
The Fast Lane#

Maybe you already have tidy3d installed in some form. After installing version tidy3d>=2.6, you can use a few terminal commands to set you up on the correct environment and perform common development tasks. Just run in your terminal, tidy3d develop to get the latest list of commands.

It does not matter how you have installed tidy3d before as long as you have any form of tidy3d>=2.6` in your environment. This can help you transition from a standard user installation to a development environment installation.

Quick Start#

Instructions for anyone who wants to test the new development flow before it gets included as part of the pre-release:

For ubuntu:

git clone
cd tidy3d
# Make sure you're in a branch > pre/2.6 and you can `import tidy3d` in python
pip install -e . # or whatever local installation works for you
tidy3d develop # Read all the new development helper commands
# tidy3d develop uninstall-dev-envrionment # in case you need to reset your environment
tidy3d develop install-dev-environment # install all requirements that you don't have and verify the exisiting ones
poetry run tidy3d develop verify-dev-environment # reproducibly verify development envrionment
# poetry run tidy3d develop build-docs # eg. reproducibly build documentation

Now you can run the following tidy3d cli commands to test them.

Automatic Environment Installation (Beta)#

If you are transitioning from the old development flow, to this new one, there are a list of commands you can run to make your life easier and set you up well:

# Automatically check and install requirements like pipx, poetry, pandoc
tidy3d develop install-dev-environment

Note that this is just a automatic script implementation of the The Detailed Lane instructions. It is intended to help you and raise warnings with suggestions of how to fix an environment setup issue. You do not have to use this helper function and can just follow the instructions in The Detailed Lane. All commands are echo-ed in the terminal so you will be able to observe and reproduce what is failing if you desire.

The way this command works is dependent on the operating system you are running. There are some prerequisites for each platform, but the command line tool will help you identify and install the tools it requires. You should rerun the command after you have installed any prerequisite as it will just progress with the rest of the tools installation. If you already have the tool installed, it will verify that it conforms to the supported versions.

This command will first check if you already have installed the development requirements, and if not, it will run the installation scripts for pipx, poetry, and ask you to install the required version of pandoc. It will also install the development requirements and tidy3d package in a specific poetry environment.

Environment Verification#

If you rather install poetry, pipx and pandoc yourself, you can run the following command to verify that your environment conforms to the reproducible development environment which would be equivalent to the one installed automatically above and described in The Detailed Lane.

tidy3d develop verify-dev-environment

The Detailed Lane#

If you do not have any of the above tools already installed and want to install them manually, let’s go through the process of setting things up from scratch:

Environment Requirements#

Make sure you have installed pipx. We provide common installation flows below:

This installation flow requires a python3 installation. Depending how you have installed python3, you may have to edit this command to run on your target installation. Further instructions by pipx here

python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath

Then install poetry:

Further instructions in the poetry installation instructions

python3 -m pipx install poetry

After restarting the bash terminal, you should be able to find poetry in your PATH if it has been installed correctly:

poetry --version
poetry # prints all commands

If you want to locally build documentation, then it is required to install pandoc<3.

Further instructions in the pandoc installation instructions. Note you will need permissions to do this.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pandoc

Now you need to install the package in the reproducible poetry environment in development mode:

poetry install -E dev

Congratulations! Now you have all the required tools installed, you can now use all the poetry run tidy3d develop commands reproducibly.

If you want to contribute to the project, read the following section:

More Contribution Requirements#

If you want to contribute to the development of tidy3d, you can follow the instructions below to set up your development environment. This will allow you to run the tests, build the documentation, and run the examples. Another thing you need to do before committing to the project is to install the pre-commit hooks. This will ensure that your code is formatted correctly and passes the tests before you commit it. To do this, run the following command:

poetry run pre-commit install

This will run a few file checks on your code before you commit it. After this whenever you commit, the pre-commit hooks will run automatically. If any of the checks fail, you will have to fix the issues before you can commit. If for some reason, it’s a check you want to waive, you can follow the instructions of the tool to automatically waive them or you can run the following command to skip the checks only on minimal circumstances:

git commit --no-verify

You can also run the checks manually on all files by running the following command:

poetry run pre-commit run --all-files

Packaging Equivalent Functionality#

This package installation process should be approximately equivalent to the previous installation flow. Independent of the poetry development flow, it is possible to run any of the following commands in any particular virtual environment you have configured:

pip install tidy3d[dev]
pip install tidy3d[docs]
pip install tidy3d[web]
pip install tidy3d[jax]

All these options can be found inside the pyproject.toml tool.poetry.extras section. Each has a corresponding list of dependencies whose versions are defined on the tool.poetry.dependencies section of the file.