
class HeatSimulation[source]#

Bases: AbstractSimulation

Contains all information about heat simulation.

  • center (Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) – [units = um]. Center of object in x, y, and z.

  • size (Tuple[NonNegativeFloat, NonNegativeFloat, NonNegativeFloat]) – [units = um]. Size in x, y, and z directions.

  • medium (Union[Medium, AnisotropicMedium, PECMedium, PoleResidue, Sellmeier, Lorentz, Debye, Drude, FullyAnisotropicMedium, CustomMedium, CustomPoleResidue, CustomSellmeier, CustomLorentz, CustomDebye, CustomDrude, CustomAnisotropicMedium, PerturbationMedium, PerturbationPoleResidue] = Medium(name=None, frequency_range=None, allow_gain=False, nonlinear_spec=None, modulation_spec=None, heat_spec=None, type='Medium', permittivity=1.0, conductivity=0.0)) – Background medium of simulation, defaults to vacuum if not specified.

  • structures (Tuple[Structure, ...] = ()) – Tuple of structures present in simulation. Note: Structures defined later in this list override the simulation material properties in regions of spatial overlap.

  • symmetry (Tuple[Literal[0, 1], Literal[0, 1], Literal[0, 1]] = (0, 0, 0)) – Tuple of integers defining reflection symmetry across a plane bisecting the simulation domain normal to the x-, y-, and z-axis at the simulation center of each axis, respectively. Each element can be 0 (symmetry off) or 1 (symmetry on).

  • sources (Tuple[UniformHeatSource, ...] = ()) – List of heat sources.

  • boundary_spec (Tuple[HeatBoundarySpec, ...] = ()) – List of boundary condition specifications.

  • monitors (Tuple[TemperatureMonitor, ...] = ()) – Monitors in the simulation.

  • grid_spec (Union[UniformUnstructuredGrid, DistanceUnstructuredGrid]) – Grid specification for heat simulation.

  • version (str = 2.6.0) – String specifying the front end version number.


>>> from tidy3d import Medium, SolidSpec, FluidSpec, UniformUnstructuredGrid, TemperatureMonitor
>>> heat_sim = HeatSimulation(
...     size=(3.0, 3.0, 3.0),
...     structures=[
...         Structure(
...             geometry=Box(size=(1, 1, 1), center=(0, 0, 0)),
...             medium=Medium(
...                 permittivity=2.0, heat_spec=SolidSpec(
...                     conductivity=1,
...                     capacity=1,
...                 )
...             ),
...             name="box",
...         ),
...     ],
...     medium=Medium(permittivity=3.0, heat_spec=FluidSpec()),
...     grid_spec=UniformUnstructuredGrid(dl=0.1),
...     sources=[UniformHeatSource(rate=1, structures=["box"])],
...     boundary_spec=[
...         HeatBoundarySpec(
...             placement=StructureBoundary(structure="box"),
...             condition=TemperatureBC(temperature=500),
...         )
...     ],
...     monitors=[TemperatureMonitor(size=(1, 2, 3), name="sample")],
... )



Compute range of heat sources present in the simulation.


Defines the front end version of tidy3d



Error if structures contain unsupported yet geometries.

check_zero_dim_domain(val, values)

Error if heat domain have zero dimensions.

from_scene(scene, **kwargs)

Create a simulation from a :class:.`Scene` instance.

names_exist_bcs(val, values)

Error if boundary conditions point to non-existing structures/media.

names_exist_grid_spec(val, values)

Warn if UniformUnstructuredGrid points at a non-existing structure.

names_exist_sources(val, values)

Error if a heat source point to non-existing structures.

plot_boundaries([x, y, z, ax])

Plot each of simulation's boundary conditions on a plane defined by one nonzero x,y,z coordinate.

plot_heat_conductivity([x, y, z, ax, alpha, ...])

