Mode Solver#
Interface for solving electromagnetic eigenmodes in a 2D plane with translational invariance in the third dimension. |
Data associated with a |
Dispersive Model Fitting#
Tool for fitting refractive index data to get a dispersive medium described by |
Advanced fast fitter parameters. |
Tool for fitting refractive index data to get a dispersive medium described by |
Advanced fitter parameters |
Execute the data fit using the stable fitter in the server. |
Deprecated. |
Self-intersecting Polyslab#
Interface for dividing a complex polyslab where self-intersecting polygon can occur during extrusion. |
Scattering Matrix Calculator#
Tool for modeling devices and computing scattering matrix elements. |
Specifies a port in the scattering matrix. |
Port parameter matrix elements for modal ports. |
Tool for modeling two-terminal multiport devices and computing port parameters with lumped ports. |
Class representing a single rectangular lumped port |
Port parameter matrix elements for lumped ports. |
Class representing a single coaxial lumped port |
Resonance Finder#
Tool that extracts resonance information from a time series of the form shown below. |
Automatic Differentiation with Autograd#
Apply a threshold to an array, setting values below the threshold to vmin and values above to vmax. |
Rescale an array from an arbitrary input range to an arbitrary output range. |
Compute the external morphological gradient of an array. |
Compute the internal morphological gradient of an array. |
Compute the morphological gradient of an array. |
Perform grey closing on an array. |
Perform grey opening on an array. |
Perform grey erosion on an array. |
Perform grey dilation on an array. |
Pad an array along a specified axis with a given mode and padding width. |
Convolve an array with a given kernel. |
Multidimensional Gaussian filter. |
alias of |
alias of |
Calculate the size of the kernel in pixels based on the given radius and pixel size. |
Calculate the grey indicator for a given array. |
make_filter() with a default filter_type value of circular. |
make_filter() with a default filter_type value of conic. |
Create a penalty function based on the curvature of a set of points. |
Computes a penalty for erosion/dilation of a parameter map not being unity. |
Create a filter function based on the specified kernel type and size. |
Create a function that filters and projects an array. |
Apply a piecewise linear ramp projection to an array. |
Apply a tanh-based soft-thresholding projection to an array. |
Submits a |
Submits a set of |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
Filter that convolves an image with a conical mask, used for larger feature sizes. |
Projects a grayscale image towards min and max values using a smooth |
Computes a penalty for small radius of curvature determined by a fit of points in a 2D plane. |
Inverse Design Plugin#
Transformation involving convolution by a conic filter followed by a |
Erosion and dilation penalty, addable to |
Design region as a pixellated permittivity grid. |
Container for an inverse design problem. |
Container for the result of an |
Specification for an optimization. |
Design Space Exploration#
Parameter containing floats. |
Parameter containing integers. |
Parameter containing a set of of anything. |
Select parameters uniformly on a grid. |
Select sampling points using Monte Carlo sampling (Latin Hypercube method). |
Select parameters with an object with a user supplied sampler with a |
Select sampling points uniformly at random. |
Specification of a design problem / combination of several parameters + algorithm. |
General rectangular dielectric waveguide |
Class for defining the simplest type of path integral, which is aligned with Cartesian axes. |
Class for computing the voltage between two points defined by an axis-aligned line. |
Class for computing conduction current via Ampère's circuital law on an axis-aligned loop. |
Class for defining a custom path integral defined as a curve on an axis-aligned plane. |
Class for computing the voltage between two points defined by a custom path. |
Class for computing conduction current via Ampère's circuital law on a custom path. |
Tool for computing the characteristic impedance of a transmission line. |