
class ModeSolver[source]#

Bases: Tidy3dBaseModel

Interface for solving electromagnetic eigenmodes in a 2D plane with translational invariance in the third dimension.

  • attrs (dict = {}) – Dictionary storing arbitrary metadata for a Tidy3D object. This dictionary can be freely used by the user for storing data without affecting the operation of Tidy3D as it is not used internally. Note that, unlike regular Tidy3D fields, attrs are mutable. For example, the following is allowed for setting an attr obj.attrs['foo'] = bar. Also note that Tidy3D` will raise a TypeError if attrs contain objects that can not be serialized. One can check if attrs are serializable by calling obj.json().

  • simulation (Simulation) – Simulation defining all structures and mediums.

  • plane (Box) – Cross-sectional plane in which the mode will be computed.

  • mode_spec (ModeSpec) – Container with specifications about the modes to be solved for.

  • freqs (Union[Tuple[float, ...], ArrayLike[dtype=float, ndim=1]]) – A list of frequencies at which to solve.

  • direction (Literal['+', '-'] = +) – Direction of waveguide mode propagation along the axis defined by its normal dimension.

  • colocate (bool = True) – Toggle whether fields should be colocated to grid cell boundaries (i.e. primal grid nodes). Default is True.

See also


Injects current source to excite modal profile on finite extent plane.




ModeSolverData containing the field and effective index data.


ModeSolverData containing the field and effective index on unexpanded grid.


The solver grid snapped to the plane normal and to simulation 0-sized dims if any.


Axis normal to the mode plane.


Strip objects not used by the mode solver from simulation object.


SimulationData object containing the ModeSolverData for this object.


Get symmetry for solver for propagation along self.normal axis.




Raise validation error if not planar.

plane_in_sim_bounds(val, values)

Check that the plane is at least partially inside the simulation bounds.

plot_field(field_name[, val, scale, ...])

Plot the field for a ModeSolverData with Simulation plot overlaid.


Creates Simulation from a ModeSolver.

sim_with_monitor([freqs, name])

Creates Simulation from a ModeSolver.

sim_with_source(source_time[, direction, ...])

Creates Simulation from a ModeSolver.


ModeSolverData containing the field and effective index data.

to_mode_solver_monitor(name[, colocate])

Creates ModeSolverMonitor from a ModeSolver instance.

to_monitor([freqs, name])

Creates ModeMonitor from a ModeSolver instance plus additional specifications.

to_source(source_time[, direction, mode_index])

Creates ModeSource from a ModeSolver instance plus additional specifications.


Inherited Common Usage

classmethod is_plane(val)[source]#

Raise validation error if not planar.

classmethod plane_in_sim_bounds(val, values)[source]#

Check that the plane is at least partially inside the simulation bounds.

property normal_axis#

Axis normal to the mode plane.

property solver_symmetry#

Get symmetry for solver for propagation along self.normal axis.


ModeSolverData containing the field and effective index data.


ModeSolverData object containing the effective index and mode fields.

Return type:


property grid_snapped#

The solver grid snapped to the plane normal and to simulation 0-sized dims if any.

property data_raw#

ModeSolverData containing the field and effective index on unexpanded grid.


ModeSolverData object containing the effective index and mode fields.

Return type:


property data#

ModeSolverData containing the field and effective index data.


ModeSolverData object containing the effective index and mode fields.

Return type:


property sim_data#

SimulationData object containing the ModeSolverData for this object.


SimulationData object containing the effective index and mode fields.

Return type:


to_source(source_time, direction=None, mode_index=0)[source]#

Creates ModeSource from a ModeSolver instance plus additional specifications.

  • source_time (SourceTime) – Specification of the source time-dependence.

  • direction (Direction = None) – Whether source will inject in "+" or "-" direction relative to plane normal. If not specified, uses the direction from the mode solver.

  • mode_index (int = 0) – Index into the list of modes returned by mode solver to use in source.


