
class GaussianPulse[source]#

Bases: Pulse

Source time dependence that describes a Gaussian pulse.

  • amplitude (NonNegativeFloat = 1.0) – Real-valued maximum amplitude of the time dependence.

  • phase (float = 0.0) – [units = rad]. Phase shift of the time dependence.

  • freq0 (PositiveFloat) – [units = Hz]. Central frequency of the pulse.

  • fwidth (PositiveFloat) – [units = Hz]. Standard deviation of the frequency content of the pulse.

  • offset (ConstrainedFloatValue = 5.0) – Time delay of the maximum value of the pulse in units of 1 / (2pi * fwidth).

  • remove_dc_component (bool = True) – Whether to remove the DC component in the Gaussian pulse spectrum. If True, the Gaussian pulse is modified at low frequencies to zero out the DC component, which is usually desirable so that the fields will decay. However, for broadband simulations, it may be better to have non-vanishing source power near zero frequency. Setting this to False results in an unmodified Gaussian pulse spectrum which can have a nonzero DC component.


>>> pulse = GaussianPulse(freq0=200e12, fwidth=20e12)




Complex-valued source amplitude as a function of time.


Complex-valued source amplitude as a function of time.


Hash method.