
class FieldTimeData[source]#

Bases: FieldTimeDataset, ElectromagneticFieldData

Data associated with a FieldTimeMonitor: scalar components of E and H fields.

  • Ex (Optional[ScalarFieldTimeDataArray] = None) – Spatial distribution of the x-component of the electric field.

  • Ey (Optional[ScalarFieldTimeDataArray] = None) – Spatial distribution of the y-component of the electric field.

  • Ez (Optional[ScalarFieldTimeDataArray] = None) – Spatial distribution of the z-component of the electric field.

  • Hx (Optional[ScalarFieldTimeDataArray] = None) – Spatial distribution of the x-component of the magnetic field.

  • Hy (Optional[ScalarFieldTimeDataArray] = None) – Spatial distribution of the y-component of the magnetic field.

  • Hz (Optional[ScalarFieldTimeDataArray] = None) – Spatial distribution of the z-component of the magnetic field.

  • monitor (FieldTimeMonitor) – Time-domain field monitor associated with the data.

  • symmetry (Tuple[Literal[0, -1, 1], Literal[0, -1, 1], Literal[0, -1, 1]] = (0, 0, 0)) – Symmetry eigenvalues of the original simulation in x, y, and z.

  • symmetry_center (Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]] = None) – Center of the symmetry planes of the original simulation in x, y, and z. Required only if any of the symmetry field are non-zero.

  • grid_expanded (Optional[Grid] = None) – Grid discretization of the associated monitor in the simulation which created the data. Required if symmetries are present, as well as in order to use some functionalities like getting Poynting vector and flux.

  • grid_primal_correction (Union[float, FreqDataArray, TimeDataArray, FreqModeDataArray] = 1.0) – Correction factor that needs to be applied for data corresponding to a 2D monitor to take into account the finite grid in the normal direction in the simulation in which the data was computed. The factor is applied to fields defined on the primal grid locations along the normal direction.

  • grid_dual_correction (Union[float, FreqDataArray, TimeDataArray, FreqModeDataArray] = 1.0) – Correction factor that needs to be applied for data corresponding to a 2D monitor to take into account the finite grid in the normal direction in the simulation in which the data was computed. The factor is applied to fields defined on the dual grid locations along the normal direction.


The data is stored as a DataArray object using the xarray package.


>>> from tidy3d import ScalarFieldTimeDataArray
>>> x = [-1,1,3]
>>> y = [-2,0,2,4]
>>> z = [-3,-1,1,3,5]
>>> t = [0, 1e-12, 2e-12]
>>> coords = dict(x=x[:-1], y=y[:-1], z=z[:-1], t=t)
>>> grid = Grid(boundaries=Coords(x=x, y=y, z=z))
>>> scalar_field = ScalarFieldTimeDataArray(np.random.random((2,3,4,3)), coords=coords)
>>> monitor = FieldTimeMonitor(
...     size=(2,4,6), interval=100, name='field', fields=['Ex', 'Hz'], colocate=True
... )
>>> data = FieldTimeData(monitor=monitor, Ex=scalar_field, Hz=scalar_field, grid_expanded=grid)



Flux for data corresponding to a 2D monitor.


Instantaneous Poynting vector for time-domain data associated to a 2D monitor, projected to the direction normal to the monitor plane.


Make a copy of the data with time-reversed fields.


dot(field_data[,Β conjugate])

Inner product is not defined for time-domain data.

property poynting#

Instantaneous Poynting vector for time-domain data associated to a 2D monitor, projected to the direction normal to the monitor plane.

property flux#

Flux for data corresponding to a 2D monitor.

dot(field_data, conjugate=True)[source]#

Inner product is not defined for time-domain data.

property time_reversed_copy#

Make a copy of the data with time-reversed fields. The sign of the magnetic fields is flipped, and the data is reversed along the t dimension, such that for a given field, field[t_beg + t] -> field[t_end - t], where t_beg and t_end are the first and last coordinates along the t dimension.


Hash method.