
class ClipOperation[source]#

Bases: Geometry

Class representing the result of a set operation between geometries.

  • operation (Literal['union', 'intersection', 'difference', 'symmetric_difference']) – Operation to be performed between geometries.

  • geometry_a (ForwardRef('annotate_type(GeometryType)')) – First operand for the set operation. It can be any geometry type, including GeometryGroup.

  • geometry_b (ForwardRef('annotate_type(GeometryType)')) – Second operand for the set operation. It can also be any geometry type.



Returns bounding box min and max coordinates.


inside(x, y, z)

For input arrays x, y, z of arbitrary but identical shape, return an array with the same shape which is True for every point in zip(x, y, z) that is inside the volume of the Geometry, and False otherwise.

inside_meshgrid(x, y, z)

Faster way to check self.inside on a meshgrid.

intersections_plane([x, y, z])

Returns list of shapely geometries at plane specified by one non-None value of x,y,z.

intersections_tilted_plane(normal, origin, to_2D)

Return a list of shapely geometries at the plane specified by normal and origin.


Return a list of valid polygons from a shapely geometry, discarding points, lines, and empty polygons.

static to_polygon_list(base_geometry)[source]#

Return a list of valid polygons from a shapely geometry, discarding points, lines, and empty polygons.


base_geometry (shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry) – Base geometry for inspection.


Valid polygons retrieved from base geometry.

Return type:


intersections_tilted_plane(normal, origin, to_2D)[source]#

Return a list of shapely geometries at the plane specified by normal and origin.

  • normal (Coordinate) – Vector defining the normal direction to the plane.

  • origin (Coordinate) – Vector defining the plane origin.

  • to_2D (MatrixReal4x4) – Transformation matrix to apply to resulting shapes.


List of 2D shapes that intersect plane. For more details refer to Shapely’s Documentation.

Return type:


intersections_plane(x=None, y=None, z=None)[source]#

Returns list of shapely geometries at plane specified by one non-None value of x,y,z.

  • x (float = None) – Position of plane in x direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane.

  • y (float = None) – Position of plane in y direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane.

  • z (float = None) – Position of plane in z direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane.


List of 2D shapes that intersect plane. For more details refer to Shapely’s Documentaton.

Return type:


property bounds#

Returns bounding box min and max coordinates.


Min and max bounds packaged as (minx, miny, minz), (maxx, maxy, maxz).

Return type:

Tuple[float, float, float], Tuple[float, float float]

inside(x, y, z)[source]#

For input arrays x, y, z of arbitrary but identical shape, return an array with the same shape which is True for every point in zip(x, y, z) that is inside the volume of the Geometry, and False otherwise.

  • x (np.ndarray[float]) – Array of point positions in x direction.

  • y (np.ndarray[float]) – Array of point positions in y direction.

  • z (np.ndarray[float]) – Array of point positions in z direction.


True for every point that is inside the geometry.

Return type:


inside_meshgrid(x, y, z)[source]#

Faster way to check self.inside on a meshgrid. The input arrays are assumed sorted.

  • x (np.ndarray[float]) – 1D array of point positions in x direction.

  • y (np.ndarray[float]) – 1D array of point positions in y direction.

  • z (np.ndarray[float]) – 1D array of point positions in z direction.


Array with shape (x.size, y.size, z.size), which is True for every point that is inside the geometry.

Return type:



Hash method.