Source code for tidy3d.components.grid.grid_spec

""" Defines classes specifying meshing in 1D and a collective class for 3D """
from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Tuple, List, Union

import numpy as np
import pydantic.v1 as pd

from .grid import Coords1D, Coords, Grid
from .mesher import GradedMesher, MesherType
from ..base import Tidy3dBaseModel, cached_property
from ..types import Axis, Symmetry, annotate_type, TYPE_TAG_STR
from ..source import SourceType
from ..structure import Structure, StructureType
from ..geometry.base import Box
from ...log import log
from ...exceptions import SetupError
from ...constants import MICROMETER, C_0, fp_eps

# Default Courant number reduction rate in Benkler's scheme

class ConformalMeshSpec(Tidy3dBaseModel, ABC):
    """Base class defining conformal mesh specifications."""

    def courant_ratio(self) -> float:
        """The scaling ratio applied to Courant number so that the courant number
        in the simulation is ``sim.courant * courant_ratio``.
        return 1.0

[docs] class StaircasingConformalMeshSpec(ConformalMeshSpec): """Simple staircasing scheme based on [Taflove, The Electrical Engineering Handbook 3.629-670 (2005): 15.]. """
[docs] class HeuristicConformalMeshSpec(ConformalMeshSpec): """Slightly different from the staircasing scheme: the field component near PEC is considered to be outside PEC if it's substantially normal to the interface. """
[docs] class BenklerConformalMeshSpec(ConformalMeshSpec): """Conformal mesh scheme based on [S. Benkler, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54.6, 1843 (2006)], which is similar to the approach described in [S. Dey, R. Mittra, IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters 7.9, 273 (1997)]. """ timestep_reduction: float = pd.Field( DEFAULT_COURANT_REDUCTION_BENKLER, title="Time Step Size Reduction Rate", description="Reduction factor between 0 and 1 such that the simulation's time step size " "will be ``1 - timestep_reduction`` times its default value. " "Accuracy can be improved with a smaller time step size; but simulation time increased as well.", lt=1, ge=0, ) @cached_property def courant_ratio(self) -> float: """The scaling ratio applied to Courant number so that the courant number in the simulation is ``sim.courant * courant_ratio``. """ return 1 - self.timestep_reduction
ConformalMeshSpecType = Union[ BenklerConformalMeshSpec, StaircasingConformalMeshSpec, HeuristicConformalMeshSpec ]
[docs] class GridSpec1d(Tidy3dBaseModel, ABC): """Abstract base class, defines 1D grid generation specifications."""
[docs] def make_coords( self, axis: Axis, structures: List[StructureType], symmetry: Tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry], periodic: bool, wavelength: pd.PositiveFloat, num_pml_layers: Tuple[pd.NonNegativeInt, pd.NonNegativeInt], ) -> Coords1D: """Generate 1D coords to be used as grid boundaries, based on simulation parameters. Symmetry, and PML layers will be treated here. Parameters ---------- axis : Axis Axis of this direction. structures : List[StructureType] List of structures present in simulation, the first one being the simulation domain. symmetry : Tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry] Reflection symmetry across a plane bisecting the simulation domain normal to each of the three axes. wavelength : float Free-space wavelength. num_pml_layers : Tuple[int, int] number of layers in the absorber + and - direction along one dimension. Returns ------- :class:`.Coords1D`: 1D coords to be used as grid boundaries. """ # Determine if one should apply periodic boundary condition. # This should only affect auto nonuniform mesh generation for now. is_periodic = periodic and symmetry[axis] == 0 # generate boundaries bound_coords = self._make_coords_initial( axis=axis, structures=structures, wavelength=wavelength, symmetry=symmetry, is_periodic=is_periodic, ) # incorporate symmetries if symmetry[axis] != 0: # Offset to center if symmetry present center = structures[0][axis] center_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(center - bound_coords)) bound_coords += center - bound_coords[center_ind] bound_coords = bound_coords[bound_coords >= center] bound_coords = np.append(2 * center - bound_coords[:0:-1], bound_coords) # Add PML layers in using dl on edges bound_coords = self._add_pml_to_bounds(num_pml_layers, bound_coords) return bound_coords