Plot each of simulation's components on a plane defined by one nonzero x,y,z coordinate.

plot_sources([x, y, z, hlim, vlim, alpha, ax])

Plot each of simulation's sources on a plane defined by one nonzero x,y,z coordinate.

classmethod check_unsupported_geometries(val)[source]#

Error if structures contain unsupported yet geometries.

classmethod check_zero_dim_domain(val, values)[source]#

Error if heat domain have zero dimensions.

classmethod names_exist_bcs(val, values)[source]#

Error if boundary conditions point to non-existing structures/media.

classmethod names_exist_grid_spec(val, values)[source]#

Warn if UniformUnstructuredGrid points at a non-existing structure.

classmethod names_exist_sources(val, values)[source]#

Error if a heat source point to non-existing structures.

plot_heat_conductivity(x=None, y=None, z=None, ax=None, alpha=None, source_alpha=None, monitor_alpha=None, colorbar='conductivity', hlim=None, vlim=None)[source]#

Plot each of simulation’s components on a plane defined by one nonzero x,y,z coordinate.

  • x (float = None) – position of plane in x direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane.

  • y (float = None) – position of plane in y direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane.

  • z (float = None) – position of plane in z direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes = None) – Matplotlib axes to plot on, if not specified, one is created.

  • alpha (float = None) – Opacity of the structures being plotted. Defaults to the structure default alpha.

  • source_alpha (float = None) – Opacity of the sources. If None, uses Tidy3d default.

  • monitor_alpha (float = None) – Opacity of the monitors. If None, uses Tidy3d default.

  • colorbar (str = "conductivity") – Display colorbar for thermal conductivity (“conductivity”) or heat source rate (“source”).

  • hlim (Tuple[float, float] = None) – The x range if plotting on xy or xz planes, y range if plotting on yz plane.

  • vlim (Tuple[float, float] = None) – The z range if plotting on xz or yz planes, y plane if plotting on xy plane.


The supplied or created matplotlib axes.

Return type:


plot_boundaries(x=None, y=None, z=None, ax=None)[source]#

Plot each of simulation’s boundary conditions on a plane defined by one nonzero x,y,z coordinate.

  • x (float = None) – position of plane in x direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane.

  • y (float = None) – position of plane in y direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane.

  • z (float = None) – position of plane in z direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes = None) – Matplotlib axes to plot on, if not specified, one is created.


The supplied or created matplotlib axes.

Return type:


plot_sources(x=None, y=None, z=None, hlim=None, vlim=None, alpha=None, ax=None)[source]#

Plot each of simulation’s sources on a plane defined by one nonzero x,y,z coordinate.

  • x (float = None) – position of plane in x direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane.

  • y (float = None) – position of plane in y direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane.

  • z (float = None) – position of plane in z direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane.

  • hlim (Tuple[float, float] = None) – The x range if plotting on xy or xz planes, y range if plotting on yz plane.

  • vlim (Tuple[float, float] = None) – The z range if plotting on xz or yz planes, y plane if plotting on xy plane.

  • alpha (float = None) – Opacity of the sources, If None uses Tidy3d default.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes = None) – Matplotlib axes to plot on, if not specified, one is created.


The supplied or created matplotlib axes.

Return type:


property source_bounds#

Compute range of heat sources present in the simulation.

classmethod from_scene(scene, **kwargs)[source]#

Create a simulation from a :class:.`Scene` instance. Must provide additional parameters to define a valid simulation (for example, size, grid_spec, etc).

  • scene (:class:.`Scene`) – Scene containing structures information.

  • **kwargs – Other arguments


>>> from tidy3d import Scene, Medium, Box, Structure, UniformUnstructuredGrid
>>> box = Structure(
...     geometry=Box(center=(0, 0, 0), size=(1, 2, 3)),
...     medium=Medium(permittivity=5),
... )
>>> scene = Scene(
...     structures=[box],
...     medium=Medium(permittivity=3),
... )
>>> sim = HeatSimulation.from_scene(
...     scene=scene,
...     center=(0, 0, 0),
...     size=(5, 6, 7),
...     grid_spec=UniformUnstructuredGrid(dl=0.4),
... )

Hash method.