Source code for tidy3d.plugins.adjoint.components.simulation

"""Defines a jax-compatible simulation."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Tuple, Union, List, Dict, Literal
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

import pydantic.v1 as pd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from jax.tree_util import register_pytree_node_class

from ....log import log
from ....components.base import cached_property, Tidy3dBaseModel, skip_if_fields_missing
from ....components.monitor import FieldMonitor, PermittivityMonitor
from ....components.monitor import ModeMonitor, DiffractionMonitor, Monitor
from ....components.simulation import Simulation
from import FieldData, PermittivityData
from ....components.structure import Structure
from ....components.medium import AbstractMedium
from ....components.types import Ax, annotate_type
from ....components.geometry.base import Box
from ....constants import HERTZ, SECOND
from ....exceptions import AdjointError

from .base import JaxObject, WEB_ADJOINT_MESSAGE
from .structure import (
from .geometry import JaxPolySlab, JaxGeometryGroup

# bandwidth of adjoint source in units of freq0 if no `fwidth_adjoint`, and one output freq
FWIDTH_FACTOR = 1.0 / 10

# bandwidth of adjoint sources in units of the minimum difference between output frequencies

# the adjoint run time is the forward simulation run time + RUN_TIME_FACTOR / fwidth

# how many processors to use for server and client side adjoint

# number of input structures before it errors

# generic warning for nonlinearity
    "The 'adjoint' plugin does not currently support nonlinear materials. "
    "While the gradients might be calculated, they will be inaccurate and the "
    "error will increase as the strength of the nonlinearity is increased. "
    "We strongly recommend using linear simulations only with the adjoint plugin."

OutputMonitorTypes = (DiffractionMonitor, FieldMonitor, ModeMonitor)
OutputMonitorType = Tuple[annotate_type(Union[OutputMonitorTypes]), ...]

class JaxInfo(Tidy3dBaseModel):
    """Class to store information when converting between jax and tidy3d."""

    num_input_structures: pd.NonNegativeInt = pd.Field(
        title="Number of Input Structures",
        description="Number of input structures in the original JaxSimulation.",

    num_output_monitors: pd.NonNegativeInt = pd.Field(
        title="Number of Output Monitors",
        description="Number of output monitors in the original JaxSimulation.",

    num_grad_monitors: pd.NonNegativeInt = pd.Field(
        title="Number of Gradient Monitors",
        description="Number of gradient monitors in the original JaxSimulation.",

    num_grad_eps_monitors: pd.NonNegativeInt = pd.Field(
        title="Number of Permittivity Monitors",
        description="Number of permittivity monitors in the original JaxSimulation.",

    fwidth_adjoint: float = pd.Field(
        title="Adjoint Frequency Width",
        description="Custom frequency width of the original JaxSimulation.",

    run_time_adjoint: float = pd.Field(
        title="Adjoint Run Time",
        description="Custom run time of the original JaxSimulation.",

    input_structure_types: Tuple[
        Literal["JaxStructure", "JaxStructureStaticMedium", "JaxStructureStaticGeometry"], ...
    ] = pd.Field(
        title="Input Structure Types",
        description="Type of the original input_structures (as strings).",

