Source code for tidy3d.plugins.adjoint.components.medium

"""Defines jax-compatible mediums."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union, Callable, Optional
from abc import ABC

import pydantic.v1 as pd
import numpy as np
from jax.tree_util import register_pytree_node_class
import xarray as xr

from ....components.types import Bound, Literal
from ....components.medium import Medium, AnisotropicMedium, CustomMedium
from ....components.geometry.base import Geometry
from import FieldData
from ....exceptions import SetupError
from ....constants import CONDUCTIVITY

from .base import JaxObject
from .types import JaxFloat
from .data.data_array import JaxDataArray
from .data.dataset import JaxPermittivityDataset

# number of integration points per unit wavelength in material

# maximum number of pixels allowed in each component of a JaxCustomMedium

class AbstractJaxMedium(ABC, JaxObject):
    """Holds some utility functions for Jax medium types."""

    def _get_volume_disc(
        self, grad_data: FieldData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], float]:
        """Get the coordinates and volume element for the inside of the corresponding structure."""

        # find intersecting volume between structure and simulation
        mnt_bounds = grad_data.monitor.geometry.bounds
        rmin, rmax = Geometry.bounds_intersection(mnt_bounds, sim_bounds)

        # assemble volume coordinates and differential volume element
        d_vol = 1.0
        vol_coords = {}
        for coord_name, min_edge, max_edge in zip("xyz", rmin, rmax):
            size = max_edge - min_edge

            # don't discretize this dimension if there is no thickness along it
            if size == 0:
                vol_coords[coord_name] = [max_edge]

            # update the volume element value
            num_cells_dim = int(size * PTS_PER_WVL_INTEGRATION / wvl_mat) + 1
            d_len = size / num_cells_dim
            d_vol *= d_len

            # construct the interpolation coordinates along this dimension
            coords_interp = np.linspace(min_edge + d_len / 2, max_edge - d_len / 2, num_cells_dim)
            vol_coords[coord_name] = coords_interp

        return vol_coords, d_vol

    def make_inside_mask(vol_coords: Dict[str, np.ndarray], inside_fn: Callable) -> xr.DataArray:
        """Make a 3D mask of where the volume coordinates are inside a supplied function."""

        meshgrid_args = [vol_coords[dim] for dim in "xyz" if dim in vol_coords]
        vol_coords_meshgrid = np.meshgrid(*meshgrid_args, indexing="ij")
        inside_kwargs = dict(zip("xyz", vol_coords_meshgrid))
        values = inside_fn(**inside_kwargs)
        return xr.DataArray(values, coords=vol_coords)

    def e_mult_volume(
        field: Literal["Ex", "Ey", "Ez"],
        grad_data_fwd: FieldData,
        grad_data_adj: FieldData,
        vol_coords: Dict[str, np.ndarray],
        d_vol: float,
        inside_fn: Callable,
    ) -> xr.DataArray:
        """Get the E_fwd * E_adj * dV field distribution inside of the discretized volume."""

        e_fwd = grad_data_fwd.field_components[field]
        e_adj = grad_data_adj.field_components[field]

        e_dotted = e_fwd * e_adj

        inside_mask = self.make_inside_mask(vol_coords=vol_coords, inside_fn=inside_fn)

        isel_kwargs = {
            key: [0]
            for key, value in vol_coords.items()
            if isinstance(value, float) or len(value) <= 1
        interp_kwargs = {key: value for key, value in vol_coords.items() if key not in isel_kwargs}

        fields_eval = e_dotted.isel(**isel_kwargs).interp(**interp_kwargs, assume_sorted=True)

        inside_mask = inside_mask.isel(**isel_kwargs)

        mask_dV = inside_mask * d_vol
        fields_eval = fields_eval.assign_coords(**mask_dV.coords)

        return mask_dV * fields_eval

    def d_eps_map(
        grad_data_fwd: FieldData,
        grad_data_adj: FieldData,
        sim_bounds: Bound,
        wvl_mat: float,
        inside_fn: Callable,
    ) -> xr.DataArray:
        """Mapping of gradient w.r.t. permittivity at each point in discretized volume."""

        vol_coords, d_vol = self._get_volume_disc(
            grad_data=grad_data_fwd, sim_bounds=sim_bounds, wvl_mat=wvl_mat

