Source code for tidy3d.plugins.adjoint.components.geometry

"""Defines jax-compatible geometries and their conversion to grad monitors."""
from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC
from typing import Tuple, Union, Dict, List
from multiprocessing import Pool

import pydantic.v1 as pd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from jax.tree_util import register_pytree_node_class
import jax

from ....components.base import cached_property
from ....components.types import Bound, Coordinate2D  # , annotate_type
from ....components.geometry.base import Geometry, Box, GeometryGroup
from ....components.geometry.polyslab import PolySlab
from import FieldData, PermittivityData
from import ScalarFieldDataArray
from ....components.monitor import FieldMonitor, PermittivityMonitor
from ....constants import fp_eps, MICROMETER
from ....exceptions import AdjointError
from ....log import log

from .base import JaxObject
from .types import JaxFloat

# number of integration points per unit wavelength in material

# how much to expand the gradient monitors on each side beyond the self.bounds

# maximum number of vertices allowed in JaxPolySlab

class JaxGeometry(Geometry, ABC):
    """Abstract :class:`.Geometry` with methods useful for all Jax subclasses."""

    def bound_size(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
        """Size of the bounding box of this geometry."""
        rmin, rmax = self.bounds
        return tuple(abs(pt_max - pt_min) for (pt_min, pt_max) in zip(rmin, rmax))

    def bound_center(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
        """Size of the bounding box of this geometry."""
        rmin, rmax = self.bounds

        def get_center(pt_min: float, pt_max: float) -> float:
            """Get center of bounds, including infinity, calling Geometry._get_center()."""
            pt_min = jax.lax.stop_gradient(pt_min)
            pt_max = jax.lax.stop_gradient(pt_max)
            return self._get_center(pt_min, pt_max)

        return tuple(get_center(pt_min, pt_max) for (pt_min, pt_max) in zip(rmin, rmax))

    def bounding_box(self):
        """Returns :class:`JaxBox` representation of the bounding box of a :class:`JaxGeometry`.

            Geometric object representing bounding box.
        return JaxBox.from_bounds(*self.bounds)

    def make_grad_monitors(
        self, freqs: List[float], name: str
    ) -> Tuple[FieldMonitor, PermittivityMonitor]:
        """Return gradient monitor associated with this object."""
        size_enlarged = tuple(s + 2 * GRAD_MONITOR_EXPANSION for s in self.bound_size)
        field_mnt = FieldMonitor(
            fields=["Ex", "Ey", "Ez"],
            name=name + "_field",

        eps_mnt = PermittivityMonitor(
            name=name + "_eps",
        return field_mnt, eps_mnt

    def compute_dotted_e_d_fields(
        grad_data_fwd: FieldData, grad_data_adj: FieldData, grad_data_eps: PermittivityData
    ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, ScalarFieldDataArray], Dict[str, ScalarFieldDataArray]]:
        """Get the (x,y,z) components of E_fwd * E_adj and D_fwd * D_adj fields in the domain."""

        e_mult_xyz = {}
        d_mult_xyz = {}

        for dim in "xyz":
            # grab the E field components
            e_fld_key = f"E{dim}"
            e_fwd = grad_data_fwd.field_components[e_fld_key]
            e_adj = grad_data_adj.field_components[e_fld_key]

            # grab the epsilon data
            eps_fld_key = f"eps_{dim}{dim}"
            eps = grad_data_eps.field_components[eps_fld_key]