[docs] @register_pytree_node_class class JaxSimulation(Simulation, JaxObject): """A :class:`.Simulation` registered with jax.""" input_structures: Tuple[annotate_type(JaxStructureType), ...] = pd.Field( (), title="Input Structures", description="Tuple of jax-compatible structures" " that may depend on differentiable parameters.", jax_field=True, ) output_monitors: OutputMonitorType = pd.Field( (), title="Output Monitors", description="Tuple of monitors whose data the differentiable output depends on.", ) grad_monitors: Tuple[FieldMonitor, ...] = pd.Field( (), title="Gradient Field Monitors", description="Tuple of monitors used for storing fields, used internally for gradients.", ) grad_eps_monitors: Tuple[PermittivityMonitor, ...] = pd.Field( (), title="Gradient Permittivity Monitors", description="Tuple of monitors used for storing epsilon, used internally for gradients.", ) fwidth_adjoint: pd.PositiveFloat = pd.Field( None, title="Adjoint Frequency Width", description="Custom frequency width to use for ``source_time`` of adjoint sources. " "If not supplied or ``None``, uses the average fwidth of the original simulation's sources.", units=HERTZ, ) run_time_adjoint: pd.PositiveFloat = pd.Field( None, title="Adjoint Run Time", description="Custom ``run_time`` to use for adjoint simulation. " "If not supplied or ``None``, uses a factor times the adjoint source ``fwidth``.", units=SECOND, ) @pd.validator("output_monitors", always=True) def _output_monitors_colocate_false(cls, val): """Make sure server-side colocation is off.""" new_vals = [] for mnt in val: if mnt.colocate: log.warning( "Output field monitors in the adjoint plugin require explicitly setting " "'colocate=False'. Setting 'colocate=False' in monitor '{}'. ", "Use 'SimulationData.at_boundaries' after the solver run to automatically " "colocate the fields to the grid boundaries, or 'MonitorData.colocate' " "if colocating to custom coordinates.", ) mnt = mnt.updated_copy(colocate=False) new_vals.append(mnt) return new_vals @pd.validator("subpixel", always=True) def _subpixel_is_on(cls, val): """Assert subpixel is on.""" if not val: raise AdjointError("'JaxSimulation.subpixel' must be 'True' to use adjoint plugin.") return val @pd.validator("input_structures", always=True) @skip_if_fields_missing(["structures"]) def _warn_overlap(cls, val, values): """Print appropriate warning if structures intersect in ways that cause gradient error.""" input_structures = [s for s in val if "geometry" in s._differentiable_fields] structures = list(values.get("structures")) # if the center and size of all structure geometries do not contain all numbers, skip check for struct in input_structures: geometry = struct.geometry size_all_floats = all(isinstance(s, (float, int)) for s in geometry.bound_size) cent_all_floats = all(isinstance(c, (float, int)) for c in geometry.bound_center) if not (size_all_floats and cent_all_floats): return val with log as consolidated_logger: # check intersections with other input_structures for i, in_struct_i in enumerate(input_structures): geometry_i = in_struct_i.geometry for j in range(i + 1, len(input_structures)): if geometry_i.intersects(input_structures[j].geometry): consolidated_logger.warning( f"'JaxSimulation.input_structures[{i}]' overlaps or touches " f"'JaxSimulation.input_structures[{j}]'. Geometric gradients for " "overlapping input structures may contain errors.", log_once=True, ) # check JaxPolySlab intersections with background structures for i, in_struct_i in enumerate(input_structures): geometry_i = in_struct_i.geometry if not isinstance(geometry_i, JaxPolySlab): continue for j, struct_j in enumerate(structures): if geometry_i.intersects(struct_j.geometry): consolidated_logger.warning( f"'JaxPolySlab'-containing 'JaxSimulation.input_structures[{i}]' " f"intersects with 'JaxSimulation.structures[{j}]'. Note that in this " "version of the adjoint plugin, there may be errors in the gradient " "when 'JaxPolySlab' intersects with background structures." ) return val @pd.validator("output_monitors", always=True) def _warn_if_colocate(cls, val): """warn