        e_mult_sum = 0.0

        for field in ("Ex", "Ey", "Ez"):
            e_mult_sum += self.e_mult_volume(

        return e_mult_sum

[docs] @register_pytree_node_class class JaxMedium(Medium, AbstractJaxMedium): """A :class:`.Medium` registered with jax.""" _tidy3d_class = Medium permittivity_jax: JaxFloat = pd.Field( 1.0, title="Permittivity", description="Relative permittivity of the medium. May be a ``jax`` ``Array``.", stores_jax_for="permittivity", ) conductivity_jax: JaxFloat = pd.Field( 0.0, title="Conductivity", description="Electric conductivity. Defined such that the imaginary part of the complex " "permittivity at angular frequency omega is given by conductivity/omega.", units=CONDUCTIVITY, stores_jax_for="conductivity", )
[docs] def store_vjp( self, grad_data_fwd: FieldData, grad_data_adj: FieldData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, inside_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], ) -> JaxMedium: """Returns the gradient of the medium parameters given forward and adjoint field data.""" # integrate the dot product of each E component over the volume, update vjp for epsilon d_eps_map = self.d_eps_map( grad_data_fwd=grad_data_fwd, grad_data_adj=grad_data_adj, sim_bounds=sim_bounds, wvl_mat=wvl_mat, inside_fn=inside_fn, ) vjp_eps_complex = d_eps_map.sum(dim=("x", "y", "z")) vjp_eps = 0.0 vjp_sigma = 0.0 for freq in d_eps_map.coords["f"]: vjp_eps_complex_f = vjp_eps_complex.sel(f=freq) _vjp_eps, _vjp_sigma = self.eps_complex_to_eps_sigma(vjp_eps_complex_f, freq) vjp_eps += _vjp_eps vjp_sigma += _vjp_sigma return self.copy( update=dict( permittivity_jax=vjp_eps, conductivity_jax=vjp_sigma, ) )
[docs] @register_pytree_node_class class JaxAnisotropicMedium(AnisotropicMedium, AbstractJaxMedium): """A :class:`.Medium` registered with jax.""" _tidy3d_class = AnisotropicMedium xx: JaxMedium = pd.Field( ..., title="XX Component", description="Medium describing the xx-component of the diagonal permittivity tensor.", jax_field=True, ) yy: JaxMedium = pd.Field( ..., title="YY Component", description="Medium describing the yy-component of the diagonal permittivity tensor.", jax_field=True, ) zz: JaxMedium = pd.Field( ..., title="ZZ Component", description="Medium describing the zz-component of the diagonal permittivity tensor.", jax_field=True, )
[docs] def store_vjp( self, grad_data_fwd: FieldData, grad_data_adj: FieldData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, inside_fn: Callable, ) -> JaxMedium: """Returns the gradient of the medium parameters given forward and adjoint field data.""" # integrate the dot product of each E component over the volume, update vjp for epsilon vol_coords, d_vol = self._get_volume_disc( grad_data=grad_data_fwd, sim_bounds=sim_bounds, wvl_mat=wvl_mat ) vjp_fields = {} for component in "xyz": field_name = "E" + component component_name = component + component e_mult_dim = self.e_mult_volume( field=field_name, grad_data_fwd=grad_data_fwd, grad_data_adj=grad_data_adj, vol_coords=vol_coords, d_vol=d_vol, inside_fn=inside_fn, ) vjp_eps_complex_ii = e_mult_dim.sum(dim=("x", "y", "z")) freq = e_mult_dim.coords["f"][0] vjp_eps_ii = 0.0 vjp_sigma_ii = 0.0 for freq in e_mult_dim.coords["f"]: vjp_eps_complex_ii_f = vjp_eps_complex_ii.sel(f=freq) _vjp_eps_ii, _vjp_sigma_ii = self.eps_complex_to_eps_sigma( vjp_eps_complex_ii_f, freq ) vjp_eps_ii += _vjp_eps_ii vjp_sigma_ii += _vjp_sigma_ii vjp_medium = self.components[component_name] vjp_fields[component_name] = vjp_medium.updated_copy( permittivity_jax=vjp_eps_ii, conductivity_jax=vjp_sigma_ii, ) return self.copy(update=vjp_fields)
[docs] @register_pytree_node_class class JaxCustomMedium(CustomMedium, AbstractJaxMedium): """A :class:`.CustomMedium` registered with ``jax``. Note: The gradient calculation assumes uniform field across the pixel. Therefore, the accuracy degrades as the pixel size becomes large with respect to the field variation. """ _tidy3d_class = CustomMedium eps_dataset: Optional[JaxPermittivityDataset] = pd.Field( None, title="Permittivity Dataset", description="User-supplied dataset containing complex-valued permittivity " "as a function of space. Permittivity distribution over the Yee-grid will be " "interpolated based on the data nearest to the grid location.", jax_field=True, ) @pd.root_validator(pre=True) def _pre_deprecation_dataset(cls, values): """Don't allow permittivity as a field until we support it.""" if values.get("permittivity") or values.get("conductivity"): raise SetupError( "'permittivity' and 'conductivity' are not yet supported in adjoint plugin. " "Please continue to use the 'eps_dataset' field to define the component " "of the permittivity tensor." ) return values @pd.validator("eps_dataset", always=True) def _is_not_too_large(cls, val): """Ensure number of pixels does not surpass a set amount.""" for field_dim in "xyz": field_name = f"eps_{field_dim}{field_dim}" data_array = val.field_components[field_name] coord_lens = [len(data_array.coords[key]) for key in "xyz"] num_cells_dim = if num_cells_dim > MAX_NUM_CELLS_CUSTOM_MEDIUM: raise SetupError( "For the adjoint plugin, each component of the 'JaxCustomMedium.eps_dataset' " f"is restricted to have a maximum of {MAX_NUM_CELLS_CUSTOM_MEDIUM} cells. " f"Detected {num_cells_dim} grid cells in the '{field_name}' component ." ) return val @pd.validator("eps_dataset", always=True) def _eps_dataset_single_frequency(cls, val): """Override of inherited validator. (still needed)""" return val @pd.validator("eps_dataset", always=True) def _eps_dataset_eps_inf_greater_no_less_than_one_sigma_positive(cls, val, values): """Override of inherited validator.""" return val
[docs] def store_vjp( self, grad_data_fwd: FieldData, grad_data_adj: FieldData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, inside_fn: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], ) -> JaxMedium: """Returns the gradient of the medium parameters given forward and adjoint field data.""" # get the boundaries of the intersection of the CustomMedium and the Simulation mnt_bounds = grad_data_fwd.monitor.geometry.bounds bounds_intersect = Geometry.bounds_intersection(mnt_bounds, sim_bounds) # get the grids associated with the user-supplied coordinates within these bounds grids = self.grids(bounds=bounds_intersect) vjp_field_components = {} for dim in "xyz": eps_field_name = f"eps_{dim}{dim}" # grab the original data and its coordinates orig_data_array = self.eps_dataset.field_components[eps_field_name] coords = orig_data_array.coords grid = grids[eps_field_name] d_sizes = grid.sizes d_sizes = [d_sizes.x, d_sizes.y, d_sizes.z] # construct the coordinates for interpolation and selection within the custom medium # TODO: extend this to all points within the volume. interp_coords = {} sum_axes = [] for dim_index, dim_pt in enumerate("xyz"): coord_dim = coords[dim_pt] # if it's uniform / single pixel along this dim if len(np.array(coord_dim)) == 1: # discretize along this edge like a regular volume # compute the length of the pixel within the sim bounds r_min_coords, r_max_coords = grid.boundaries.to_list[dim_index] r_min_sim, r_max_sim = np.array(sim_bounds).T[dim_index] r_min = max(r_min_coords, r_min_sim) r_max = min(r_max_coords, r_max_sim) size = abs(r_max - r_min) # compute the length element along the dim, handling case of sim.size=0 if size > 0: # discretize according to PTS_PER_WVL num_cells_dim = int(size * PTS_PER_WVL_INTEGRATION / wvl_mat) + 1 d_len = size / num_cells_dim coords_interp = np.linspace( r_min + d_len / 2, r_max - d_len / 2, num_cells_dim ) else: # just interpolate at the single position, dL=1 to normalize out d_len = 1.0 coords_interp = np.array([(r_min + r_max) / 2.0]) # construct the interpolation coordinates along this dimension d_sizes[dim_index] = np.array([d_len]) interp_coords[dim_pt] = coords_interp # only sum this dimension if there are multiple points sum_axes.append(dim_pt) # otherwise else: # just evaluate at the original data coords interp_coords[dim_pt] = coord_dim # outer product all dimensions to get a volume element mask d_vols = np.einsum("i, j, k -> ijk", *d_sizes) # grab the corresponding dotted fields at these interp_coords and sum over len-1 pixels field_name = "E" + dim e_dotted = ( self.e_mult_volume( field=field_name, grad_data_fwd=grad_data_fwd, grad_data_adj=grad_data_adj, vol_coords=interp_coords, d_vol=d_vols, inside_fn=inside_fn, ) .sum(sum_axes) .sum(dim="f") ) # reshape values to the expected vjp shape to be more safe vjp_shape = tuple(len(coord) for _, coord in coords.items()) # make sure this has the same dtype as the original dtype_orig = np.array(orig_data_array.values).dtype vjp_values = e_dotted.values.reshape(vjp_shape) if dtype_orig.kind == "f": vjp_values = vjp_values.real vjp_values = vjp_values.astype(dtype_orig) # construct a DataArray storing the vjp vjp_data_array = JaxDataArray(values=vjp_values, coords=coords) vjp_field_components[eps_field_name] = vjp_data_array # package everything into dataset vjp_eps_dataset = JaxPermittivityDataset(**vjp_field_components) return self.copy(update=dict(eps_dataset=vjp_eps_dataset))
JaxMediumType = Union[JaxMedium, JaxAnisotropicMedium, JaxCustomMedium] JAX_MEDIUM_MAP = { Medium: JaxMedium, AnisotropicMedium: JaxAnisotropicMedium, CustomMedium: JaxCustomMedium, }