            # compute d fields
            d_fwd = eps * e_fwd
            d_adj = eps * e_adj

            # multiply the fwd and adj fields
            e_mult_xyz[dim] = e_fwd * e_adj
            d_mult_xyz[dim] = d_fwd * d_adj

        return e_mult_xyz, d_mult_xyz

[docs] @register_pytree_node_class class JaxBox(JaxGeometry, Box, JaxObject): """A :class:`.Box` registered with jax.""" _tidy3d_class = Box center_jax: Tuple[JaxFloat, JaxFloat, JaxFloat] = pd.Field( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), title="Center (Jax)", description="Jax traced value for the center of the box in (x, y, z).", units=MICROMETER, stores_jax_for="center", ) size_jax: Tuple[JaxFloat, JaxFloat, JaxFloat] = pd.Field( ..., title="Size (Jax)", description="Jax-traced value for the size of the box in (x, y, z).", units=MICROMETER, stores_jax_for="size", )
[docs] def store_vjp( self, grad_data_fwd: FieldData, grad_data_adj: FieldData, grad_data_eps: PermittivityData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, eps_out: complex, eps_in: complex, num_proc: int = 1, ) -> JaxBox: """Stores the gradient of the box parameters given forward and adjoint field data.""" # multiply the E and D field components together for fwd and adj e_mult_xyz, d_mult_xyz = self.compute_dotted_e_d_fields( grad_data_fwd=grad_data_fwd, grad_data_adj=grad_data_adj, grad_data_eps=grad_data_eps ) rmin, rmax = bounds_intersect = self.bounds_intersection(self.bounds, sim_bounds) # stores vjps for the min and max surfaces on all dimensions vjp_surfs = {dim: np.array([0.0, 0.0]) for dim in "xyz"} # loop through all 6 surfaces (x,y,z) & (-, +) for dim_index, dim_normal in enumerate("xyz"): for min_max_index, min_max_val in enumerate(bounds_intersect): # get the normal coordinate of this surface normal_coord = {dim_normal: min_max_val[dim_index]} # skip if the geometry edge is out of bounds of the simulation sim_min_max_val = sim_bounds[min_max_index][dim_index] geo_min_max_val = self.bounds[min_max_index][dim_index] if (min_max_index == 0) and (geo_min_max_val <= sim_min_max_val): continue if (min_max_index == 1) and (geo_min_max_val >= sim_min_max_val): continue # get the dimensions and edge values on the plane of this surface _, dims_plane = self.pop_axis("xyz", axis=dim_index) _, mins_plane = self.pop_axis(rmin, axis=dim_index) _, maxs_plane = self.pop_axis(rmax, axis=dim_index) # construct differential area value and coordinates evenly spaced along this surface d_area = 1.0 area_coords = {} for dim_plane, min_edge, max_edge in zip(dims_plane, mins_plane, maxs_plane): # if there is no thickness along this dimension, skip it length_edge = max_edge - min_edge if length_edge == 0: continue num_cells_dim = int(length_edge * PTS_PER_WVL_INTEGRATION / wvl_mat) + 1 # update the differential area value d_len = length_edge / num_cells_dim d_area *= d_len # construct evenly spaced coordinates along this dimension interp_vals = np.linspace( min_edge + d_len / 2, max_edge - d_len / 2, num_cells_dim ) area_coords[dim_plane] = interp_vals # for each field component for field_cmp_dim in "xyz": # select the permittivity data eps_field_name = f"eps_{field_cmp_dim}{field_cmp_dim}" eps_data = grad_data_eps.field_components[eps_field_name] # get the permittivity values just inside and outside the edge num_cells_normal_dim = len(eps_data.coords[dim_normal]) # if the eps_data is <=3 grid cells thick, pick the middle cell if num_cells_normal_dim <= 3: isel_ins = num_cells_normal_dim // 2 # otherwise, pick