Adjoint Plugin Developer Guide#

This guide will explain the internals of the adjoint plugin.

The following flowchart shows the entire process described in this readme for reference while reading.



The Need for Simulation Differentiation#

FDTD simulation is a reliable method for predicting the behavior or performance of a photonic device. Typically, a device is defined as a function of several “design parameters”, such as the dimensions of the various components or the material properties of the components. The performance of the device can often be framed mathematically as a function of the result of the simulation or measurement. Thus, Tidy3D in its standard form provides a method for (a) defining a device programmatically from the design parameters, (b) simulating the device to give physical quantities of interest, and (c) programmatically post-processing these quantities to determine some figure of merit, which can be used to aid design decisions.

However, in many situations one might like to know more than just the device performance. It can be of great value to know, for example:

  • How sensitive is the performance of the device with respect to changes in the various design parameters?

  • How would one need to tweak the current design parameters to optimize the device performance?

To answer these questions, it is therefore useful to be able to compute the derivative of the device performance with respect to each desgn parameter. For many design parameters, we refer to this as the “gradient”.

Numerical Derivatives#

One naive approach to computing the gradient is to use the finite difference method to compute each term of the gradient one by one. More specifically, one may manually perturb each design parameter, simulate the new device, and measure the relative change in the performance to estimate the derivative. The problem with this approach is that

  • It is error prone, and requires the selection of a perturbation step size, which requires trial and error.

  • As at least one simulation is required to compute each term in the gradient, the number of additional simulations scales linearly with the number of design parameters, making this extremely slow and expensive for many design parameters.

Automatic Differentiation#

Ideally, one would be able to take the gradient of the performance analytically, as if it was a simple mathematical function of the inputs. In fact, there exist many tools for taking analytical derivatives of programmatically defined mathematical functions through a technique known as “automatic differentiation” (AD). AD works by tracking which operations were performed to compute the function f(x) and then uses the chain rule and knowledge of the derivative of each step to construct df/dx(x) automatically. While it would be convenient to apply AD to the calculation of the device performance as a function of the design parameters, we must first define the derivative rules for the actual FDTD simulation step, which is not straightforward and obviously not supported by a generic AD package.

Adjoint Method#

Luckily, there exists a way to differentiate simulations with respect to the parameters that define them, which is commonly referred to as the “adjoint method”. The adjoint method exploits knowledge of the mathemtical form of the problem we are trying to solve through FDTD to define a second “adjoint” simulation. Together with our original (often called “forward”) simulation, the results of this adjoint simulation can be post processed to give us the gradient we are after.

The remarkably powerful thing about the adjoint method is that it gives us the gradient with only a single additional simulation required no matter how many design parameters or terms in the gradient. Additionally, the derivatives it returns do not require any custom step size definition, so they are generally more accurate than finite difference approximations.

Adjoint Plugin#

The goal of the Tidy3D adjoint plugin is, therefore, to implement the adjoint method in a way that an AD package can make use of. In essence, it defines the “derivative” of the data obtained through a Tidy3D simulation with respect to the fields that are contained in the Tidy3D Simulation definition. This derivative is then fed to an AD package, which can then “close the loop” and let users define and differentiate functions that compute the device performance as a function of some abstract design parameters through a Tidy3D Simulation.

AD using Jax#

Rather than write our own AD package to handle everything outside of the FDTD calculation, we make use of the jax AD package. The adjoint plugin itself provides jax-compatible subclasses of many regular Tidy3D components, such as Simulation, Box, and ModeData while also providing a custom function that performs the adjoint method under the hood using these custom components, telling jax how to perform the steps needed for AD. Here is the documentation for jax, which provides far more information than I could ever cover in this readme, for more background on how it works, although we will discuss in sufficient detail later on.

Outline of Guide#

In this guide, we will first discuss how jax works and what is needed to get Tidy3D to integrate with its AD features. Then, we will discuss how the adjoint method is handled within the context of this AD framework. Finally,, we will give a practical guide to using the plugin successfully.

Automatic Differentiation w/ Jax#

First, we discuss a bit how jax‘s AD framework functions and how we have written custom AD rules for FDTD simulation to integrate with it.

