Source code for

import json
import os

import numpy as np

from .. import resolvers, util
from ..base import Trimesh
from ..exceptions import ExceptionWrapper
from ..parent import Geometry
from ..points import PointCloud
from ..scene.scene import Scene, append_scenes
from ..typed import Dict, List, Loadable, Optional, Union
from ..util import log, now
from . import misc
from .binvox import _binvox_loaders
from .cascade import _cascade_loaders
from .dae import _collada_loaders
from .gltf import _gltf_loaders
from .misc import _misc_loaders
from .obj import _obj_loaders
from .off import _off_loaders
from .ply import _ply_loaders
from .stl import _stl_loaders
from .threedxml import _threedxml_loaders
from .threemf import _three_loaders
from .xaml import _xaml_loaders
from .xyz import _xyz_loaders

    from import load_path, path_formats
except BaseException as E:
    # save a traceback to see why path didn't import
    load_path = ExceptionWrapper(E)
    # no path formats available

    def path_formats() -> set:
        return set()

def mesh_formats() -> set:
    Get a list of mesh formats available to load.

    loaders : list
      Extensions of available mesh loaders,
      i.e. 'stl', 'ply', etc.
    # filter out exceptionmodule loaders
    return {k for k, v in mesh_loaders.items() if not isinstance(v, ExceptionWrapper)}