the cell 4 pixels from outside cell else: n_cells_in = 3 isel_ins = n_cells_in if min_max_index == 0 else -n_cells_in - 1 isel_out = 0 if min_max_index == 0 else -1 eps2 = eps_data.isel(**{dim_normal: isel_out}) eps1 = eps_data.isel(**{dim_normal: isel_ins}) # get gradient contribution for normal component using normal D field if field_cmp_dim == dim_normal: # construct normal D fields, dotted together at surface d_normal = d_mult_xyz[field_cmp_dim] d_normal = d_normal.interp(**normal_coord, assume_sorted=True) # compute adjoint contribution using perturbation theory for shifting bounds delta_eps_inv = 1.0 / eps1 - 1.0 / eps2 d_integrand = -(delta_eps_inv * d_normal).real d_integrand = d_integrand.interp(**area_coords, assume_sorted=True) grad_contrib = d_area * np.sum(d_integrand.values) # get gradient contribution for parallel components using parallel E fields else: # measure parallel E fields, dotted together at surface e_parallel = e_mult_xyz[field_cmp_dim] e_parallel = e_parallel.interp(**normal_coord, assume_sorted=True) # compute adjoint contribution using perturbation theory for shifting bounds delta_eps = eps1 - eps2 e_integrand = +(delta_eps * e_parallel).real e_integrand = e_integrand.interp(**area_coords, assume_sorted=True) grad_contrib = d_area * np.sum(e_integrand.values) # add this field contribution to the dict storing the surface contributions vjp_surfs[dim_normal][min_max_index] += grad_contrib # convert surface vjps to center, size vjps. Note, convert these to jax types w/ np.sum() vjp_center = tuple(np.sum(vjp_surfs[dim][1] - vjp_surfs[dim][0]) for dim in "xyz") vjp_size = tuple(np.sum(0.5 * (vjp_surfs[dim][1] + vjp_surfs[dim][0])) for dim in "xyz") return self.copy(update=dict(center_jax=vjp_center, size_jax=vjp_size))
[docs] @register_pytree_node_class class JaxPolySlab(JaxGeometry, PolySlab, JaxObject): """A :class:`.PolySlab` registered with jax.""" _tidy3d_class = PolySlab vertices_jax: Tuple[Tuple[JaxFloat, JaxFloat], ...] = pd.Field( ..., title="Vertices (Jax)", description="Jax-traced list of (d1, d2) defining the 2 dimensional positions of the " "polygon face vertices at the ``reference_plane``. " "The index of dimension should be in the ascending order: e.g. if " "the slab normal axis is ``axis=y``, the coordinate of the vertices will be in (x, z)", units=MICROMETER, stores_jax_for="vertices", )
[docs] @pd.validator("sidewall_angle", always=True) def no_sidewall(cls, val): """Warn if sidewall angle present.""" if not np.isclose(val, 0.0): log.warning( "'JaxPolySlab' does not yet perform the full adjoint gradient treatment " "for slanted sidewalls. " "A straight sidewall angle is assumed when computing the gradient with respect " "to shifting boundaries of the geometry. Therefore, as 'sidewall_angle' becomes " "further from '0.0', the gradient error can be significant. " "If high gradient accuracy is needed, please either reduce your 'sidewall_angle' " "or wait until this feature is supported fully in a later version." ) return val
[docs] @pd.validator("dilation", always=True) def no_dilation(cls, val): """Don't allow dilation.""" if not np.isclose(val, 0.0): raise AdjointError("'JaxPolySlab' does not support dilation.") return val
[docs] @pd.validator("vertices", always=True) def limit_number_of_vertices(cls, val): """Limit the maximum number of vertices.""" if len(val) > MAX_NUM_VERTICES: raise AdjointError( f"For performance, a maximum of {MAX_NUM_VERTICES} are allowed in 'JaxPolySlab'." ) return val
