"""Lumped port specialization with an annuluar geometry for exciting coaxial ports."""
import numpy as np
import pydantic.v1 as pd
from ....components.base import cached_property
from ....components.data.data_array import FreqDataArray, ScalarFieldDataArray
from ....components.data.dataset import FieldDataset
from ....components.data.sim_data import SimulationData
from ....components.geometry.base import Box, Geometry
from ....components.geometry.utils_2d import increment_float
from ....components.grid.grid import Grid, YeeGrid
from ....components.lumped_element import CoaxialLumpedResistor
from ....components.monitor import FieldMonitor
from ....components.source import CustomCurrentSource, GaussianPulse
from ....components.types import Axis, Coordinate, Direction, FreqArray, Size
from ....components.validators import skip_if_fields_missing
from ....constants import MICROMETER
from ....exceptions import SetupError, ValidationError
from ...microwave import CustomCurrentIntegral2D, VoltageIntegralAxisAligned
from ...microwave.path_integrals import AbstractAxesRH
from .base_lumped import AbstractLumpedPort
class CoaxialLumpedPort(AbstractLumpedPort, AbstractAxesRH):
"""Class representing a single coaxial lumped port
>>> port1 = CoaxialLumpedPort(center=(0, 0, 0),
... outer_diameter=4,
... inner_diameter=1,
... normal_axis=2,
... direction="+",
... name="coax_port_1",
... impedance=50
... )
center: Coordinate = pd.Field(
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
description="Center of object in x, y, and z.",
outer_diameter: pd.PositiveFloat = pd.Field(
title="Outer Diameter",
description="Diameter of the outer coaxial circle.",
inner_diameter: pd.PositiveFloat = pd.Field(
title="Inner Diameter",
description="Diameter of the inner coaxial circle.",
normal_axis: Axis = pd.Field(
title="Normal Axis",
description="Specifies the axis which is normal to the concentric circles.",
direction: Direction = pd.Field(
description="The direction of the signal travelling in the transmission line. "
"This is needed in order to position the path integral, which is used for computing "
"conduction current using Ampère's circuital law.",
def main_axis(self):
"""Required for inheriting from AbstractAxesRH."""
return self.normal_axis
def injection_axis(self):
"""Required for inheriting from AbstractLumpedPort."""
return self.normal_axis
@pd.validator("center", always=True)
def _center_not_inf(cls, val):
"""Make sure center is not infinity."""
if any(np.isinf(v) for v in val):
raise ValidationError("'center' can not contain 'td.inf' terms.")
return val
@pd.validator("inner_diameter", always=True)
def _ensure_inner_diameter_is_smaller(cls, val, values):
"""Ensures that the inner diameter is smaller than the outer diameter, so that the final
shape is an annulus."""
outer_diameter = values.get("outer_diameter")
if val >= outer_diameter:
raise ValidationError(
f"The 'inner_diameter' {val} of a coaxial lumped element must be less than its "
f"'outer_diameter' {outer_diameter}."
return val
def to_source(
self, source_time: GaussianPulse, snap_center: float, grid: Grid
) -> CustomCurrentSource:
"""Create a current source from the lumped port."""