if any colocate=True in output FieldMonitors.""" for index, mnt in enumerate(val): if isinstance(mnt, FieldMonitor): if mnt.colocate: log.warning( f"'FieldMonitor' at 'JaxSimulation.output_monitors[{index}]' " "has 'colocate=True', " "this may lead to decreased accuracy in adjoint gradient." ) return val return val @pd.validator("medium", always=True) def _warn_nonlinear_medium(cls, val): """warn if the jax simulation medium is nonlinear.""" # hasattr is just an additional check to avoid unnecessary bugs # if a medium is encountered that does not support nonlinear spec, or things change. if hasattr(val, "nonlinear_spec") and val.nonlinear_spec: log.warning( "Nonlinear background medium detected in the 'JaxSimulation'. " + NL_WARNING ) return val @pd.validator("structures", always=True) def _warn_nonlinear_structure(cls, val): """warn if a jax simulation structure.medium is nonlinear.""" for i, struct in enumerate(val): medium = struct.medium # hasattr is just an additional check to avoid unnecessary bugs # if a medium is encountered that does not support nonlinear spec, or things change. if hasattr(medium, "nonlinear_spec") and medium.nonlinear_spec: log.warning(f"Nonlinear medium detected in structures[{i}]. " + NL_WARNING) return val @pd.validator("input_structures", always=True) def _warn_nonlinear_input_structure(cls, val): """warn if a jax simulation input_structure.medium is nonlinear.""" for i, struct in enumerate(val): medium = struct.medium # hasattr is just an additional check to avoid unnecessary bugs # if a medium is encountered that does not support nonlinear spec, or things change. if hasattr(medium, "nonlinear_spec") and medium.nonlinear_spec: log.warning(f"Nonlinear medium detected in input_structures[{i}]. " + NL_WARNING) return val def _restrict_input_structures(self) -> None: """Restrict number of input structures.""" num_input_structures = len(self.input_structures) if num_input_structures > MAX_NUM_INPUT_STRUCTURES: raise AdjointError( "For performance, adjoint plugin restricts the number of input structures to " f"{MAX_NUM_INPUT_STRUCTURES}. Found {num_input_structures}. " + WEB_ADJOINT_MESSAGE ) def _validate_web_adjoint(self) -> None: """Run validators for this component, only if using ````.""" self._restrict_input_structures() for structure in self.input_structures: structure._validate_web_adjoint()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_freqs_adjoint(output_monitors: List[Monitor]) -> List[float]: """Return sorted list of unique frequencies stripped from a collection of monitors.""" if len(output_monitors) == 0: raise AdjointError("Can't get adjoint frequency as no output monitors present.") output_freqs = [] for mnt in output_monitors: for freq in mnt.freqs: output_freqs.append(freq) return np.unique(output_freqs).tolist()
@cached_property def freqs_adjoint(self) -> List[float]: """Return sorted list of frequencies stripped from the output monitors.""" return self.get_freqs_adjoint(output_monitors=self.output_monitors) @cached_property def _is_multi_freq(self) -> bool: """Does this simulation have a multi-frequency output?""" return len(self.freqs_adjoint) > 1 @cached_property def _min_delta_freq(self) -> float: """Minimum spacing between output_frequencies (Hz).""" if not self._is_multi_freq: return None delta_freqs = np.abs(np.diff(np.sort(np.array(self.freqs_adjoint)))) return np.min(delta_freqs) @cached_property def _fwidth_adjoint(self) -> float: """Frequency width to use for adjoint source, user-defined or the average of the sources.""" # if user-specified, use that if self.fwidth_adjoint is not None: return self.fwidth_adjoint freqs_adjoint = self.freqs_adjoint # multiple output frequency case if self._is_multi_freq: return FWIDTH_FACTOR_MULTIFREQ * self._min_delta_freq # otherwise, grab from sources and output monitors num_sources = len(self.sources) # should be 0 for adjoint already but worth checking # if no sources, just use a constant factor times the mean adjoint frequency if num_sources == 0: return FWIDTH_FACTOR * np.mean(freqs_adjoint) # if more than one forward source, use