Vector Jacobian Products (VJPs)#

In jax, the derivative operations are defined through “vector-Jacobian-product” (VJP) rules. There are several extensive tutorials on this subject on the jax documentation, which are worth a read through for more detail. This one in particular is a good introduction, but a very basic summary will be provided here.

Say I have defined a function y = f(x) and want to define the derivative rule dy/dx = df/dx(x). One might naively think that the approach would be to define a new function df_dx(x) that returns the value of the derivative, associate it with f, and be done with it. However, things are a bit more complicated because:

  • Most of the time f(x) is composed or called along with many other functions and therefore the chain rule necessitates a bit more generality.

  • We may not be interested in computing or storing the actual output of df/dx(x) as it may be unnecessarily large or complex.

Therefore, in jax, one instead defines a “vector-Jacobian product” function that does not return df/dx(x) directly, but rather defines a function of x and some value v that returns the result of v^T * df/dx(x). We see from this that v is the “vector”, df/dx is the “Jacobian”, and the VJP function just returns the product of these quantities.

Intuitively, we may think of “v” as some data that has a similar structure as our output “y”, except contains derivative information from whatever operations are downstream from the f(x) call in our application. So for example, if one wants to determine the derivative of a composite function involving f, eg. h(x) = g(f(x)) = g(y), jax would first compute v = dg/dy^T and then feed this v to the VJP of f to compute v^T df/dx = dg/dy df/dx which is simply equal to dh/dx via the regular chain rule. Thus v generally stores some derivative of the downstream operations with respect to the output of f and using this VJP, we can programmatically stich together the derivative of an arbitrary computation using the chain rule.

Custom VJPs#

jax “knows” the VJPs for most mathematical operations found natively in python, such as +, *, abs(). Additionally, it provides a wrapper “jax.numpy” for most of the numpy operations eg. np.sum(), with VJPs defined. This means in most cases, once can write a function using python builtins + jax.numpy and have all the VJPs for each step defined without any issue.

However, for some functions, jax simply doesn’t know the VJP, so we must define it ourselves and register it with jax. There is a thorough tutorial here explaining this process and the many ways to perform it, but below is a snippet paraphrased from this tutorial showing the basic idea for defining the vjp for a custom function f:

from jax import custom_vjp

def f(x, y):
  return jnp.sin(x) * y

def f_fwd(x, y):
# Returns primal output and residuals to be used in backward pass by f_bwd.
  return f(x, y), (jnp.cos(x), jnp.sin(x), y)

def f_bwd(res, v):
  cos_x, sin_x, y = res # Gets residuals computed in f_fwd
  return (cos_x * v * y, sin_x * v)

f.defvjp(f_fwd, f_bwd)

To highlight, we first register f as requiring a custom_vjp, then we define a “forward” rule for f, which just returns the output we expect + some additional information we might want to cache for later. Then, we define a “backward” rule for f, which defines the VJP as a function of our tuple of cached values from the forward pass (res) and the “vector” v, which looks somewhat like the return of f but with derivative information stored in it. The return value of this backwards function is a tuple where each element encodes v times the derivative of f with respect to the corresponding element of the input arguments of f. Finally, we register the two vjp functions with f.

While this is a bit difficult to digest, it is the core functionality provided by the adjoint plugin and is therefore worth understanding for a simple case.

The VJP of

The adjoint plugin actually only provides a single VJP, which is defined for the sim_data = function. The plugin therefore implements two functions sim_data, res = run_fwd(sim) and sim_vjp = run_bwd(res, sim_data_vjp), which respectively perform the:

  • forward simulation: original simulation + some extra information needed for computing derivatives later.

  • adjoint simulation: simulation encoding derivative information passed from downstream in the AD process.

and postprocesses the results into derivatve information for jax.

The backward vjp function defined for accepts and returns quite abstract objects. First, the “v” provided is a SimulationData object storing the derivatives of the downstream operations w.r.t. the data stored in the various MonitorData objects. So for example, if the eventual output of the function being differentiated depends on a single amplitude in the ModeData of the forward pass, the adjoint SimulationData will contain a ModeData object with all 0 elements except for the coordinates associated with that amplitude. The value of that amplitude data will store directly the derivative of the function output with respect to that amplitude.

As the return value of the must look like the derivative of its input arguments, this function returns a tuple of length 1 storing a Simulation where the contents of each field are simply the derivatives that field w.r.t. the outputs of the function being differentiated.