# Discretized source amps are manually zeroed out later if they
# fall on Yee grid locations outside the analytical source region.
# Get transverse axes
trans_axes = self.remaining_axes
(coord1, coord2, coord3) = self.local_dims
center = list(self.center)
if snap_center:
center[self.injection_axis] = snap_center
# Figure out how many data points would be proper given the grid
size = [self.outer_diameter] * 3
size[self.injection_axis] = 0
bounding_box = Box(center=self.center, size=size)
inds = grid.discretize_inds(box=bounding_box)
num1 = inds[trans_axes[0]][1] - inds[trans_axes[0]][0]
num2 = inds[trans_axes[1]][1] - inds[trans_axes[1]][0]
# Get a normalized current density that is flowing radially from inner circle to outer circle
# Total current is normalized to 1
def compute_coax_current(rin, rout, x, y):
# Radial distance
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
# Remove division by 0
r_valid = np.where(r == 0.0, 1, r)
# Compute current density so that the total current
# is 1 flowing through surfaces of constant r
# Extra r is for changing to Cartesian coordinates
denominator = 2 * np.pi * r_valid**2
Jx = np.where(r <= rin, 0, (x / denominator))
Jx = np.where(r >= rout, 0, Jx)
Jy = np.where(r <= rin, 0, (y / denominator))
Jy = np.where(r >= rout, 0, Jy)
return (Jx, Jy)
Router = self.outer_diameter / 2
Rinner = self.inner_diameter / 2
# Using a local reference frame of the port where the normal axis is along z
xs, ys = np.linspace(-Router, Router, 4 * num1), np.linspace(-Router, Router, 4 * num2)
x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(xs, ys, indexing="ij")
# Current density in a coaxial cable should flow radially with amplitude dropping with 1/r
Jx, Jy = compute_coax_current(Rinner, Router, x_grid, y_grid)
# Package computed currents into dataset
E1 = "E" + coord1
E2 = "E" + coord2
coord_vals = {
coord1: xs,
coord2: ys,
coord3: [center[self.injection_axis]],
"f": [source_time.freq0],
kwargs = {
E1: ScalarFieldDataArray(
Jx[..., None, None],
E2: ScalarFieldDataArray(
Jy[..., None, None],
dataset_E = FieldDataset(**kwargs)
return CustomCurrentSource(
size=(self.outer_diameter, self.outer_diameter, 0),
def to_load(self, snap_center: float) -> CoaxialLumpedResistor:
"""Create a load resistor from the lumped port."""
# 2D materials are currently snapped to the grid, so snapping here is not needed.
# It is done here so plots of the simulation will more accurately portray the setup
center = list(self.center)
if snap_center:
center[self.injection_axis] = snap_center
return CoaxialLumpedResistor(
def to_voltage_monitor(self, freqs: FreqArray, snap_center: float) -> FieldMonitor:
"""Field monitor to compute port voltage."""
center = list(self.center)
if snap_center:
center[self.injection_axis] = snap_center
# Get transverse dimensions
(coord1, coord2) = self.remaining_dims
E1 = "E" + coord1
E2 = "E" + coord2
# Create a voltage monitor
return FieldMonitor(
fields=[E1, E2],
def to_current_monitor(self, freqs: FreqArray, snap_center: float) -> FieldMonitor:
"""Field monitor to compute port current."""
center = list(self.center)
if snap_center:
center[self.injection_axis] = snap_center
# Get transverse dimensions
(coord1, coord2) = self.remaining_dims
H1 = "H" + coord1
H2 = "H" + coord2
# Size of current monitor needs to encompass the current carrying 2D sheet
# Needs to have a nonzero thickness so a closed loop of gridpoints around the 2D sheet can be formed
dl = 2 * (increment_float(center[self.injection_axis], 1.0) - center[self.injection_axis])
# Size of voltage monitor can essentially be 1D from ground to signal conductor
current_mon_size = [self.outer_diameter] * 3
current_mon_size[self.injection_axis] = dl
# Create a current monitor
return FieldMonitor(
fields=[H1, H2],
def compute_voltage(self, sim_data: SimulationData) -> FreqDataArray:
"""Helper to compute voltage across the port.
We arbitrarily choose the positive first in-plane axis as the location for the path.
Any of the four possible choices should give the same result.
exact_port_center = self.snapped_center(sim_data.simulation.grid)
field_data = sim_data[self._voltage_monitor_name]
voltage_integral = VoltageIntegralAxisAligned(
voltage = voltage_integral.compute_voltage(field_data)
# Return data array of voltage with coordinates of frequency
return voltage
def compute_current(self, sim_data: SimulationData) -> FreqDataArray:
"""Helper to compute current flowing through the port.