[docs] def edge_contrib( self, vertex_grad: Coordinate2D, vertex_stat: Coordinate2D, is_next: bool, e_mult_xyz: Tuple[Dict[str, ScalarFieldDataArray]], d_mult_xyz: Tuple[Dict[str, ScalarFieldDataArray]], sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, eps_out: complex, eps_in: complex, ) -> Coordinate2D: """Gradient w.r.t change in ``vertex_grad`` connected to ``vertex_stat``.""" # TODO: (later) compute these grabbing from grad_data_eps at some distance away delta_eps_12 = eps_in - eps_out delta_eps_inv_12 = 1.0 / eps_in - 1.0 / eps_out # get edge pointing from moving vertex to static vertex vertex_grad = np.array(jax.lax.stop_gradient(vertex_grad)) vertex_stat = np.array(jax.lax.stop_gradient(vertex_stat)) edge = vertex_stat - vertex_grad length_edge = np.linalg.norm(edge) # if the edge length is 0 (overlapping vertices), there is no gradient contrib for this edge if np.isclose(length_edge, 0.0): return 0.0 # get normalized vectors tangent to and perpendicular to edge in global caresian basis tx, ty = edge / length_edge normal_vector = np.array((+ty, -tx)) # ensure normal vector is pointing "out" assuming clockwise vertices if is_next: normal_vector *= -1 nx, ny = normal_vector # Check if vertices CCW or CW. Multiply by +1 if CCW to ensure normal out if self.is_ccw: normal_vector *= -1 def edge_position(s: np.array) -> np.array: """Parameterization of position along edge from s=0 (static) to s=1 (gradient).""" return (1 - s) * vertex_stat[:, None] + s * vertex_grad[:, None] def edge_basis( xyz_components: Tuple[FieldData, FieldData, FieldData] ) -> Tuple[FieldData, FieldData, FieldData]: """Puts a field component from the (x, y, z) basis to the (t, n, z) basis.""" cmp_z, (cmp_x_edge, cmp_y_edge) = self.pop_axis(xyz_components, axis=self.axis) cmp_t = cmp_x_edge * tx + cmp_y_edge * ty cmp_n = cmp_x_edge * nx + cmp_y_edge * ny return cmp_t, cmp_n, cmp_z def compute_integrand(s: np.array, z: np.array) -> np.array: """Get integrand at positions ``(s, z)`` along the edge.""" # grab the position along edge and make dictionary of coords to interp with (s, z) x, y = edge_position(s=s) x = xr.DataArray(x, coords={"s": s}) y = xr.DataArray(y, coords={"s": s}) coords_interp = dict(x=x, y=y, z=z) def evaluate(scalar_field: ScalarFieldDataArray) -> float: """Evaluate a scalar field at a coordinate along the edge.""" # if only 1 z coordinate, just isel the data. if len(z) == 1: scalar_field = scalar_field.isel(z=0) coords_xy = {key: coords_interp[key] for key in "xy"} return scalar_field.interp(**coords_xy, assume_sorted=True) return scalar_field.interp(**coords_interp, assume_sorted=True) e_xyz_eval = [evaluate(e_fld) for e_fld in e_mult_xyz.values()] d_xyz_eval = [evaluate(d_fld) for d_fld in d_mult_xyz.values()] e_t_edge, _, e_z_edge = edge_basis(xyz_components=e_xyz_eval) _, d_n_edge, _ = edge_basis(xyz_components=d_xyz_eval) # get the correct sign to apply to the new fields sign_t, sign_n, sign_z = edge_basis(xyz_components=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) e_t_edge *= sign_t d_n_edge *= sign_n e_z_edge *= sign_z # multiply by the change in epsilon (in, out) terms and sum contributions contrib_e_t = delta_eps_12 * e_t_edge contrib_e_z = delta_eps_12 * e_z_edge contrib_d_n = -delta_eps_inv_12 * d_n_edge contrib_total = contrib_e_t + contrib_d_n + contrib_e_z # scale the gradient contribution by the normalized distance from the static edge # make broadcasting work with both 2D and 3D simulation domains return (s * contrib_total.T).T # discretize