This concept is hard to understand but is the crucial idea behind the workings of the plugin so it’s again worth spending some time to digest. To reiterate, in its essence, the goal of the adjoint is to propagate the derivative of the function w.r.t. the output data (stored as a SimulationData) into the derivative of the function w.r.t. the Simulation fields (stored as a Simulation).

Where do derivatives come from?#

As discussed, the goal of our VJP for is to propagate the derivative information from within the jax-provided SimulationData to the derivative w.r.t. the Simulation fields. This is where the adjoint method comes in. We know that the adjoint method can compute this derivative information through another call. So our job, given some SimulationData from jax is to:

  • Construct the proper adjoint Simulation.

  • Run it to get an adjoint SimulationData.

  • Process both the cached SimulationData from the forward run with the adjoint run to compute the derivative information w.r.t. the Simulation fields.

  • Construct a Simulation storing these derivatives and return.

In summary, the adjoint method tells us that for each output that our eventual function depends on, we must construct a corresponding current source to put into our Simulation. Practically speaking, when given a derivative SimulationData object, we loop through each non-zero data element, construct a corresponding source, and add it to our adjoint Simulation. The mapping between data elements and adjoint sources requires some definition, which we will discuss in the next major section, but for now it’s just worth noting that we have these mappings defined as methods of our data classes.

Finally, once we have run our adjoint Simulation, we must process the data from each simulation into derivative rules. To perform this, we have also defined some mappings for the Simulation components (Structure, Box, Medium) that accept forward and adjoint simulation data, and return a copy that processes this data into derivative information. For example, to compute the derivative of a Structure with respect to the .permittivity of its .medium, the adjoint method says that one must take the dot product of the adjoint and forward fields and integrate this quantity over the volume of the structure .geometry. Therefore, the Medium has a method that computes this integral and stores it in its .permittivity field for further processing.

Finally, it is worth noting that the custom derivative for is not defined in the standard tidy3d.web location, but rather a wrapper is provided in the plugin. This decision was made to adhere to the design principle of the main components being agnostic to the plugin contents. This wrapper simply calls under the hood after converting the jax types to regular tidy3d types and then converts the results back into jax types. We will discuss this in more detail in the following section.

Jax Nuts and Bolts#

With that introduction to the basic flow for defining the VJP of, now we will discuss a bit about some basic things that are needed to get this working practically using our existing Tidy3D objects.

Registering Tidy3D components with jax#

First, jax AD works only with only very basic datastructures, called “pytrees”, and therefore does not know how to handle functions accepting and returning pydantic.BaseModel subclasses like our regular Tidy3D components. Pytrees are essentially nested datastructures in the form of regular python objects, such as tuples, dictionaries, and raw numeric data. For a much more detailed discussion on pytrees, see the jax documentation page on them.

To get Tidy3D components to be recognized by jax, we must define rules for how each Tidy3Dcomponent is converted into a pytree (plus some arbitrary auxiliary data) and how a pytree (plus some auxiliary data) is converted back into a Tidy3D component. As discussed in the link on pytrees just above, we can perform this registration by:

  • decorating our Tidy3D component with @jax.tree_util.register_pytree_node.

  • defining a .tree_flatten(self) method to return the pytree plus any auxiliary information we might need to unflatten.

  • defining a .tree_unflatten(cls, aux_data, children @classmethod to return an instance of self given that auxiliary information and the pytree (children).

Jax Subclasses of Tidy3D objects#

To do this registration in a systematic way, the adjoint plugin provides several subclasses of Tidy3D components that also inherit from a JaxObject base class, providing these methods. If a Tidy3D component is named X, the jax-compatible subclass inherits from X and JaxObject and is named JaxX by convention. Note also that JaxX classes must also be decorated with @jax.tree_util.register_pytree_node to work properly.

The derivative information passed by jax is often in the form of very obscure datastructures. Therefore, if one were to try to directly put this information in a regular Tidy3D field, such as Medium.permittivity, pydantic would complain. Therefore, for any JaxX objects that may contain jax tracers, one needs to overwrite the corresponding pydantic.Field and make it allow type of Any to avoid validation errors. Finally, we must mark this field as potentially containing a jax tracer by setting the jax_field=True in pd.Field().

