top and bottom
intersect_half_length_max = np.sqrt(self.radius_max**2 - position_local**2)
intersect_half_length_min = -LARGE_NUMBER
if abs(position_local) < self.radius_min:
intersect_half_length_min = np.sqrt(self.radius_min**2 - position_local**2)
# the vertices on the max side of top/bottom
# The two vertices are present in all scenarios.
vertices_max = [
self._local_to_global_side_cross_section([-intersect_half_length_max, 0], axis),
self._local_to_global_side_cross_section([intersect_half_length_max, 0], axis),
# Extending to a cone, the maximal height of the cone
h_cone = (
LARGE_NUMBER if isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0) else self.radius_max / abs(self._tanq)
# The maximal height of the cross section
height_max = min(
(1 - abs(position_local) / self.radius_max) * h_cone, self.finite_length_axis
# more vertices to add for conical frustum shape
vertices_frustum_right = []
vertices_frustum_left = []
if not (isclose(position, self.center[axis]) or isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0)):
# The y-coordinate for the additional vertices
y_list = height_max * np.linspace(0, 1, _N_SAMPLE_CURVE_SHAPELY)
# `abs()` to make sure np.sqrt(0-fp_eps) goes through
x_list = np.sqrt(
np.abs(self.radius_max**2 * (1 - y_list / h_cone) ** 2 - position_local**2)
for i in range(_N_SAMPLE_CURVE_SHAPELY):
self._local_to_global_side_cross_section([x_list[i], y_list[i]], axis)
-x_list[_N_SAMPLE_CURVE_SHAPELY - i - 1],
y_list[_N_SAMPLE_CURVE_SHAPELY - i - 1],
# the vertices on the min side of top/bottom
vertices_min = []
## termination at the top/bottom
if intersect_half_length_min > 0:
[intersect_half_length_min, self.finite_length_axis], axis
[-intersect_half_length_min, self.finite_length_axis], axis
## early termination
vertices_min.append(self._local_to_global_side_cross_section([0, height_max], axis))
return [
vertices_max + vertices_frustum_right + vertices_min + vertices_frustum_left
def inside(
self, x: np.ndarray[float], y: np.ndarray[float], z: np.ndarray[float]
) -> np.ndarray[bool]:
"""For input arrays ``x``, ``y``, ``z`` of arbitrary but identical shape, return an array
with the same shape which is ``True`` for every point in zip(x, y, z) that is inside the
volume of the :class:`Geometry`, and ``False`` otherwise.
x : np.ndarray[float]
Array of point positions in x direction.
y : np.ndarray[float]
Array of point positions in y direction.
z : np.ndarray[float]
Array of point positions in z direction.
``True`` for every point that is inside the geometry.
# radius at z
self._ensure_equal_shape(x, y, z)
z0, (x0, y0) = self.pop_axis(self.center, axis=self.axis)
z, (x, y) = self.pop_axis((x, y, z), axis=self.axis)
radius_offset = self._radius_z(z)
positive_radius = radius_offset > 0
dist_x = np.abs(x - x0)
dist_y = np.abs(y - y0)
dist_z = np.abs(z - z0)
inside_radius = (dist_x**2 + dist_y**2) <= (radius_offset**2)
inside_height = dist_z <= (self.finite_length_axis / 2)
return positive_radius * inside_radius * inside_height
def bounds(self) -> Bound:
"""Returns bounding box min and max coordinates.
Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[float, float, float]
Min and max bounds packaged as ``(minx, miny, minz), (maxx, maxy, maxz)``.
coord_min = [c - self.radius_max for c in self.center]
coord_max = [c + self.radius_max for c in self.center]
coord_min[self.axis] = self.center[self.axis] - self.length_axis / 2.0
coord_max[self.axis] = self.center[self.axis] + self.length_axis / 2.0
return (tuple(coord_min), tuple(coord_max))
def _volume(self, bounds: Bound) -> float:
"""Returns object's volume within given bounds."""
coord_min = max(self.bounds[0][self.axis], bounds[0][self.axis])
coord_max = min(self.bounds[1][self.axis], bounds[1][self.axis])
length = coord_max - coord_min
volume = np.pi * self.radius_max**2 * length
# a very loose upper bound on how much of the cylinder is in bounds
for axis in range(3):
if axis != self.axis:
if self.center[axis] <= bounds[0][axis] or self.center[axis] >= bounds[1][axis]:
volume *= 0.5
return volume
def _surface_area(self, bounds: Bound) -> float:
"""Returns object's surface area within given bounds."""
area = 0
coord_min = self.bounds[0][self.axis]
coord_max = self.bounds[1][self.axis]
if coord_min < bounds[0][self.axis]:
coord_min = bounds[0][self.axis]
area += np.pi * self.radius_max**2
if coord_max > bounds[1][self.axis]:
coord_max = bounds[1][self.axis]
area += np.pi * self.radius_max**2
length = coord_max - coord_min
area += 2.0 * np.pi * self.radius_max * length
# a very loose upper bound on how much of the cylinder is in bounds
for axis in range(3):
if axis != self.axis:
if self.center[axis] <= bounds[0][axis] or self.center[axis] >= bounds[1][axis]:
area *= 0.5
return area
def radius_bottom(self) -> float:
"""radius of bottom"""
return self._radius_z(self.center_axis - self.finite_length_axis / 2)
def radius_top(self) -> float:
"""radius of bottom"""
return self._radius_z(self.center_axis + self.finite_length_axis / 2)
def radius_max(self) -> float:
"""max(radius of top, radius of bottom)"""
return max(self.radius_bottom, self.radius_top)
def radius_min(self) -> float:
"""min(radius of top, radius of bottom). It can be negative for a large
sidewall angle.
return min(self.radius_bottom, self.radius_top)
def _radius_z(self, z: float):
"""Compute the radius of the cross section at the position z.
z : float
Position along the axis normal to slab
if isclose(self.sidewall_angle, 0):
return self.radius
radius_middle = self.radius
if self.reference_plane == "top":
radius_middle += self.finite_length_axis / 2 * self._tanq
elif self.reference_plane == "bottom":
radius_middle -= self.finite_length_axis / 2 * self._tanq
return radius_middle - (z - self.center_axis) * self._tanq
def _local_to_global_side_cross_section(self, coords: List[float], axis: int) -> List[float]:
"""Map a point (x,y) from local to global coordinate system in the
side cross section.
The definition of the local: y=0 lies at the base if ``sidewall_angle>=0``,
and at the top if ``sidewall_angle<0``; x=0 aligns with the corresponding
``self.center``. In both cases, y-axis is pointing towards the narrowing
direction of cylinder.
axis : int
Integer index into 'xyz' (0, 1, 2).
coords : List[float, float]
The value in the planar coordinate.
Tuple[float, float]
The point in the global coordinate for plotting `_intersection_side`.
# For negative sidewall angle, quantities along axis direction usually needs a flipped sign
axis_sign = 1
if self.sidewall_angle < 0:
axis_sign = -1
lx_offset, ly_offset = self._order_by_axis(
axis_val=axis_sign * (-self.finite_length_axis / 2 + coords[1]),
_, (x_center, y_center) = self.pop_axis(self.center, axis=axis)
return [x_center + lx_offset, y_center + ly_offset]