their maximum if num_sources > 1: log.warning(f"{num_sources} sources, using their maximum 'fwidth' for adjoint source.") fwidths = [src.source_time.fwidth for src in self.sources] return np.max(fwidths) @cached_property def _run_time_adjoint(self: float) -> float: """Return the run time of the adjoint simulation as a function of its fwidth.""" if self.run_time_adjoint is not None: return self.run_time_adjoint run_time_fwd = self._run_time run_time_adjoint = run_time_fwd + RUN_TIME_FACTOR / self._fwidth_adjoint if self._is_multi_freq: log.warning( f"{len(self.freqs_adjoint)} unique frequencies detected in the output monitors " f"with a minimum spacing of {self._min_delta_freq:.3e} (Hz). " f"Setting the 'fwidth' of the adjoint sources to {FWIDTH_FACTOR_MULTIFREQ} times " f"this value = {self._fwidth_adjoint:.3e} (Hz) to avoid spectral overlap. " "To account for this, the corresponding 'run_time' in the adjoint simulation is " f"will be set to {run_time_adjoint:3e} " f"compared to {self._run_time:3e} in the forward simulation. " "If the adjoint 'run_time' is large due to small frequency spacing, " "it could be better to instead run one simulation per frequency, " "which can be done in parallel using 'tidy3d.plugins.adjoint.web.run_async'." ) return run_time_adjoint @cached_property def tmesh_adjoint(self) -> np.ndarray: """FDTD time stepping points. Returns ------- np.ndarray Times (seconds) that the simulation time steps through. """ dt = self.dt return np.arange(0.0, self._run_time_adjoint + dt, dt) @cached_property def num_time_steps_adjoint(self) -> int: """Number of time steps in the adjoint simulation.""" return len(self.tmesh_adjoint)
[docs] def to_simulation(self) -> Tuple[Simulation, JaxInfo]: """Convert :class:`.JaxSimulation` instance to :class:`.Simulation` with an info dict.""" sim_dict = self.dict( exclude={ "type", "structures", "monitors", "output_monitors", "grad_monitors", "grad_eps_monitors", "input_structures", "fwidth_adjoint", "run_time_adjoint", } ) sim = Simulation.parse_obj(sim_dict) # put all structures and monitors in one list all_structures = list(self.structures) + [js.to_structure() for js in self.input_structures] all_monitors = ( list(self.monitors) + list(self.output_monitors) + list(self.grad_monitors) + list(self.grad_eps_monitors) ) sim = sim.updated_copy(structures=all_structures, monitors=all_monitors) # information about the state of the original JaxSimulation to stash for reconstruction jax_info = JaxInfo( num_input_structures=len(self.input_structures), num_output_monitors=len(self.output_monitors), num_grad_monitors=len(self.grad_monitors), num_grad_eps_monitors=len(self.grad_eps_monitors), fwidth_adjoint=self.fwidth_adjoint, run_time_adjoint=self.run_time_adjoint, input_structure_types=[s.type for s in self.input_structures], ) return sim, jax_info
[docs] def to_gds( self, cell, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, permittivity_threshold: pd.NonNegativeFloat = 1, frequency: pd.PositiveFloat = 0, gds_layer_dtype_map: Dict[ AbstractMedium, Tuple[pd.NonNegativeInt, pd.NonNegativeInt] ] = None, ) -> None: """Append the simulation structures to a .gds cell. Parameters ---------- cell : ``gdstk.Cell`` or ``gdspy.Cell`` Cell object to which the generated polygons are added. x : float = None Position of plane in x direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane. y : float = None Position of plane in y direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane. z : float = None Position of plane in z direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane. permittivity_threshold : float = 1 Permittivity value used to define the shape boundaries for structures with custom medim frequency : float = 0 Frequency for permittivity evaluation in case of custom medium (Hz). gds_layer_dtype_map : Dict Dictionary mapping mediums to GDSII layer and data type tuples. """ sim, _ = self.to_simulation() return sim.to_gds( cell=cell, x=x, y=y, z=z, permittivity_threshold=permittivity_threshold, frequency=frequency, gds_layer_dtype_map=gds_layer_dtype_map, )