The JaxObject provides a few convenience methods make use of the presence of this jax_field to determine how to correctly tree_flatten and tree_unflatten any subclasses. Luckily, we do not need to define these operations on subclasses except for JaxDataArray, which will be discussed later.

Conversion Between JaxTidy3D and Tidy3D Components#

Finally, there are some methods in the JaxX subclasses for converting JaxX to X and vice versa. This is required, for example, to run an actual simulation using the standard function, requiring a JaxSimulation and its contents to be converted to a regular Simulation. It follows also that the return SimulationData must be converted back to a JaxSimulationData for handling by jax. These methods are a bit hard to understand as they operate mainly on the dict level data and are therefore one area of possible simplification down the line if we can figure out how to do conversion more naturally.

The One Exception: DataArrays#

Unfortunately, all Tidy3D components are not handled so simply. It turns out that jax datastructures do not work when added to xarray.DataArray containers. Therefore, we needed to find a replacement to the DataArray class in regular Tidy3D to use in our JaxMonitorData fields. To solve this problem, the adjoint plugin introduces a JaxDataArray, which stores .values as a jax Array (basically a jax version of numpy arrays) and .coords as a dictionary of coordinates with a dimensions string mapping to a list of values.

The JaxDataArray may freely store jax values and tracers and implements a few basic emulations of xarray.DataArray objects, such as .sel and .isel. Note that at this time .interp is not supported, but I think we could consider implementing it later. A user could, in principle, wrap .sel to do the interpolation themselves, but it was not considered at this stage because some trials to implement it myself ended badly.

The JaxDataArray inherits directly from Tidy3DBaseModel alone and therefore implements its own pytree flattening and unflattening operations. Luckily, these operations are quite trivial. There are also a set of custom validations in the JaxDataArray to ensure it is set up and used properly as it does not natively provide nearly as strict argument checking as its xarray.DataArray counterparts.

Adjoint Method#

With an understanding on how jax is integrated into the plugin through subclasses of Tidy3D components, now we can finish the technical discussion with an overview of how the adjoint components are implemented.

Gradient Monitors#

As discussed, computing the derivative information through the adjoint method requres performing integrals over the forward and adjoint field distributions, as well as the permittivty distributions in the simulations. As such, when running the forward and backward passes of the function, we must add monitors to capture this information and pass it to the VJP makers for each of the jax-compatible fields in the JaxSimulation.

For this purpose, the JaxSimulation class provides an add_gradient_monitors() method, that loops throughout any jax-compatible fields and calls their respective methods for generating whatever Monitors are needed for the adjoint method to work. For example, the JaxStructure has a .make_grad_monitors() method, that returns a FieldMonitor and PermittivityMonitor spanning its volume (+ some dilation).

These gradient monitors are generated and added to both forward and adjoint simulations before they are run and the data contained within are processed at the final stage when computing VJP rules for the pydantic.Fields() of the JaxSimulations.

Adjoint Source Creation#

As mentioned, the derivative SimulationData received by the backwards pass of contains JaxMonitorData with data values corresponding to downstream derivative information. Following the math of the adjoint method, this derivative data must be converted to current sources to use in the adjoint Simulation. As such, each JaxMonitorData subclass has a .to_adjoint_sources() method, which returns a list of adjoint Source objects given whatever data is stored within.

This method must be implemented separately for each subclass, eg. JaxModeData -> [ModeSource] and JaxDiffractionData -> [PlaneWave]. The basic idea for all of the methods, however, is to loop through each non-zero data contained within and use the coordinate and value to determine the proper adjoint source. Note: there is a factor of 1j built into the amplitude to account for the phase shift between a specified GaussianPulse and the corresponding J(r,t) that is injected into the simulation.

Adjoint Simulation Creation#

In the previous section, we discussed how adjoint sources are created from a single JaxMonitorData. Now we discuss how to construct an entire adjoint Simulation from a derivative JaxSimulationData. For this, JaxSimulationData contains a single convenience method JaxSimulationData.make_adjoint_simulation() that performs the following steps:

  • Copy the original simulation.

  • Flip all bloch_vecs for any bloch boundaries (to model the adjoint physics properly).

  • Generate and concatenate all the adjoint sources for each JaxMonitorData as described in the previous section.