@abstractmethod def _make_coords_initial( self, axis: Axis, structures: List[StructureType], **kwargs, ) -> Coords1D: """Generate 1D coords to be used as grid boundaries, based on simulation parameters. Symmetry, PML etc. are not considered in this method. For auto nonuniform generation, it will take some more arguments. Parameters ---------- structures : List[StructureType] List of structures present in simulation, the first one being the simulation domain. **kwargs Other arguments Returns ------- :class:`.Coords1D`: 1D coords to be used as grid boundaries. """ @staticmethod def _add_pml_to_bounds(num_layers: Tuple[int, int], bounds: Coords1D) -> Coords1D: """Append absorber layers to the beginning and end of the simulation bounds along one dimension. Parameters ---------- num_layers : Tuple[int, int] number of layers in the absorber + and - direction along one dimension. bound_coords : np.ndarray coordinates specifying boundaries between cells along one dimension. Returns ------- np.ndarray New bound coordinates along dimension taking abosrber into account. """ if bounds.size < 2: return bounds first_step = bounds[1] - bounds[0] last_step = bounds[-1] - bounds[-2] add_left = bounds[0] - first_step * np.arange(num_layers[0], 0, -1) add_right = bounds[-1] + last_step * np.arange(1, num_layers[1] + 1) return np.concatenate((add_left, bounds, add_right))
[docs] class UniformGrid(GridSpec1d): """Uniform 1D grid. The most standard way to define a simulation is to use a constant grid size in each of the three directions. Example ------- >>> grid_1d = UniformGrid(dl=0.1) See Also -------- :class:`AutoGrid` Specification for non-uniform grid along a given dimension. **Notebooks:** * `Photonic crystal waveguide polarization filter <../../../notebooks/PhotonicCrystalWaveguidePolarizationFilter.html>`_ * `Using automatic nonuniform meshing <../../notebooks/AutoGrid.html>`_ """ dl: pd.PositiveFloat = pd.Field( ..., title="Grid Size", description="Grid size for uniform grid generation.", units=MICROMETER, ) def _make_coords_initial( self, axis: Axis, structures: List[StructureType], **kwargs, ) -> Coords1D: """Uniform 1D coords to be used as grid boundaries. Parameters ---------- axis : Axis Axis of this direction. structures : List[StructureType] List of structures present in simulation, the first one being the simulation domain. **kwargs: Other arguments all go here. Returns ------- :class:`.Coords1D`: 1D coords to be used as grid boundaries. """ center, size = structures[0][axis], structures[0].geometry.size[axis] # Take a number of steps commensurate with the size; make dl a bit smaller if needed num_cells = int(np.ceil(size / self.dl)) # Make sure there's at least one cell num_cells = max(num_cells, 1) # Adjust step size to fit simulation size exactly dl_snapped = size / num_cells if size > 0 else self.dl return center - size / 2 + np.arange(num_cells + 1) * dl_snapped
[docs] class CustomGrid(GridSpec1d): """Custom 1D grid supplied as a list of grid cell sizes centered on the simulation center. Example ------- >>> grid_1d = CustomGrid(dl=[0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]) """ dl: Tuple[pd.PositiveFloat, ...] = pd.Field( ..., title="Customized grid sizes.", description="An array of custom nonuniform grid sizes. The resulting grid is centered on " "the simulation center such that it spans the region " "``(center - sum(dl)/2, center + sum(dl)/2)``, unless a ``custom_offset`` is given. " "Note: if supplied sizes do not cover the simulation size, the first and last sizes " "are repeated to cover the simulation domain.", units=MICROMETER, ) custom_offset: float = pd.Field( None, title="Customized grid offset.", description="The starting coordinate of the grid which defines the simulation center. " "If ``None``, the simulation center is set such that it spans the region " "``(center - sum(dl)/2, center + sum(dl)/2)``.", units=MICROMETER, ) def _make_coords_initial( self, axis: Axis, structures: List[StructureType], **kwargs, ) -> Coords1D: """Customized 1D coords to be used as grid boundaries. Parameters ---------- axis : Axis Axis of this direction. structures : List[StructureType] List of structures present in simulation, the first one being the simulation domain. *kwargs Other arguments all go here. Returns ------- :class:`.Coords1D`: 1D coords to be used as grid boundaries. """ center, size = structures[0][axis], structures[0].geometry.size[axis] # get bounding coordinates dl = np.array(self.dl) bound_coords = np.append(0.0, np.cumsum(dl)) # place the middle of the bounds at the center of the simulation along dimension, # or use the `custom_offset` if provided