[docs] def to_gdstk( self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, permittivity_threshold: pd.NonNegativeFloat = 1, frequency: pd.PositiveFloat = 0, gds_layer_dtype_map: Dict[ AbstractMedium, Tuple[pd.NonNegativeInt, pd.NonNegativeInt] ] = None, ) -> List: """Convert a simulation's planar slice to a .gds type polygon list. Parameters ---------- x : float = None Position of plane in x direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane. y : float = None Position of plane in y direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane. z : float = None Position of plane in z direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane. permittivity_threshold : float = 1 Permittivity value used to define the shape boundaries for structures with custom medim frequency : float = 0 Frequency for permittivity evaluation in case of custom medium (Hz). gds_layer_dtype_map : Dict Dictionary mapping mediums to GDSII layer and data type tuples. Return ------ List List of `gdstk.Polygon`. """ sim, _ = self.to_simulation() return sim.to_gdstk( x=x, y=y, z=z, permittivity_threshold=permittivity_threshold, frequency=frequency, gds_layer_dtype_map=gds_layer_dtype_map, )
[docs] def to_gdspy( self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, gds_layer_dtype_map: Dict[ AbstractMedium, Tuple[pd.NonNegativeInt, pd.NonNegativeInt] ] = None, ) -> List: """Convert a simulation's planar slice to a .gds type polygon list. Parameters ---------- x : float = None Position of plane in x direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane. y : float = None Position of plane in y direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane. z : float = None Position of plane in z direction, only one of x,y,z can be specified to define plane. gds_layer_dtype_map : Dict Dictionary mapping mediums to GDSII layer and data type tuples. Return ------ List List of `gdspy.Polygon` and `gdspy.PolygonSet`. """ sim, _ = self.to_simulation() return sim.to_gdspy(x=x, y=y, z=z, gds_layer_dtype_map=gds_layer_dtype_map)
[docs] def plot( self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, ax: Ax = None, source_alpha: float = None, monitor_alpha: float = None, hlim: Tuple[float, float] = None, vlim: Tuple[float, float] = None, **patch_kwargs, ) -> Ax: """Wrapper around regular :class:`.Simulation` structure plotting.""" sim, _ = self.to_simulation() return sim.plot( x=x, y=y, z=z, ax=ax, source_alpha=source_alpha, monitor_alpha=monitor_alpha, hlim=hlim, vlim=vlim, **patch_kwargs, )
[docs] def plot_eps( self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, freq: float = None, alpha: float = None, source_alpha: float = None, monitor_alpha: float = None, hlim: Tuple[float, float] = None, vlim: Tuple[float, float] = None, ax: Ax = None, ) -> Ax: """Wrapper around regular :class:`.Simulation` permittivity plotting.""" sim, _ = self.to_simulation() return sim.plot_eps( x=x, y=y, z=z, ax=ax, source_alpha=source_alpha, monitor_alpha=monitor_alpha, hlim=hlim, vlim=vlim, )
[docs] def plot_structures( self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, ax: Ax = None, hlim: Tuple[float, float] = None, vlim: Tuple[float, float] = None, ) -> Ax: """Plot each of simulation's structures on a plane defined by one nonzero x,y,z coordinate. Parameters ---------- x : float = None position of plane in x direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane. y : float = None position of plane in y direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane. z : float = None position of plane in z direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes = None Matplotlib axes to plot on, if not specified, one is created. hlim : Tuple[float, float] = None The x range if plotting on xy or xz planes, y range if plotting on yz plane. vlim : Tuple[float, float] = None The z range if plotting on xz or yz planes, y plane if plotting on xy plane. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes The supplied or created matplotlib axes. """ sim, _ = self.to_simulation() return sim.plot_structures( x=x, y=y, z=z, ax=ax, hlim=hlim, vlim=vlim, )