  • Replace any sources from the original simulation with these adjoint sources.

  • Replace any monitors from the original simulation with whatever field and permittivity monitors are required for computing the adjoint integral over each Structure.

PostProcessing Forward and Adjoint Fields for VJP Creation#

With the forward and adjoint simulations run and all of the field and permittivity data stored for each JaxStructure in the simulation, the final stage of the pipeline involves converting these gradient monitor data into VJP values to be stored in the JaxSimulation returned by the backwards pass of

These VJPs are determined by performing integrals over the monitor data using the Structure geometry. For example, the derivative rule for the Structure.medium.permittivity involves a volume integral of the dot product of the E fields over the Structure.geometry and the derivatve rule for the Structure.geometry involves surface integrals over the Geometry surfaces. These integrals are defined respectively in the JaxMedium.store_vjp() and JaxBox.store_vjp() objects and are combined together in the JaxStructure.store_vjp(). The return value of these methods is a copy of the original instance where the values stored in the jax-compatible fields are the derivatives of the downstream function outputs w.r.t. the field.

At the final stage of the backwards pass of, the JaxSimulation.store_vjp() loops through each of its JaxStructures and replaces that structure with the return value of its respective .store_vjp() call.

Using the Plugin#

Now we dive into the more surface-level use of the plugin and the design decisions. To define our notation, we consider the user wants to define a function f(p) that

  • Defines a Simulationsim” as a function of a vector of design parameters p.

  • Runs that simulation to get some Simulationsim_data“.

  • Post processes sim_data into a float value.

in pseudo-code, this might look something like:

def f(p):
    sim = make_sim(p)
    sim_data = run(sim)
    return postproces(sim_data)

Once f(p) is defined, the user then wants to compute df/dp. Here we show how to set up f and compute and use df/dp using the adjoint plugin.

Defining Jax Simulation#

To use the adjoint plugin, the user must first define their simulation using Jax subclasses for any Tidy3D components that may depend on p. Right now, we only support differentiating with respect to Structure objects with .medium of Medium and .geometry of Box. Therefore, any structures of this form depending on p must be constructed using JaxSimulation, JaxMedium, and JaxBox objects, respectively. Importantly, the simulation itself should also be a JaxSimulation.

Input Structures#

While the JaxSimulation can contain regular Structure instances in its .structures tuple, for technical reasons, it was much more convenient to separate the JaxStructures into their own new field, which is called JaxSimulation.input_structures. Therefore, any JaxStructures depending on p must be added to this field in the JaxSimulation and not to .structures.

It is worth noting that:

  • JaxStructures in .input_structures can not overlap as the gradients will be inaccurate. This is validated in JaxSimulation.

  • .input_structures are added after regular .structures and may overlap with regular .structures. One may think of the process of building the material grid as each Structure in .structures being added to the Simulation, followed by each JaxStructure in .input_structures.

Output Monitors#

For technical reasons it was also more convenient to separate out the monitors that the function f(p) may depend on from the regular monitors. Therefore, a JaxSimulation may have regular .monitors for eg plotting or diagnostics, but they also may have .output_monitors, which must be Monitor types with corresponding JaxMonitorData, such as ModeMonitor and DiffractionMonitor.

Gradient Monitors#

While they are hidden from normal use, the JaxSimulation contains fields storing .grad_monitors and .grad_eps_monitors. These store the FieldMonitor and PermittivityMonitor for each JaxStructure in the .input_structures tuple, with a 1 to 1 correspondence, and are only used internally.

Other Differences#

Finally, the JaxSimulation has a few other differences with the regular Simulation class.

  • It validates that subpixel=True, because otherwise adjoint gives inaccurate and ill-defined results.

  • It has an fwidth_adjoint field, which, if specified, overwrites the fwidth of the adjoint source with a custom value. If not specified, the adjoint sources’ fwidth is determined from the average of the fwidths contained in .sources.

  • To convert a JaxSimulation to a regular Simulation, one may call .to_simulation() method, which returns a tuple of the Simulation and a datastructure containing extra information needed to reconstruct the JaxSimulation with JaxSimulation.from_simulation(). So a conversion would look like sim=jax_sim.to_simulation()[0]. If desired, we could easily add a .simulation @property to just return the Simulation part for convenience.

