
class JaxAnisotropicMedium[source]#

Bases: AnisotropicMedium, AbstractJaxMedium

A Medium registered with jax.

  • name (Optional[str] = None) – Optional unique name for medium.

  • frequency_range (Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None) – [units = (Hz, Hz)]. Optional range of validity for the medium.

  • allow_gain (Optional[bool] = None) – This field is ignored. Please set allow_gain in each component

  • nonlinear_spec (Union[NonlinearSpec, NonlinearSusceptibility] = None) – Nonlinear spec applied on top of the base medium properties.

  • modulation_spec (Optional[ModulationSpec] = None) – Modulation spec applied on top of the base medium properties.

  • heat_spec (Union[FluidSpec, SolidSpec, NoneType] = None) – Specification of the medium heat properties. They are used for solving the heat equation via the HeatSimulation interface. Such simulations can be used for investigating the influence of heat propagation on the properties of optical systems. Once the temperature distribution in the system is found using HeatSimulation object, Simulation.perturbed_mediums_copy() can be used to convert mediums with perturbation models defined into spatially dependent custom mediums. Otherwise, the heat_spec does not directly affect the running of an optical Simulation.

  • xx (JaxMedium) – Medium describing the xx-component of the diagonal permittivity tensor.

  • yy (JaxMedium) – Medium describing the yy-component of the diagonal permittivity tensor.

  • zz (JaxMedium) – Medium describing the zz-component of the diagonal permittivity tensor.



store_vjp(grad_data_fwd,Β grad_data_adj,Β ...)

Returns the gradient of the medium parameters given forward and adjoint field data.

store_vjp(grad_data_fwd, grad_data_adj, sim_bounds, wvl_mat, inside_fn)[source]#

Returns the gradient of the medium parameters given forward and adjoint field data.


Hash method.