[docs] def plot_structures_eps( self, x: float = None, y: float = None, z: float = None, freq: float = None, alpha: float = None, cbar: bool = True, reverse: bool = False, ax: Ax = None, hlim: Tuple[float, float] = None, vlim: Tuple[float, float] = None, ) -> Ax: """Plot each of simulation's structures on a plane defined by one nonzero x,y,z coordinate. The permittivity is plotted in grayscale based on its value at the specified frequency. Parameters ---------- x : float = None position of plane in x direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane. y : float = None position of plane in y direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane. z : float = None position of plane in z direction, only one of x, y, z must be specified to define plane. freq : float = None Frequency to evaluate the relative permittivity of all mediums. If not specified, evaluates at infinite frequency. reverse : bool = False If ``False``, the highest permittivity is plotted in black. If ``True``, it is plotteed in white (suitable for black backgrounds). cbar : bool = True Whether to plot a colorbar for the relative permittivity. alpha : float = None Opacity of the structures being plotted. Defaults to the structure default alpha. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes = None Matplotlib axes to plot on, if not specified, one is created. hlim : Tuple[float, float] = None The x range if plotting on xy or xz planes, y range if plotting on yz plane. vlim : Tuple[float, float] = None The z range if plotting on xz or yz planes, y plane if plotting on xy plane. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes._subplots.Axes The supplied or created matplotlib axes. """ sim, _ = self.to_simulation() return sim.plot_structures_eps( x=x, y=y, z=z, freq=freq, alpha=alpha, cbar=cbar, reverse=reverse, ax=ax, hlim=hlim, vlim=vlim, )
[docs] def epsilon( self, box: Box, coord_key: str = "centers", freq: float = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Get array of permittivity at volume specified by box and freq. Parameters ---------- box : :class:`.Box` Rectangular geometry specifying where to measure the permittivity. coord_key : str = 'centers' Specifies at what part of the grid to return the permittivity at. Accepted values are ``{'centers', 'boundaries', 'Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'Exy', 'Exz', 'Eyx', 'Eyz', 'Ezx', Ezy'}``. The field values (eg. ``'Ex'``) correspond to the corresponding field locations on the yee lattice. If field values are selected, the corresponding diagonal (eg. ``eps_xx`` in case of ``'Ex'``) or off-diagonal (eg. ``eps_xy`` in case of ``'Exy'``) epsilon component from the epsilon tensor is returned. Otherwise, the average of the main values is returned. freq : float = None The frequency to evaluate the mediums at. If not specified, evaluates at infinite frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray Datastructure containing the relative permittivity values and location coordinates. For details on xarray DataArray objects, refer to `xarray's Documentation <>`_. See Also -------- **Notebooks** * `First walkthrough: permittivity data <../../notebooks/Simulation.html#Permittivity-data>`_ """ sim, _ = self.to_simulation() return sim.epsilon(box=box, coord_key=coord_key, freq=freq)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: JaxSimulation) -> bool: """Are two JaxSimulation objects equal?""" return self.to_simulation()[0] == other.to_simulation()[0]
[docs] @classmethod def split_monitors(cls, monitors: List[Monitor], jax_info: JaxInfo) -> Dict[str, Monitor]: """Split monitors into user and adjoint required based on jax info.""" all_monitors = list(monitors) # grab or compute the number of type of monitor num_grad_monitors = jax_info.num_grad_monitors num_grad_eps_monitors = jax_info.num_grad_eps_monitors num_output_monitors = jax_info.num_output_monitors num_total_monitors = len(all_monitors) num_mnts = ( num_total_monitors - num_grad_monitors - num_output_monitors - num_grad_eps_monitors ) # split the monitor list based on these numbers monitors = all_monitors[:num_mnts] output_monitors = all_monitors[num_mnts : num_mnts + num_output_monitors] grad_monitors = all_monitors[ num_mnts + num_output_monitors : num_mnts + num_output_monitors + num_grad_monitors ] grad_eps_monitors = all_monitors[num_mnts + num_output_monitors + num_grad_monitors :] # load into a dictionary return dict( monitors=monitors, output_monitors=output_monitors, grad_monitors=grad_monitors, grad_eps_monitors=grad_eps_monitors, )