along the edge # TODO: handle edge case where a vertex lies far outside simulation domain num_cells_edge = int(length_edge * PTS_PER_WVL_INTEGRATION / wvl_mat) + 1 ds = 1.0 / float(num_cells_edge) s_vals = np.linspace(0 + ds / 2, 1 - ds / 2, num_cells_edge) # find the min and max of the slab within the simulation bounds slab_min, slab_max = self.slab_bounds sim_rmin, sim_rmax = sim_bounds sim_min = sim_rmin[self.axis] sim_max = sim_rmax[self.axis] z_max = min(slab_max, sim_max) z_min = max(slab_min, sim_min) # discretize along z length_axis = abs(z_max - z_min) num_cells_axis = int(length_axis * PTS_PER_WVL_INTEGRATION / wvl_mat) + 1 dz = float(length_axis) / float(num_cells_axis) # handle a 2D simulation along axis (unitless) z_vals = np.linspace(z_min + dz / 2, z_max - dz / 2, num_cells_axis) if dz == 0.0: dz = 1.0 # integrate by summing over axis edge (z) and parameterization point (s) integrand = compute_integrand(s=s_vals, z=z_vals).sum(dim="f") integral_result = np.sum(integrand.fillna(0).values) # project to the normal direction integral_result *= normal_vector # take the real part (from adjoint math) and multiply by area element return length_edge * ds * dz * np.real(integral_result)
[docs] def vertex_vjp( self, i_vertex, e_mult_xyz: Tuple[Dict[str, ScalarFieldDataArray]], d_mult_xyz: Tuple[Dict[str, ScalarFieldDataArray]], sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, eps_out: complex, eps_in: complex, ): """Compute the vjp for every vertex.""" # get the location of the "previous" and "next" vertices in the polygon vertex = self.vertices[i_vertex] vertex_prev = self.vertices[(i_vertex - 1) % len(self.vertices)] vertex_next = self.vertices[(i_vertex + 1) % len(self.vertices)] # taking the current vertex "static", compute the edge contributions from prev and next contrib_next = self.edge_contrib( vertex_grad=vertex, vertex_stat=vertex_next, is_next=True, e_mult_xyz=e_mult_xyz, d_mult_xyz=d_mult_xyz, sim_bounds=sim_bounds, wvl_mat=wvl_mat, eps_out=eps_out, eps_in=eps_in, ) contrib_prev = self.edge_contrib( vertex_grad=vertex, vertex_stat=vertex_prev, is_next=False, e_mult_xyz=e_mult_xyz, d_mult_xyz=d_mult_xyz, sim_bounds=sim_bounds, wvl_mat=wvl_mat, eps_out=eps_out, eps_in=eps_in, ) # add the "forward" contribution from the "previous" contribution to get the vertex VJP return contrib_prev + contrib_next
[docs] def store_vjp( self, grad_data_fwd: FieldData, grad_data_adj: FieldData, grad_data_eps: PermittivityData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, eps_out: complex, eps_in: complex, num_proc: int = 1, ) -> JaxPolySlab: """Stores the gradient of the vertices given forward and adjoint field data.""" # multiply the E and D field components together for fwd and adj e_mult_xyz, d_mult_xyz = self.compute_dotted_e_d_fields( grad_data_fwd=grad_data_fwd, grad_data_adj=grad_data_adj, grad_data_eps=grad_data_eps ) if num_proc is not None and num_proc > 1: return self.store_vjp_parallel( e_mult_xyz=e_mult_xyz, d_mult_xyz=d_mult_xyz, sim_bounds=sim_bounds, wvl_mat=wvl_mat, eps_out=eps_out, eps_in=eps_in, num_proc=num_proc, ) return self.store_vjp_sequential( e_mult_xyz=e_mult_xyz, d_mult_xyz=d_mult_xyz, sim_bounds=sim_bounds, wvl_mat=wvl_mat, eps_out=eps_out, eps_in=eps_in, )
def _make_vertex_args( self, e_mult_xyz: FieldData, d_mult_xyz: FieldData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, eps_out: complex, eps_in: complex, ) -> tuple: """Generate arguments for ``vertex_vjp``.""" num_verts = len(self.vertices) args = [range(num_verts)] # append all of the arguments that are the same for each call constant_args = [e_mult_xyz, d_mult_xyz, sim_bounds, wvl_mat, eps_out, eps_in] args += [[arg] * num_verts for arg in constant_args] return args