if self.custom_offset is None: bound_coords += center - bound_coords[-1] / 2 else: bound_coords += self.custom_offset # chop off any coords outside of simulation bounds, beyond some buffer region # to take numerical effects into account buffer = fp_eps * size bound_min = center - size / 2 - buffer bound_max = center + size / 2 + buffer if bound_max < bound_coords[0] or bound_min > bound_coords[-1]: axis_name = "xyz"[axis] raise SetupError( f"Simulation domain does not overlap with the provided custom grid in '{axis_name}' direction." ) if size == 0: # in case of zero-size dimension return the boundaries between which simulation falls ind = np.searchsorted(bound_coords, center, side="right") # in case when the center coincides with the right most boundary if ind >= len(bound_coords): ind = len(bound_coords) - 1 return bound_coords[ind - 1 : ind + 1] else: bound_coords = bound_coords[bound_coords <= bound_max] bound_coords = bound_coords[bound_coords >= bound_min] # if not extending to simulation bounds, repeat beginning and end dl_min = dl[0] dl_max = dl[-1] while bound_coords[0] - dl_min >= bound_min: bound_coords = np.insert(bound_coords, 0, bound_coords[0] - dl_min) while bound_coords[-1] + dl_max <= bound_max: bound_coords = np.append(bound_coords, bound_coords[-1] + dl_max) # in case a `custom_offset` is provided, it's possible the bounds were numerically within # the simulation bounds but were still chopped off, which is fixed here if self.custom_offset is not None: if np.isclose(bound_coords[0] - dl_min, bound_min): bound_coords = np.insert(bound_coords, 0, bound_coords[0] - dl_min) if np.isclose(bound_coords[-1] + dl_max, bound_max): bound_coords = np.append(bound_coords, bound_coords[-1] + dl_max) return bound_coords
[docs] class AutoGrid(GridSpec1d): """Specification for non-uniform grid along a given dimension. Example ------- >>> grid_1d = AutoGrid(min_steps_per_wvl=16, max_scale=1.4) See Also -------- :class:`UniformGrid` Uniform 1D grid. :class:`GridSpec` Collective grid specification for all three dimensions. **Notebooks:** * `Using automatic nonuniform meshing <../../notebooks/AutoGrid.html>`_ **Lectures:** * `Time step size and CFL condition in FDTD <>`_ * `Numerical dispersion in FDTD <>`_ """ min_steps_per_wvl: float = pd.Field( 10.0, title="Minimal number of steps per wavelength", description="Minimal number of steps per wavelength in each medium.", ge=6.0, ) max_scale: float = pd.Field( 1.4, title="Maximum Grid Size Scaling", description="Sets the maximum ratio between any two consecutive grid steps.", ge=1.2, lt=2.0, ) dl_min: pd.NonNegativeFloat = pd.Field( 0, title="Lower bound of grid size", description="Lower bound of the grid size along this dimension regardless of " "structures present in the simulation, including override structures " "with ``enforced=True``. It is a soft bound, meaning that the actual minimal " "grid size might be slightly smaller.", units=MICROMETER, ) mesher: MesherType = pd.Field( GradedMesher(), title="Grid Construction Tool", description="The type of mesher to use to generate the grid automatically.", ) def _make_coords_initial( self, axis: Axis, structures: List[StructureType], wavelength: float, symmetry: Symmetry, is_periodic: bool, ) -> Coords1D: """Customized 1D coords to be used as grid boundaries. Parameters ---------- axis : Axis Axis of this direction. structures : List[StructureType] List of structures present in simulation. wavelength : float Free-space wavelength. symmetry : Tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry] Reflection symmetry across a plane bisecting the simulation domain normal to each of the three axes. is_periodic : bool Apply periodic boundary condition or not. Returns ------- :class:`.Coords1D`: 1D coords to be used as grid boundaries. """ sim_cent = list(structures[0] sim_size = list(structures[0].geometry.size) for dim, sym in enumerate(symmetry): if sym != 0: sim_cent[dim] += sim_size[dim] / 4 sim_size[dim] /= 2 symmetry_domain = Box(center=sim_cent, size=sim_size) # New list of structures with symmetry applied struct_list = [Structure(geometry=symmetry_domain, medium=structures[0].medium)] for structure in structures[1:]: if symmetry_domain.intersects(structure.geometry): struct_list.append(structure) # parse structures interval_coords, max_dl_list = self.mesher.parse_structures( axis, struct_list, wavelength, self.min_steps_per_wvl, self.dl_min, ) # Put just a single pixel if 2D-like simulation if interval_coords.size == 1: dl = wavelength / self.min_steps_per_wvl