  • The JaxSimulation objects have their .plot and .plot_eps methods overwritten for convenience, which calls .to_simulation() and plots the result.

Adjoint function#

The adjoint plugin provides a wrapper for the regular function that has the VJPs defined. This function can be imported as from tidy3d.plugins.adjoint.web import run and functions exactly the same as the original in all respects. Eg. it takes the same **kwargs and passes them to

If a user forgets to use this custom run() function, the simulation will error as it will attempt to upload a JaxSimulation directly to the server. For this reason, I think we should consider adding a check to web.upload() that the type field is 'Simulation'. To get around this, the adjoint wrapped first converts the JaxSimulation to a regular Simulation, uses regular, and converts the result back to a JaxSimulationData as there is no webapi to run a JaxSimulation object currently.

Working with JaxSimulationData#

The jax-compatible JaxSimulationData subclasses is more similar to the regular SimulationData with just one key difference: JaxSimulationData has .data and .output_data tuples for storing the MonitorData and JaxMonitorData corresponding to the respective .monitors and .output_monitors in the original JaxSimulation. Similarly, it has @properties of .monitor_data and output_monitor_data for generating dictionaries mapping the monitor names to these quantities.

It is worth noting that the __getitem__ method is overwritten to select by monitor name from both of these tuples, so the user doesn’t need to know the previous information to work with it using eg. sim_data['mode'] if desired.

Putting it all together#

So given all of this and referencing the original def f(p) function, the user would need to make sure to write their funtion as

def f(p):

    # make_sim returns JaxSimulation with appropriate `JaxStructures`
    jax_sim = make_sim(p)

    # run is the run imported from td.plugins.adjoint.web
    jax_sim_data = run(jax_sim)

    # postprocess initially grabs the data using
    #      sim_data.output_data[mnt_index]
    #   or sim_data.output_montior_data[mnt_name]
    #   or sim_data[mnt_name]
    return postproces(sim_data)

Differentiating using jax#

With f(p) defined properly using the guidelines in the previous section, now we’ll talk about how to use jax to properly differentiate our function.

Derivative Functions#

jax provides several functions for differentiation, here i’ll talk about a few of the most useful to know and their pitfalls.


g = jax.grad(f) (documentation) returns a function g that when evaluated g(p) returns the gradient of f with respect to p. As referenced in the documentation, it is important to note a few things:

  • If p contains complex-valued types, one would need holomorphic=True

  • If p contains int values, it will error, so convert values in p to float or complex before passing to g.

  • If f has more than one argument, eg f(p1, p2, p3), jax.grad will just take the gradient with respect to the first argument by default. In general one needs to pass an arg_nums tuple to jax.grad to tell it which arguments to take the gradient with respect to. Otherwise, the error can be obscure if, eg you try to unpack g1, g2, g3 = g(p1, p2, p3).

There are a few other arguments in jax.grad that should all be compatible with the adjoint plugin and are worth exploring.


Another useful function provided by jax is jax.value_and_grad. This lets you compute the value f(p) and the gradient g(p) at the same time without needing to recompute f(p). To illustrate this, consider

import jax

# option 1: grad
g = jax.grad(f)
fp = f(p) # evaluates f(p)
gp = g(p) # re-evaluates f(p) and its backwards pass in the VJP

# option 2: value_and_grad
v_and_g = jax.value_and_grad(f)
fp, gp = v_and_g(p) # evaluates f(p) and backwards pass only once

for situations where you might want f(p), value_and_grad is a better choice as you’d need to run 2 simulations (forward + adjoint) instead of three (2x forward + adjoint).


Finally, it’s worth repeating again that if numpy operations are involved in the calculation of f(p), one must use jax.numpy instead of numpy. Otherwise, jax will error in a very obscure way and it could take a user a while to understand what went wrong. As an example.

import jax.numpy as jnp

def f(p):
    permittivity = jnp.square(p)
    sim = make_sim(permittivity)
    sim_data = run(sim)
    amp = sim_data['mode'].amps.sel(direction="+", f=f0, mode_index=0)
    return jnp.square(abs(amp))


That summarizes just about all of the adjoint plugin. For more details, it is highly recommend to check out the jax documentation, especially regarding automatic differentiation, as well as the tutorial notebooks in tidy3d-docs. Happy autogradding!