[docs] def available_formats() -> set: """ Get a list of all available loaders Returns ----------- loaders : list Extensions of available loaders i.e. 'stl', 'ply', 'dxf', etc. """ loaders = mesh_formats() loaders.update(path_formats()) loaders.update(compressed_loaders.keys()) return loaders
[docs] def load( file_obj: Loadable, file_type: Optional[str] = None, resolver: Union[resolvers.Resolver, Dict, None] = None, force: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Geometry, List[Geometry]]: """ Load a mesh or vectorized path into objects like Trimesh, Path2D, Path3D, Scene Parameters ----------- file_obj : str, or file- like object The source of the data to be loadeded file_type: str What kind of file type do we have (eg: 'stl') resolver : trimesh.visual.Resolver Object to load referenced assets like materials and textures force : None or str For 'mesh': try to coerce scenes into a single mesh For 'scene': try to coerce everything into a scene kwargs : dict Passed to geometry __init__ Returns --------- geometry : Trimesh, Path2D, Path3D, Scene Loaded geometry as trimesh classes """ # check to see if we're trying to load something # that is already a native trimesh Geometry subclass if isinstance(file_obj, Geometry):"Load called on %s object, returning input", file_obj.__class__.__name__) return file_obj # parse the file arguments into clean loadable form ( file_obj, # file- like object file_type, # str, what kind of file metadata, # dict, any metadata from file name opened, # bool, did we open the file ourselves resolver, # object to load referenced resources ) = _parse_file_args(file_obj=file_obj, file_type=file_type, resolver=resolver) try: if isinstance(file_obj, dict): # if we've been passed a dict treat it as kwargs kwargs.update(file_obj) loaded = load_kwargs(kwargs) elif file_type in path_formats(): # path formats get loaded with path loader loaded = load_path(file_obj, file_type=file_type, **kwargs) elif file_type in mesh_loaders: # mesh loaders use mesh loader loaded = load_mesh(file_obj, file_type=file_type, resolver=resolver, **kwargs) elif file_type in compressed_loaders: # for archives, like ZIP files loaded = load_compressed(file_obj, file_type=file_type, **kwargs) elif file_type in voxel_loaders: loaded = voxel_loaders[file_type]( file_obj, file_type=file_type, resolver=resolver, **kwargs ) else: if file_type in ["svg", "dxf"]: # call the dummy function to raise the import error # this prevents the exception from being super opaque load_path() else: raise ValueError(f"File type: {file_type} not supported") finally: # close any opened files even if we crashed out if opened: file_obj.close() # add load metadata ('file_name') to each loaded geometry for i in util.make_sequence(loaded): i.metadata.update(metadata) # if we opened the file in this function ourselves from a # file name clean up after ourselves by closing it if opened: file_obj.close() # combine a scene into a single mesh if force == "mesh" and isinstance(loaded, Scene): return util.concatenate(loaded.dump()) if force == "scene" and not isinstance(loaded, Scene): return Scene(loaded) return loaded
[docs] def load_mesh( file_obj: Loadable, file_type: Optional[str] = None, resolver: Union[resolvers.Resolver, Dict, None] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Geometry, List[Geometry]]: """ Load a mesh file into a Trimesh object. Parameters ----------- file_obj : str or file object File name or file with mesh data file_type : str or None Which file type, e.g. 'stl' kwargs : dict Passed to Trimesh constructor Returns ---------- mesh Loaded geometry data. """ # parse the file arguments into clean loadable form ( file_obj, # file-like object file_type, # str: what kind of file metadata, # dict: any metadata from file name opened, # bool: did we open the file ourselves resolver, # Resolver: to load referenced resources ) = _parse_file_args(file_obj=file_obj, file_type=file_type, resolver=resolver) try: # make sure we keep passed kwargs to loader # but also make sure loader keys override passed keys loader = mesh_loaders[file_type] tic = now() results = loader(file_obj, file_type=file_type, resolver=resolver, **kwargs) if not isinstance(results, list): results = [results] loaded = [] for result in results: kwargs.update(result) loaded.append(load_kwargs(kwargs)) loaded[-1].metadata.update(metadata) # todo : remove this if len(loaded) == 1: loaded = loaded[0] # show the repr for loaded, loader used, and time log.debug(f"loaded {loaded!s} using `{loader.__name__}` in {now() - tic:0.4f}s") finally: # if we failed to load close file if opened: file_obj.close() return loaded
def load_compressed(file_obj, file_type=None, resolver=None, mixed=False, **kwargs): """ Given a compressed archive load all the geometry that we can from it. Parameters ---------- file_obj : open file-like object Containing compressed data file_type : str Type of the archive file mixed : bool If False, for archives containing both 2D and 3D data will only load the 3D data into the Scene. Returns ---------- scene : trimesh.Scene Geometry loaded in to a Scene object """ # parse the file arguments into clean loadable form ( file_obj, # file- like object file_type, # str, what kind of file metadata, # dict, any metadata from file name opened, # bool, did we open the file ourselves resolver, # object to load referenced resources ) = _parse_file_args(file_obj=file_obj, file_type=file_type, resolver=resolver) try: # a dict of 'name' : file-like