return np.array([sim_cent[axis] - dl / 2, sim_cent[axis] + dl / 2]) # generate mesh steps interval_coords = np.array(interval_coords).flatten() max_dl_list = np.array(max_dl_list).flatten() len_interval_list = interval_coords[1:] - interval_coords[:-1] dl_list = self.mesher.make_grid_multiple_intervals( max_dl_list, len_interval_list, self.max_scale, is_periodic ) # generate boundaries bound_coords = np.append(0.0, np.cumsum(np.concatenate(dl_list))) bound_coords += interval_coords[0] # fix simulation domain boundaries which may be slightly off domain_bounds = [bound[axis] for bound in symmetry_domain.bounds] if not np.all(np.isclose(bound_coords[[0, -1]], domain_bounds)): raise SetupError( f"AutoGrid coordinates along axis {axis} do not match the simulation " "domain, indicating an unexpected error in the meshing. Please create a github " "issue so that the problem can be investigated. In the meantime, switch to " f"uniform or custom grid along {axis}." ) bound_coords[[0, -1]] = domain_bounds return np.array(bound_coords)
GridType = Union[UniformGrid, CustomGrid, AutoGrid]
[docs] class GridSpec(Tidy3dBaseModel): """Collective grid specification for all three dimensions. Example ------- >>> uniform = UniformGrid(dl=0.1) >>> custom = CustomGrid(dl=[0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]) >>> auto = AutoGrid(min_steps_per_wvl=12) >>> grid_spec = GridSpec(grid_x=uniform, grid_y=custom, grid_z=auto, wavelength=1.5) See Also -------- :class:`UniformGrid` Uniform 1D grid. :class:`AutoGrid` Specification for non-uniform grid along a given dimension. **Notebooks:** * `Using automatic nonuniform meshing <../../notebooks/AutoGrid.html>`_ **Lectures:** * `Time step size and CFL condition in FDTD <>`_ * `Numerical dispersion in FDTD <>`_ """ grid_x: GridType = pd.Field( AutoGrid(), title="Grid specification along x-axis", description="Grid specification along x-axis", discriminator=TYPE_TAG_STR, ) grid_y: GridType = pd.Field( AutoGrid(), title="Grid specification along y-axis", description="Grid specification along y-axis", discriminator=TYPE_TAG_STR, ) grid_z: GridType = pd.Field( AutoGrid(), title="Grid specification along z-axis", description="Grid specification along z-axis", discriminator=TYPE_TAG_STR, ) wavelength: float = pd.Field( None, title="Free-space wavelength", description="Free-space wavelength for automatic nonuniform grid. It can be 'None' " "if there is at least one source in the simulation, in which case it is defined by " "the source central frequency. " "Note: it only takes effect when at least one of the three dimensions " "uses :class:`.AutoGrid`.", units=MICROMETER, ) override_structures: Tuple[annotate_type(StructureType), ...] = pd.Field( (), title="Grid specification override structures", description="A set of structures that is added on top of the simulation structures in " "the process of generating the grid. This can be used to refine the grid or make it " "coarser depending than the expected need for higher/lower resolution regions. " "Note: it only takes effect when at least one of the three dimensions " "uses :class:`.AutoGrid`.", ) @property def auto_grid_used(self) -> bool: """True if any of the three dimensions uses :class:`.AutoGrid`.""" grid_list = [self.grid_x, self.grid_y, self.grid_z] return np.any([isinstance(mesh, AutoGrid) for mesh in grid_list]) @property def custom_grid_used(self) -> bool: """True if any of the three dimensions uses :class:`.CustomGrid`.""" grid_list = [self.grid_x, self.grid_y, self.grid_z] return np.any([isinstance(mesh, CustomGrid) for mesh in grid_list])
[docs] @staticmethod def wavelength_from_sources(sources: List[SourceType]) -> pd.PositiveFloat: """Define a wavelength based on supplied sources. Called if auto mesh is used and ``self.wavelength is None``.""" # no sources if len(sources) == 0: raise SetupError( "Automatic grid generation requires the input of 'wavelength' or sources." ) # Use central frequency of sources, if any. freqs = np.array([source.source_time.freq0 for source in sources]) # multiple sources of different central frequencies if not np.all(np.isclose(freqs, freqs[0])): raise SetupError( "Sources of different central frequencies are supplied. " "Please supply a 'wavelength' value for 'grid_spec'." ) return C_0 / freqs[0]