[docs] def store_vjp_sequential( self, e_mult_xyz: FieldData, d_mult_xyz: FieldData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, eps_out: complex, eps_in: complex, ) -> JaxPolySlab: """Stores the gradient of the vertices given forward and adjoint field data.""" # Construct arguments to pass to the parallel vertices_vjp computation args = self._make_vertex_args(e_mult_xyz, d_mult_xyz, sim_bounds, wvl_mat, eps_out, eps_in) vertices_vjp = tuple(map(self.vertex_vjp, *args)) vertices_vjp = tuple(tuple(x) for x in vertices_vjp) return self.updated_copy(vertices_jax=vertices_vjp)
[docs] def store_vjp_parallel( self, e_mult_xyz: FieldData, d_mult_xyz: FieldData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, eps_out: complex, eps_in: complex, num_proc: int = 1, ) -> JaxPolySlab: """Stores the gradient of the vertices given forward and adjoint field data.""" args = self._make_vertex_args(e_mult_xyz, d_mult_xyz, sim_bounds, wvl_mat, eps_out, eps_in) with Pool(num_proc) as pool: vertices_vjp = pool.starmap(self.vertex_vjp, zip(*args)) vertices_vjp = tuple(tuple(x) for x in vertices_vjp) return self.updated_copy(vertices_jax=vertices_vjp)
JaxSingleGeometryType = Union[JaxBox, JaxPolySlab] @register_pytree_node_class class JaxGeometryGroup(JaxGeometry, GeometryGroup, JaxObject): """A collection of Geometry objects that can be called as a single geometry object.""" _tidy3d_class = GeometryGroup geometries: Tuple[JaxPolySlab, ...] = pd.Field( ..., title="Geometries", description="Tuple of jax geometries in a single grouping. " "Can provide significant performance enhancement in ``JaxStructure`` when all geometries " "are assigned the same ``JaxMedium``. Note: at this moment, only ``JaxPolySlab`` " "is supported.", jax_field=True, ) @staticmethod def _store_vjp_geometry( geometry: JaxSingleGeometryType, grad_data_fwd: FieldData, grad_data_adj: FieldData, grad_data_eps: PermittivityData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, eps_out: complex, eps_in: complex, ) -> JaxSingleGeometryType: """Function to store a single vjp for a single geometry.""" return geometry.store_vjp( grad_data_fwd=grad_data_fwd, grad_data_adj=grad_data_adj, grad_data_eps=grad_data_eps, sim_bounds=sim_bounds, wvl_mat=wvl_mat, eps_out=eps_out, eps_in=eps_in, ) def store_vjp( self, grad_data_fwd: FieldData, grad_data_adj: FieldData, grad_data_eps: PermittivityData, sim_bounds: Bound, wvl_mat: float, eps_out: complex, eps_in: complex, num_proc: int = 1, ) -> JaxGeometryGroup: """Returns a ``JaxGeometryGroup`` where the ``.geometries`` store the gradient info.""" map_args = ( self.geometries, [grad_data_fwd] * len(self.geometries), [grad_data_adj] * len(self.geometries), [grad_data_eps] * len(self.geometries), [sim_bounds] * len(self.geometries), [wvl_mat] * len(self.geometries), [eps_out] * len(self.geometries), [eps_in] * len(self.geometries), ) if num_proc == 1: geometries_vjp = tuple(map(self._store_vjp_geometry, *map_args)) else: with Pool(num_proc) as pool: geometries_vjp = tuple(pool.starmap(self._store_vjp_geometry, zip(*map_args))) return self.updated_copy(geometries=geometries_vjp) JaxGeometryType = Union[JaxSingleGeometryType, JaxGeometryGroup] JAX_GEOMETRY_MAP = { Box: JaxBox, PolySlab: JaxPolySlab, GeometryGroup: JaxGeometryGroup, }