Mode source with specifications taken from the ModeSolver instance and the method inputs.

Return type:


to_monitor(freqs=None, name=None)[source]#

Creates ModeMonitor from a ModeSolver instance plus additional specifications.

  • freqs (List[float]) – Frequencies to include in Monitor (Hz). If not specified, passes self.freqs.

  • name (str) – Required name of monitor.


Mode monitor with specifications taken from the ModeSolver instance and the method inputs.

Return type:


to_mode_solver_monitor(name, colocate=None)[source]#

Creates ModeSolverMonitor from a ModeSolver instance.

  • name (str) – Name of the monitor.

  • colocate (bool) – Whether to colocate fields or compute on the Yee grid. If not provided, the value set in the ModeSolver instance is used.


Mode monitor with specifications taken from the ModeSolver instance and name.

Return type:


sim_with_source(source_time, direction=None, mode_index=0)[source]#

Creates Simulation from a ModeSolver. Creates a copy of the ModeSolver’s original simulation with a ModeSource added corresponding to the ModeSolver parameters.

  • source_time (SourceTime) – Specification of the source time-dependence.

  • direction (Direction = None) – Whether source will inject in "+" or "-" direction relative to plane normal. If not specified, uses the direction from the mode solver.

  • mode_index (int = 0) – Index into the list of modes returned by mode solver to use in source.


Copy of the simulation with a ModeSource with specifications taken from the ModeSolver instance and the method inputs.

Return type:


sim_with_monitor(freqs=None, name=None)[source]#

Creates Simulation from a ModeSolver. Creates a copy of the ModeSolver’s original simulation with a mode monitor added corresponding to the ModeSolver parameters.

  • freqs (List[float] = None) – Frequencies to include in Monitor (Hz). If not specified, uses the frequencies from the mode solver.

  • name (str) – Required name of monitor.


Copy of the simulation with a ModeMonitor with specifications taken from the ModeSolver instance and the method inputs.

Return type:



Creates Simulation from a ModeSolver. Creates a copy of the ModeSolver’s original simulation with a mode solver monitor added corresponding to the ModeSolver parameters.


name (str) – Name of the monitor.


Copy of the simulation with a ModeSolverMonitor with specifications taken from the ModeSolver instance and name.

Return type:


plot_field(field_name, val='real', scale='lin', eps_alpha=0.2, robust=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, ax=None, **sel_kwargs)[source]#

Plot the field for a ModeSolverData with Simulation plot overlaid.

  • field_name (str) – Name of field component to plot (eg. 'Ex'). Also accepts 'E' and 'H' to plot the vector magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields, and 'S' for the Poynting vector.

  • val (Literal['real', 'imag', 'abs', 'abs^2', 'dB'] = 'real') – Which part of the field to plot.

  • eps_alpha (float = 0.2) – Opacity of the structure permittivity. Must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

  • robust (bool = True) – If True and vmin or vmax are absent, uses the 2nd and 98th percentiles of the data to compute the color limits. This helps in visualizing the field patterns especially in the presence of a source.

  • vmin (float = None) – The lower bound of data range that the colormap covers. If None, they are inferred from the data and other keyword arguments.

  • vmax (float = None) – The upper bound of data range that the colormap covers. If None, they are inferred from the data and other keyword arguments.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes = None) – matplotlib axes to plot on, if not specified, one is created.

  • sel_kwargs (keyword arguments used to perform .sel() selection in the monitor data.) – These kwargs can select over the spatial dimensions (x, y, z), frequency or time dimensions (f, t) or mode_index, if applicable. For the plotting to work appropriately, the resulting data after selection must contain only two coordinates with len > 1. Furthermore, these should be spatial coordinates (x, y, or z).


The supplied or created matplotlib axes.

Return type:


property reduced_simulation_copy#

Strip objects not used by the mode solver from simulation object. This might significantly reduce upload time in the presence of custom mediums.


Hash method.