Source code for log

"""Logging for Tidy3d."""

import inspect
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Callable, List, Union

from rich.console import Console
from typing_extensions import Literal

# Note: "SUPPORT" and "USER" levels are meant for backend runs only.
# Logging in frontend code should just use the standard debug/info/warning/error/critical.
LogLevel = Literal["DEBUG", "SUPPORT", "USER", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"]
LogValue = Union[int, LogLevel]

# Logging levels compatible with logging module
_level_value = {
    "DEBUG": 10,
    "SUPPORT": 12,
    "USER": 15,
    "INFO": 20,
    "WARNING": 30,
    "ERROR": 40,
    "CRITICAL": 50,

_level_name = {v: k for k, v in _level_value.items()}


    "DEBUG": None,
    "SUPPORT": None,
    "USER": None,
    "INFO": None,
    "WARNING": "red",
    "ERROR": "red bold",
    "CRITICAL": "red bold",

# Width of the console used for rich logging (in characters).

def _default_log_level_format(level: str) -> str:
    """By default just return unformatted log level string."""
    return level

def _get_level_int(level: LogValue) -> int:
    """Get the integer corresponding to the level string."""
    if isinstance(level, int):
        return level

    if level not in _level_value:
        # We don't want to import ConfigError to avoid a circular dependency
        raise ValueError(
            f"logging level {level} not supported, must be "
            "'DEBUG', 'SUPPORT', 'USER', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', or 'CRITICAL'"
    return _level_value[level]

