
class tidy3d.web.container.BatchData#

Holds a collection of SimulationData returned by Batch.

  • task_paths (Mapping[str, str]) – Mapping of task_name to path to corresponding data for each task in batch.

  • task_ids (Mapping[str, str]) – Mapping of task_name to task_id for each task in batch.

  • normalize_index (Optional[int] = 0) – If specified, normalizes the frequency-domain data by the amplitude spectrum of the source corresponding to simulation.sources[normalize_index]. If None, does not normalize.

Show JSON schema
   "title": "BatchData",
   "description": "Holds a collection of :class:`.SimulationData` returned by :class:`.Batch`.\n\nParameters\n----------\ntask_paths : Mapping[str, str]\n    Mapping of task_name to path to corresponding data for each task in batch.\ntask_ids : Mapping[str, str]\n    Mapping of task_name to task_id for each task in batch.\nnormalize_index : Optional[int] = 0\n    If specified, normalizes the frequency-domain data by the amplitude spectrum of the source corresponding to ``simulation.sources[normalize_index]``. If ``None``, does not normalize.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "task_paths": {
         "title": "Data Paths",
         "description": "Mapping of task_name to path to corresponding data for each task in batch.",
         "type": "object",
         "additionalProperties": {
            "type": "string"
      "task_ids": {
         "title": "Task IDs",
         "description": "Mapping of task_name to task_id for each task in batch.",
         "type": "object",
         "additionalProperties": {
            "type": "string"
      "normalize_index": {
         "title": "Source Normalization Index",
         "description": "If specified, normalizes the frequency-domain data by the amplitude spectrum of the source corresponding to ``simulation.sources[normalize_index]``. If ``None``, does not normalize.",
         "default": 0,
         "type": "integer"
      "type": {
         "title": "Type",
         "default": "BatchData",
         "enum": [
         "type": "string"
   "required": [
   "additionalProperties": false

attribute normalize_index: Optional[int] = 0#

If specified, normalizes the frequency-domain data by the amplitude spectrum of the source corresponding to simulation.sources[normalize_index]. If None, does not normalize.

attribute task_ids: Dict[str, str] [Required]#

Mapping of task_name to task_id for each task in batch.

attribute task_paths: Dict[str, str] [Required]#

Mapping of task_name to path to corresponding data for each task in batch.

items() Tuple[str, tidy3d.components.data.SimulationData]#

Iterate through the SimulationData for each task_name.

classmethod load(path_dir: str = '.', normalize_index: Optional[int] = 0) tidy3d.web.container.BatchData#

Load Batch from file, download results, and load them.


path_dir (str = './') – Base directory where data will be downloaded, by default current working directory. A batch.json file must be present in the directory.


Contains the SimulationData of each Simulation in Batch.

Return type


load_sim_data(task_name: str) tidy3d.components.data.SimulationData#

Load a SimulationData from file by task name.