[docs] @classmethod def split_structures( cls, structures: List[Structure], jax_info: JaxInfo ) -> Dict[str, Structure]: """Split structures into regular and input based on jax info.""" all_structures = list(structures) # get numbers of regular and input structures num_input_structures = jax_info.num_input_structures num_structs = len(structures) - num_input_structures # split the list based on these numbers structures = all_structures[:num_structs] structure_type_map = dict( JaxStructure=JaxStructure, JaxStructureStaticMedium=JaxStructureStaticMedium, JaxStructureStaticGeometry=JaxStructureStaticGeometry, ) input_structures = [] for struct_type_str, struct in zip( jax_info.input_structure_types, all_structures[num_structs:] ): struct_type = structure_type_map[struct_type_str] new_structure = struct_type.from_structure(struct) input_structures.append(new_structure) # return a dictionary containing these split structures return dict(structures=structures, input_structures=input_structures)
[docs] @classmethod def from_simulation(cls, simulation: Simulation, jax_info: JaxInfo) -> JaxSimulation: """Convert :class:`.Simulation` to :class:`.JaxSimulation` with extra info.""" sim_dict = simulation.dict(exclude={"type", "structures", "monitors"}) # split structures and monitors into their respective fields for JaxSimulation structures = cls.split_structures(structures=simulation.structures, jax_info=jax_info) monitors = cls.split_monitors(monitors=simulation.monitors, jax_info=jax_info) # update the dictionary with these and the adjoint fwidth sim_dict.update(**structures) sim_dict.update(**monitors) sim_dict.update( dict( fwidth_adjoint=jax_info.fwidth_adjoint, run_time_adjoint=jax_info.run_time_adjoint, ) ) # load JaxSimulation from the dictionary return cls.parse_obj(sim_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def make_sim_fwd(cls, simulation: Simulation, jax_info: JaxInfo) -> Tuple[Simulation, JaxInfo]: """Make the forward :class:`.JaxSimulation` from the supplied :class:`.Simulation`.""" mnt_dict = JaxSimulation.split_monitors(monitors=simulation.monitors, jax_info=jax_info) structure_dict = JaxSimulation.split_structures( structures=simulation.structures, jax_info=jax_info ) output_monitors = mnt_dict["output_monitors"] input_structures = structure_dict["input_structures"] grad_mnt_dict = cls.get_grad_monitors( input_structures=input_structures, freqs_adjoint=cls.get_freqs_adjoint(output_monitors=output_monitors), ) grad_mnts = grad_mnt_dict["grad_monitors"] grad_eps_mnts = grad_mnt_dict["grad_eps_monitors"] full_monitors = list(simulation.monitors) + grad_mnts + grad_eps_mnts # jax_sim_fwd = jax_sim.updated_copy(**grad_mnts) # sim_fwd, jax_info = jax_sim_fwd.to_simulation() sim_fwd = simulation.updated_copy(monitors=full_monitors) jax_info = jax_info.updated_copy( num_grad_monitors=len(grad_mnts), num_grad_eps_monitors=len(grad_eps_mnts), ) # cls.split_monitors(monitors=simulation.monitors, jax_info=jax_info) # sim_fwd = simulation.updated_copy() return sim_fwd, jax_info
[docs] def to_simulation_fwd(self) -> Tuple[Simulation, JaxInfo, JaxInfo]: """Like ``to_simulation()`` but the gradient monitors are included.""" simulation, jax_info = self.to_simulation() sim_fwd, jax_info_fwd = self.make_sim_fwd(simulation=simulation, jax_info=jax_info) return sim_fwd, jax_info_fwd, jax_info
[docs] @staticmethod def get_grad_monitors( input_structures: List[Structure], freqs_adjoint: List[float], include_eps_mnts: bool = True ) -> dict: """Return dictionary of gradient monitors for simulation.""" grad_mnts = [] grad_eps_mnts = [] for index, structure in enumerate(input_structures): grad_mnt, grad_eps_mnt = structure.make_grad_monitors( freqs=freqs_adjoint, name=f"grad_mnt_{index}" ) grad_mnts.append(grad_mnt) if include_eps_mnts: grad_eps_mnts.append(grad_eps_mnt) return dict(grad_monitors=grad_mnts, grad_eps_monitors=grad_eps_mnts)