@property def override_structures_used(self) -> List[bool, bool, bool]: """Along each axis, ``True`` if any override structure is used. However, it is still ``False`` if only :class:`.MeshOverrideStructure` is supplied, and their ``dl[axis]`` all take the ``None`` value. """ # empty override_structure list if len(self.override_structures) == 0: return [False] * 3 override_used = [False] * 3 for structure in self.override_structures: # override used in all axes if any `Structure` is present if isinstance(structure, Structure): return [True] * 3 for dl_axis, dl in enumerate(structure.dl): if (not override_used[dl_axis]) and (dl is not None): override_used[dl_axis] = True return override_used
[docs] def make_grid( self, structures: List[Structure], symmetry: Tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry], periodic: Tuple[bool, bool, bool], sources: List[SourceType], num_pml_layers: List[Tuple[pd.NonNegativeInt, pd.NonNegativeInt]], ) -> Grid: """Make the entire simulation grid based on some simulation parameters. Parameters ---------- structures : List[Structure] List of structures present in the simulation. The first structure must be the simulation geometry with the simulation background medium. symmetry : Tuple[Symmetry, Symmetry, Symmetry] Reflection symmetry across a plane bisecting the simulation domain normal to each of the three axes. sources : List[SourceType] List of sources. num_pml_layers : List[Tuple[float, float]] List containing the number of absorber layers in - and + boundaries. Returns ------- Grid: Entire simulation grid. """ # Set up wavelength for automatic mesh generation if needed. wavelength = self.wavelength if wavelength is None and self.auto_grid_used: wavelength = self.wavelength_from_sources(sources)"Auto meshing using wavelength {wavelength:1.4f} defined from sources.") # Warn user if ``GridType`` along some axis is not ``AutoGrid`` and # ``override_structures`` is not empty. The override structures # are not effective along those axes. for axis_ind, override_used_axis, grid_axis in zip( ["x", "y", "z"], self.override_structures_used, [self.grid_x, self.grid_y, self.grid_z] ): if override_used_axis and not isinstance(grid_axis, AutoGrid): log.warning( f"Override structures take no effect along {axis_ind}-axis. " "If intending to apply override structures to this axis, " "use 'AutoGrid'.", capture=False, ) grids_1d = [self.grid_x, self.grid_y, self.grid_z] coords_dict = {} for idim, (dim, grid_1d) in enumerate(zip("xyz", grids_1d)): coords_dict[dim] = grid_1d.make_coords( axis=idim, structures=list(structures) + list(self.override_structures), symmetry=symmetry, periodic=periodic[idim], wavelength=wavelength, num_pml_layers=num_pml_layers[idim], ) coords = Coords(**coords_dict) return Grid(boundaries=coords)
[docs] @classmethod def auto( cls, wavelength: pd.PositiveFloat = None, min_steps_per_wvl: pd.PositiveFloat = 10.0, max_scale: pd.PositiveFloat = 1.4, override_structures: List[StructureType] = (), dl_min: pd.NonNegativeFloat = 0.0, mesher: MesherType = GradedMesher(), ) -> GridSpec: """Use the same :class:`AutoGrid` along each of the three directions. Parameters ---------- wavelength : pd.PositiveFloat, optional Free-space wavelength for automatic nonuniform grid. It can be 'None' if there is at least one source in the simulation, in which case it is defined by the source central frequency. min_steps_per_wvl : pd.PositiveFloat, optional Minimal number of steps per wavelength in each medium. max_scale : pd.PositiveFloat, optional Sets the maximum ratio between any two consecutive grid steps. override_structures : List[StructureType] A list of structures that is added on top of the simulation structures in the process of generating the grid. This can be used to refine the grid or make it coarser depending than the expected need for higher/lower resolution regions. dl_min: pd.NonNegativeFloat Lower bound of grid size. mesher : MesherType = GradedMesher() The type of mesher to use to generate the grid automatically. Returns ------- GridSpec :class:`GridSpec` with the same automatic nonuniform grid settings in each direction. """ grid_1d = AutoGrid( min_steps_per_wvl=min_steps_per_wvl, max_scale=max_scale, dl_min=dl_min, mesher=mesher, ) return cls( wavelength=wavelength, grid_x=grid_1d, grid_y=grid_1d, grid_z=grid_1d, override_structures=override_structures, )
[docs] @classmethod def uniform(cls, dl: float) -> GridSpec: """Use the same :class:`UniformGrid` along each of the three directions. Parameters ---------- dl : float Grid size for uniform grid generation. Returns ------- GridSpec :class:`GridSpec` with the same uniform grid size in each direction. """ grid_1d = UniformGrid(dl=dl) return cls(grid_x=grid_1d, grid_y=grid_1d, grid_z=grid_1d)