The contour is a closed loop around the inner conductor. It is positioned
at the midpoint between inner and outer radius of the annulus.
exact_port_center = self.snapped_center(sim_data.simulation.grid)
# Loops around inner conductive circle conductor
field_data = sim_data[self._current_monitor_name]
# Helper for generating x,y vertices around a circle in the local coordinate frame
def generate_circle_coordinates(radius, num_points):
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num_points, endpoint=True)
xt = radius * np.cos(angles)
yt = radius * np.sin(angles)
return (xt, yt)
# Get transverse axes
trans_axes = self.remaining_axes
(coord1, coord2, coord3) = self.local_dims
# Just need a rough estimate for the number of cells
field_coords = field_data.field_components["H" + coord1].coords
# Estimate number of points needed along path integral
num_coords_1 = len(field_coords[coord1].values)
num_coords_2 = len(field_coords[coord2].values)
num_coords = max(num_coords_1, num_coords_2)
# Choose a number of points so that there are always points coincident
# with the Cartesian axes (right, top, left, bottom).
# So we round to the nearest multiple of 4.
# One extra point is used to close the loop.
num_path_coords = round(np.pi * num_coords / 4) * 4 + 1
# These x,y coordinates are relate to the local coordinate frame
xt, yt = generate_circle_coordinates(
(self.outer_diameter + self.inner_diameter) / 4, num_path_coords
xt += exact_port_center[trans_axes[0]]
yt += exact_port_center[trans_axes[1]]
circle_vertices = np.column_stack((xt, yt))
# Close the contour exactly
circle_vertices[-1, :] = circle_vertices[0, :]
# Get the coordinates normal to port and select positions just on either side of the port
normal_coords = field_coords[coord3].values
normal_port_position = exact_port_center[self.injection_axis]
# The exact center position of the port should coincide with a Yee cell boundary, so we
# want to select magnetic field positions a half-step on either side,
# depending on the direction.
path_pos = CoaxialLumpedPort._determine_current_integral_pos(
normal_port_position, normal_coords, self.direction
# Setup the path integral and integrate the H field
path_integral = CustomCurrentIntegral2D(
axis=self.injection_axis, position=path_pos, vertices=circle_vertices
current = path_integral.compute_current(field_data)
# We need the current flowing transverse through the port, which is the opposite of
# the current flowing in the core conductor in the positive direction.
if self.direction == "+":
current *= -1.0
return current
def _determine_current_integral_pos(
snapped_center: float, normal_coords: np.array, direction: Direction
) -> float:
"""Helper to locate where the current integral should be placed in
relation to the normal axis of the port.
upper_bound = np.searchsorted(normal_coords, snapped_center)
lower_bound = upper_bound - 1
# We need to choose which side of the port to place the path integral,
if direction == "+":
return normal_coords[upper_bound]
return normal_coords[lower_bound]
def _voltage_axis(self) -> Axis:
return self.remaining_axes[0]
def _voltage_path_center(self, port_center: Coordinate) -> Coordinate:
"""We arbitrarily choose the positive first in-plane axis as the location for the path.
Any of the four possible choices should give the same result.
center = list(port_center)
center[self._voltage_axis] += (self.outer_diameter + self.inner_diameter) / 4
return tuple(center)
def _voltage_path_size(self) -> Size:
"""We arbitrarily choose the positive first in-plane axis as the location for the path.
Any of the four possible choices should give the same result.
axis_size = (self.outer_diameter - self.inner_diameter) / 2
size = Geometry.unpop_axis(axis_size, (0, 0), self._voltage_axis)
return size
def _check_grid_size(self, yee_grid: YeeGrid):
"""Raises :class:``SetupError`` if the grid is too coarse at port locations"""
trans_axes = self.remaining_axes
for axis in trans_axes:
e_component = "xyz"[trans_axes[0]]
e_grid = yee_grid.grid_dict[f"E{e_component}"]
coords = e_grid.to_dict[e_component]
min_bound = self.center[axis] - self.outer_diameter / 2
max_bound = self.center[axis] - self.inner_diameter / 2
coords_within_port = np.any(np.logical_and(coords > min_bound, coords < max_bound))
min_bound = self.center[axis] + self.inner_diameter / 2
max_bound = self.center[axis] + self.outer_diameter / 2
coords_within_port2 = np.any(np.logical_and(coords > min_bound, coords < max_bound))
if not coords_within_port or not coords_within_port2:
raise SetupError(
f"Grid is too coarse along '{e_component}' direction for the lumped port "
f"at location '{self.center}'. Either set the port's 'num_grid_cells' to "
f"a nonzero integer or modify the 'GridSpec'. "