def _store_vjp_structure( self, structure: JaxStructure, fld_fwd: FieldData, fld_adj: FieldData, eps_data: PermittivityData, num_proc: int = NUM_PROC_LOCAL, ) -> JaxStructure: """Store the vjp for a single structure.""" freq_max = float(max(eps_data.eps_xx.coords["f"])) eps_out = self.medium.eps_model(frequency=freq_max) return structure.store_vjp( grad_data_fwd=fld_fwd, grad_data_adj=fld_adj, grad_data_eps=eps_data, sim_bounds=self.bounds, eps_out=eps_out, num_proc=num_proc, )
[docs] def store_vjp( self, grad_data_fwd: Tuple[FieldData], grad_data_adj: Tuple[FieldData], grad_eps_data: Tuple[PermittivityData], num_proc: int = NUM_PROC_LOCAL, ) -> JaxSimulation: """Store the vjp w.r.t. each input_structure as a sim using fwd and adj grad_data.""" # if num_proc supplied and greater than 1, run parallel if num_proc is not None and num_proc > 1: return self.store_vjp_parallel( grad_data_fwd=grad_data_fwd, grad_data_adj=grad_data_adj, grad_eps_data=grad_eps_data, num_proc=num_proc, ) # otherwise, call regular sequential one return self.store_vjp_sequential( grad_data_fwd=grad_data_fwd, grad_data_adj=grad_data_adj, grad_eps_data=grad_eps_data )
[docs] def store_vjp_sequential( self, grad_data_fwd: Tuple[FieldData], grad_data_adj: Tuple[FieldData], grad_eps_data: Tuple[PermittivityData], ) -> JaxSimulation: """Store the vjp w.r.t. each input_structure without multiprocessing.""" map_args = [self.input_structures, grad_data_fwd, grad_data_adj, grad_eps_data] input_structures_vjp = list(map(self._store_vjp_structure, *map_args)) return self.copy( update=dict( input_structures=input_structures_vjp, grad_monitors=(), grad_eps_monitors=() ) )
[docs] def store_vjp_parallel( self, grad_data_fwd: Tuple[FieldData], grad_data_adj: Tuple[FieldData], grad_eps_data: Tuple[PermittivityData], num_proc: int, ) -> JaxSimulation: """Store the vjp w.r.t. each input_structure as a sim using fwd and adj grad_data, and parallel processing over ``num_proc`` processes.""" # Indexing into structures which use internal parallelization, and those which don't. # For the latter, simple parallelization over the list will be used. internal_par_structs = [JaxGeometryGroup] # Parallelize polyslabs internally or externally depending on total number polyslabs = [struct for struct in self.input_structures if isinstance(struct, JaxPolySlab)] if len(polyslabs) < num_proc: internal_par_structs += [JaxPolySlab] inds_par_internal, inds_par_external = [], [] for index, structure in enumerate(self.input_structures): if isinstance(structure.geometry, tuple(internal_par_structs)): inds_par_internal.append(index) else: inds_par_external.append(index) def make_args(indexes, num_proc_internal) -> list: """Make the arguments to map over selecting over a set of structure ``indexes``.""" args_list = [] for index in indexes: args_i = [ self.input_structures[index], grad_data_fwd[index], grad_data_adj[index], grad_eps_data[index], num_proc_internal, ] args_list.append(args_i) return args_list # Get vjps for structures that parallelize internally using simple map args_list_internal = make_args(inds_par_internal, num_proc_internal=num_proc) vjps_par_internal = [self._store_vjp_structure(*args) for args in args_list_internal] # Get vjps for structures where we parallelize directly here args_list_external = make_args(inds_par_external, num_proc_internal=NUM_PROC_LOCAL) vjps_par_external = list( Parallel(n_jobs=num_proc)( delayed(self._store_vjp_structure)(*args) for args in args_list_external ) ) # Reshuffle the two lists back in the correct order vjps_all = list(vjps_par_internal) + list(vjps_par_external) input_structures_vjp = [None] * len(self.input_structures) for index, vjp in zip(inds_par_internal + inds_par_external, vjps_all): input_structures_vjp[index] = vjp return self.copy( update=dict( input_structures=input_structures_vjp, grad_monitors=(), grad_eps_monitors=() ) )