2.1. Overview#
2.1.1. Meshing#
2.1.2. Modeling Options#
2.1.3. Turbulence Models#
Spalart-Allmaras (SA-neg)
Spalart-Allmaras with Rotation-Curvature correction (SA-RC)
Spalart-Allmaras with Quadratic Constitutive Relation (SA-QCR)
k-\({\omega}\) SST
k-\({\omega}\) SST with Quadratic Constitutive Relation (SST-QCR)
Amplification Factor Transport (AFT), laminar-turbulent transition model
See turbulenceModelSolver knowledge base and transitionModelSolver knowledge base for details
2.1.4. Boundary Conditions#
Freestream (with optional location dependent velocity)
Slip Wall
No-slip Wall (with optional tangential wall velocity)
Isothermal Wall
Wall Model
Subsonic Inflow (total pressure, total temperature)
Subsonic Outflow (back pressure)
Subsonic Outflow (Mach)
Mass Flow In
Mass Flow Out
Translationally Periodic Boundaries
Rotationally Periodic Boundaries