object files = util.decompress(file_obj=file_obj, file_type=file_type) # store loaded geometries as a list geometries = [] # so loaders can access textures/etc resolver = resolvers.ZipResolver(files) # try to save the files with meaningful metadata if "file_path" in metadata: archive_name = metadata["file_path"] else: archive_name = "archive" # populate our available formats if mixed: available = available_formats() else: # all types contained in ZIP archive contains = {util.split_extension(n).lower() for n in files.keys()} # if there are no mesh formats available if contains.isdisjoint(mesh_formats()): available = path_formats() else: available = mesh_formats() meta_archive = {} for name, data in files.items(): try: # only load formats that we support compressed_type = util.split_extension(name).lower() # if file has metadata type include it if compressed_type in "yaml": import yaml meta_archive[name] = yaml.safe_load(data) elif compressed_type in "json": import json meta_archive[name] = json.loads(data) if compressed_type not in available: # don't raise an exception, just try the next one continue # store the file name relative to the archive metadata["file_name"] = archive_name + "/" + os.path.basename(name) # load the individual geometry loaded = load( file_obj=data, file_type=compressed_type, resolver=resolver, metadata=metadata, **kwargs, ) # some loaders return multiple geometries if util.is_sequence(loaded): # if the loader has returned a list of meshes geometries.extend(loaded) else: # if the loader has returned a single geometry geometries.append(loaded) except BaseException: log.debug("failed to load file in zip", exc_info=True) finally: # if we opened the file in this function # clean up after ourselves if opened: file_obj.close() # append meshes or scenes into a single Scene object result = append_scenes(geometries) # append any archive metadata files if isinstance(result, Scene): result.metadata.update(meta_archive) return result
[docs] def load_remote(url, **kwargs): """ Load a mesh at a remote URL into a local trimesh object. This must be called explicitly rather than automatically from trimesh.load to ensure users don't accidentally make network requests. Parameters ------------ url : string URL containing mesh file **kwargs : passed to `load` Returns ------------ loaded : Trimesh, Path, Scene Loaded result """ # import here to keep requirement soft import httpx # download the mesh response = httpx.get(url, follow_redirects=True) response.raise_for_status() # wrap as file object file_obj = util.wrap_as_stream(response.content) # so loaders can access textures/etc resolver = resolvers.WebResolver(url) try: # if we have a bunch of query parameters the type # will be wrong so try to clean up the URL # urllib is Python 3 only import urllib # remove the url-safe encoding then split off query params file_type = urllib.parse.unquote(url).split("?", 1)[0].split("/")[-1].strip() except BaseException: # otherwise just use the last chunk of URL file_type = url.split("/")[-1].split("?", 1)[0] # actually load the data from the retrieved bytes loaded = load(file_obj=file_obj, file_type=file_type, resolver=resolver, **kwargs) return loaded
def load_kwargs(*args, **kwargs) -> Geometry: """ Load geometry from a properly formatted dict or kwargs """ def handle_scene(): """ Load a scene from our kwargs. class: Scene geometry: dict, name: Trimesh kwargs graph: list of dict, kwargs for scene.graph.update base_frame: str, base frame of graph """ graph = kwargs.get("graph", None) geometry = {k: load_kwargs(v) for k, v in kwargs["geometry"].items()} if graph is not None: scene = Scene() scene.geometry.update(geometry) for k in graph: if isinstance(k, dict): scene.graph.update(**k) elif util.is_sequence(k) and len(k) == 3: scene.graph.update(k[1], k[0], **k[2]) else: scene = Scene(geometry) if "base_frame" in kwargs: scene.graph.base_frame = kwargs["base_frame"] metadata = kwargs.get("metadata") if isinstance(metadata, dict): scene.metadata.update(kwargs["metadata"]) elif isinstance(metadata, str): # some ways someone might have encoded a string # note that these aren't evaluated until we # actually call the lambda in the loop candidates = [ lambda: json.loads(metadata), lambda: json.loads(metadata.replace("'", '"')), ] for c in candidates: try: scene.metadata.update(c()) break except BaseException: pass elif metadata is not None: log.warning("unloadable metadata") return scene def handle_mesh(): """ Handle the keyword arguments for a Trimesh object """ # if they've been serialized as a dict if isinstance(kwargs["vertices"], dict) or isinstance(kwargs["faces"], dict): return Trimesh(**misc.load_dict(kwargs)) # otherwise just load that puppy return Trimesh(**kwargs) def handle_export(): """ Handle an exported mesh. """ data, file_type = kwargs["data"], kwargs["file_type"] if not isinstance(data, dict): data = util.wrap_as_stream(data) k = mesh_loaders[file_type](data, file_type=file_type) return Trimesh(**k) def handle_path(): from ..path import Path2D, Path3D shape = np.shape(kwargs["vertices"]) if len(shape) < 2: return Path2D() if shape[1] == 2: return Path2D(**kwargs) elif shape[1] == 3: return Path3D(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Vertices must be 2D or 3D!") def handle_pointcloud(): return PointCloud(**kwargs) # if we've been passed a single dict instead of kwargs # substitute the dict for kwargs if len(kwargs) == 0 and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): kwargs = args[0] # (function, tuple of expected keys) # order is important handlers = ( (handle_scene, ("geometry",)), (handle_mesh, ("vertices", "faces")), (handle_path, ("entities", "vertices")), (handle_pointcloud, ("vertices",)), (handle_export, ("file_type", "data")), ) # filter out keys with a value of None kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} # loop through handler functions and expected key for func, expected in handlers: if all(i in kwargs for i in expected): # all expected kwargs exist handler = func # exit the loop as we found one break else: raise ValueError(f"unable to determine type: {kwargs.keys()}") return handler() def _parse_file_args( file_obj: Loadable, file_type: Optional[str], resolver: Union[None, Dict, resolvers.Resolver] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Given a file_obj and a file_type try to magically convert arguments to a file-like object and a lowercase string of file type. Parameters ----------- file_obj : str if string represents a file path, returns: file_obj: an 'rb' opened file object of the path file_type: the extension from the file path if string is NOT a path, but has JSON-like special characters: file_obj: the same string passed as file_obj file_type: set to 'json' if string is a valid-looking URL file_obj: an open 'rb' file object with retrieved data file_type: from the extension if string is none of those: raise ValueError as we can't do anything with input if file like object: ValueError will be raised if file_type is None file_obj: same as input file_type: same as input if other object: like a shapely.geometry.Polygon, etc: file_obj: same as input file_type: if None initially, set to the class name (in lower case), otherwise passed through file_type : str type of file and handled according to above Returns ----------- file_obj : file-like object Contains data file_type : str Lower case of the type of file (eg 'stl', 'dae', etc) metadata : dict Any metadata gathered opened : bool Did we open the file or not resolver : trimesh.visual.Resolver Resolver to load other assets """ metadata = {} opened = False if "metadata" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["metadata"], dict): metadata.update(kwargs["metadata"]) if util.is_pathlib(file_obj): # convert pathlib objects to string file_obj = str(file_obj.absolute()) if util.is_file(file_obj) and file_type is None: raise ValueError("file_type must be set for file objects!") if util.is_string(file_obj): try: # os.path.isfile will return False incorrectly # if we don't give it an absolute path file_path = os.path.expanduser(file_obj) file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) exists = os.path.isfile(file_path) except BaseException: exists = False # file obj is a string which exists on filesystm if exists: # if not passed create a resolver to find other files if resolver is None: resolver = resolvers.FilePathResolver(file_path) # save the file name and path to metadata metadata["file_path"] = file_path metadata["file_name"] = os.path.basename(file_obj) # if file_obj is a path that exists use extension as file_type if file_type is None: file_type = util.split_extension(file_path, special=["tar.gz", "tar.bz2"]) # actually open the file file_obj = open(file_path, "rb") opened = True else: if "{" in file_obj: # if a dict bracket is in the string, its probably a straight # JSON file_type = "json" elif "https://" in file_obj or "http://" in file_obj: # we've been passed a URL, warn to use explicit function # and don't do network calls via magical pipeline raise ValueError(f"use load_remote to load URL: {file_obj}") elif file_type is None: raise ValueError(f"string is not a file: {file_obj}") if file_type is None: file_type = file_obj.__class__.__name__ if util.is_string(file_type) and "." in file_type: # if someone has passed the whole filename as the file_type # use the file extension as the file_type if "file_path" not in metadata: metadata["file_path"] = file_type metadata["file_name"] = os.path.basename(file_type) file_type = util.split_extension(file_type) if resolver is None and os.path.exists(file_type): resolver = resolvers.FilePathResolver(file_type) # all our stored extensions reference in lower case file_type = file_type.lower() # if we still have no resolver try using file_obj name if ( resolver is None and hasattr(file_obj, "name") and is not None and len( > 0 ): resolver = resolvers.FilePathResolver( return file_obj, file_type, metadata, opened, resolver # loader functions for compressed extensions compressed_loaders = { "zip": load_compressed, "tar.bz2": load_compressed, "tar.gz": load_compressed, "bz2": load_compressed, } # map file_type to loader function mesh_loaders = {} mesh_loaders.update(_misc_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_stl_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_ply_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_obj_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_off_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_collada_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_gltf_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_xaml_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_threedxml_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_three_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_xyz_loaders) mesh_loaders.update(_cascade_loaders) # collect loaders which return voxel types voxel_loaders = {} voxel_loaders.update(_binvox_loaders)