[docs] class LogHandler: """Handle log messages depending on log level"""
[docs] def __init__( self, console: Console, level: LogValue, log_level_format: Callable = _default_log_level_format, ): self.level = _get_level_int(level) self.console = console self.log_level_format = log_level_format
[docs] def handle(self, level, level_name, message): """Output log messages depending on log level""" if level >= self.level: stack = inspect.stack() offset = 4 if stack[offset - 1].filename.endswith(""): # We want the calling site for offset += 1 self.console.log( self.log_level_format(level_name), message, sep=": ", style=DEFAULT_LOG_STYLES[level_name], _stack_offset=offset, )
[docs] class Logger: """Custom logger to avoid the complexities of the logging module The logger can be used in a context manager to avoid the emission of multiple messages. In this case, the first message in the context is emitted normally, but any others are discarded. When the context is exited, the number of discarded messages of each level is displayed with the highest level of the captures messages. Messages can also be captured for post-processing. That can be enabled through 'set_capture' to record all warnings emitted during model validation. A structured copy of all validation messages can then be recovered through 'captured_warnings'. """ _static_cache = set()
[docs] def __init__(self): self.handlers = {} self.suppression = True self._counts = None self._stack = None self._capture = False self._captured_warnings = []
[docs] def set_capture(self, capture: bool): """Turn on/off tree-like capturing of log messages.""" self._capture = capture
[docs] def captured_warnings(self): """Get the formatted list of captured log messages.""" captured_warnings = self._captured_warnings self._captured_warnings = [] return captured_warnings
[docs] def __enter__(self): """If suppression is enabled, enter a consolidation context (only a single message is emitted).""" if self.suppression and self._counts is None: self._counts = {} return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Exist a consolidation context (report the number of messages discarded).""" if self._counts is not None: total = sum(v for v in self._counts.values()) if total > 0: max_level = max(k for k, v in self._counts.items() if v > 0) counts = [f"{v} {_level_name[k]}" for k, v in self._counts.items() if v > 0] self._counts = None if total > 0: noun = " messages." if total > 1 else " message." # Temporarily prevent capturing messages to emit consolidated summary stack = self._stack self._stack = None self.log(max_level, "Suppressed " + ", ".join(counts) + noun) self._stack = stack return False
[docs] def begin_capture(self): """Start capturing log stack for consolidated validation log. This method is used before any model validation starts and is included in the initialization of 'BaseModel'. It must be followed by a corresponding 'end_capture'. """ if not self._capture: return stack_item = {"messages": [], "children": {}} if self._stack: self._stack.append(stack_item) else: self._stack = [stack_item]
[docs] def end_capture(self, model): """End capturing log stack for consolidated validation log. This method is used after all model validations and is included in the initialization of 'BaseModel'. It must follow a corresponding 'begin_capture'. """ if not self._stack: return stack_item = self._stack.pop() if len(self._stack) == 0: self._stack = None # Check if this stack item contains any messages or children if len(stack_item["messages"]) > 0 or len(stack_item["children"]) > 0: stack_item["type"] = model.__class__.__name__ # Set the path for each children model_fields = model.get_submodels_by_hash() for child_hash, child_dict in stack_item["children"].items(): child_dict["parent_fields"] = model_fields.get(child_hash, []) # Are we at the bottom of the stack? if self._stack is None: # Yes, we're root self._parse_warning_capture(current_loc=[], stack_item=stack_item) else: # No, we're someone else's child hash_ = hash(model) self._stack[-1]["children"][hash_] = stack_item
def _parse_warning_capture(self, current_loc, stack_item): """Process capture tree to compile formatted captured warnings.""" if "parent_fields" in stack_item: for field in stack_item["parent_fields"]: if isinstance(field, tuple): # array field new_loc = current_loc + list(field) else: # single field new_loc = current_loc + [field] # process current level warnings for level, msg, custom_loc in stack_item["messages"]: if level == "WARNING": self._captured_warnings.append({"loc": new_loc + custom_loc, "msg": msg}) # initialize processing at children level for child_stack in stack_item["children"].values(): self._parse_warning_capture(current_loc=new_loc, stack_item=child_stack) else: # for root object # process current level warnings for level, msg, custom_loc in stack_item["messages"]: if level == "WARNING": self._captured_warnings.append({"loc": current_loc + custom_loc, "msg": msg}) # initialize processing at children level for child_stack in stack_item["children"].values(): self._parse_warning_capture(current_loc=current_loc, stack_item=child_stack) def _log( self, level: int, level_name: str, message: str, *args, log_once: bool = False, custom_loc: List = None, capture: bool = True, ) -> None: """Distribute log messages to all handlers""" # Compose message if len(args) > 0: try: composed_message = str(message) % args except Exception as e: composed_message = f"{message} % {args}\n{e}" else: composed_message = str(message) # Capture all messages (even if suppressed later) if self._stack and capture: if custom_loc is None: custom_loc = [] self._stack[-1]["messages"].append((level_name, composed_message, custom_loc)) # Check global cache if requested if log_once: # Use the message body before composition as key if message in self._static_cache: return self._static_cache.add(message) # Context-local logger emits a single message and consolidates the rest if self._counts is not None: if len(self._counts) > 0: self._counts[level] = 1 + self._counts.get(level, 0) return self._counts[level] = 0 # Forward message to handlers for handler in self.handlers.values(): handler.handle(level, level_name, composed_message)
[docs] def log(self, level: LogValue, message: str, *args, log_once: bool = False) -> None: """Log (message) % (args) with given level""" if isinstance(level, str): level_name = level level = _get_level_int(level) else: level_name = _level_name.get(level, "unknown") self._log(level, level_name, message, *args, log_once=log_once)
[docs] def debug(self, message: str, *args, log_once: bool = False) -> None: """Log (message) % (args) at debug level""" self._log(_level_value["DEBUG"], "DEBUG", message, *args, log_once=log_once)
[docs] def support(self, message: str, *args, log_once: bool = False) -> None: """Log (message) % (args) at support level""" self._log(_level_value["SUPPORT"], "SUPPORT", message, *args, log_once=log_once)
[docs] def user(self, message: str, *args, log_once: bool = False) -> None: """Log (message) % (args) at user level""" self._log(_level_value["USER"], "USER", message, *args, log_once=log_once)
[docs] def info(self, message: str, *args, log_once: bool = False) -> None: """Log (message) % (args) at info level""" self._log(_level_value["INFO"], "INFO", message, *args, log_once=log_once)
[docs] def warning( self, message: str, *args, log_once: bool = False, custom_loc: List = None, capture: bool = True, ) -> None: """Log (message) % (args) at warning level""" self._log( _level_value["WARNING"], "WARNING", message, *args, log_once=log_once, custom_loc=custom_loc, capture=capture, )
[docs] def error(self, message: str, *args, log_once: bool = False) -> None: """Log (message) % (args) at error level""" self._log(_level_value["ERROR"], "ERROR", message, *args, log_once=log_once)
[docs] def critical(self, message: str, *args, log_once: bool = False) -> None: """Log (message) % (args) at critical level""" self._log(_level_value["CRITICAL"], "CRITICAL", message, *args, log_once=log_once)
[docs] def set_logging_level(level: LogValue = DEFAULT_LEVEL) -> None: """Set tidy3d console logging level priority. Parameters ---------- level : str The lowest priority level of logging messages to display. One of ``{'DEBUG', 'SUPPORT', 'USER', INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'}`` (listed in increasing priority). """ if "console" in log.handlers: log.handlers["console"].level = _get_level_int(level)
[docs] def set_log_suppression(value: bool) -> None: """Control log suppression for repeated messages.""" log.suppression = value
[docs] def get_aware_datetime() -> datetime: """Get an aware current local datetime(with local timezone info)""" return
[docs] def set_logging_console(stderr: bool = False) -> None: """Set stdout or stderr as console output Parameters ---------- stderr : bool If False, logs are directed to stdout, otherwise to stderr. """ if "console" in log.handlers: previous_level = log.handlers["console"].level else: previous_level = DEFAULT_LEVEL log.handlers["console"] = LogHandler( Console( stderr=stderr, width=CONSOLE_WIDTH, log_path=False, get_datetime=get_aware_datetime, log_time_format="%X %Z", ), previous_level, )
[docs] def set_logging_file( fname: str, filemode: str = "w", level: LogValue = DEFAULT_LEVEL, log_path: bool = False, ) -> None: """Set a file to write log to, independently from the stdout and stderr output chosen using :meth:`set_logging_level`. Parameters ---------- fname : str Path to file to direct the output to. If empty string, a previously set logging file will be closed, if any, but nothing else happens. filemode : str 'w' or 'a', defining if the file should be overwritten or appended. level : str One of ``{'DEBUG', 'SUPPORT', 'USER', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'}``. This is set for the file independently of the console output level set by :meth:`set_logging_level`. log_path : bool = False Whether to log the path to the file that issued the message. """ if filemode not in "wa": raise ValueError("filemode must be either 'w' or 'a'") # Close previous handler, if any if "file" in log.handlers: try: log.handlers["file"].console.file.close() except Exception: # TODO: catch specific exception log.warning("Log file could not be closed") finally: del log.handlers["file"] if fname == "": # Empty string can be passed to just stop previously opened file handler return try: file = open(fname, filemode) except Exception: # TODO: catch specific exception log.error(f"File {fname} could not be opened") return log.handlers["file"] = LogHandler( Console(file=file, force_jupyter=False, log_path=log_path), level )
# Initialize Tidy3d's logger log = Logger() # Set default logging output set_logging_console()
[docs] def get_logging_console() -> Console: """Get console from logging handlers.""" if "console" not in log.handlers: set_logging_console() return log.handlers["console"].console