
class tidy3d.GaussianPulse#

Source time dependence that describes a Gaussian pulse.

  • amplitude (NonNegativeFloat = 1.0) – Real-valued maximum amplitude of the time dependence.

  • phase (float = 0.0) – [units = rad]. Phase shift of the time dependence.

  • freq0 (PositiveFloat) – [units = Hz]. Central frequency of the pulse.

  • fwidth (PositiveFloat) – [units = Hz]. Standard deviation of the frequency content of the pulse.

  • offset (ConstrainedFloatValue = 5.0) – Time delay of the maximum value of the pulse in units of 1 / (2pi * fwidth).


>>> pulse = GaussianPulse(freq0=200e12, fwidth=20e12)

Show JSON schema
   "title": "GaussianPulse",
   "description": "Source time dependence that describes a Gaussian pulse.\n\nParameters\n----------\namplitude : NonNegativeFloat = 1.0\n    Real-valued maximum amplitude of the time dependence.\nphase : float = 0.0\n    [units = rad].  Phase shift of the time dependence.\nfreq0 : PositiveFloat\n    [units = Hz].  Central frequency of the pulse.\nfwidth : PositiveFloat\n    [units = Hz].  Standard deviation of the frequency content of the pulse.\noffset : ConstrainedFloatValue = 5.0\n    Time delay of the maximum value of the pulse in units of 1 / (``2pi * fwidth``).\n\nExample\n-------\n>>> pulse = GaussianPulse(freq0=200e12, fwidth=20e12)",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "amplitude": {
         "title": "Amplitude",
         "description": "Real-valued maximum amplitude of the time dependence.",
         "default": 1.0,
         "minimum": 0,
         "type": "number"
      "phase": {
         "title": "Phase",
         "description": "Phase shift of the time dependence.",
         "default": 0.0,
         "units": "rad",
         "type": "number"
      "type": {
         "title": "Type",
         "default": "GaussianPulse",
         "enum": [
         "type": "string"
      "freq0": {
         "title": "Central Frequency",
         "description": "Central frequency of the pulse.",
         "units": "Hz",
         "exclusiveMinimum": 0,
         "type": "number"
      "fwidth": {
         "title": "Fwidth",
         "description": "Standard deviation of the frequency content of the pulse.",
         "units": "Hz",
         "exclusiveMinimum": 0,
         "type": "number"
      "offset": {
         "title": "Offset",
         "description": "Time delay of the maximum value of the pulse in units of 1 / (``2pi * fwidth``).",
         "default": 5.0,
         "minimum": 2.5,
         "type": "number"
   "required": [
   "additionalProperties": false

  • freq0 (pydantic.types.PositiveFloat)

  • fwidth (pydantic.types.PositiveFloat)

  • offset (float)

attribute freq0: pydantic.types.PositiveFloat [Required]#

Central frequency of the pulse.

  • exclusiveMinimum = 0

attribute fwidth: pydantic.types.PositiveFloat [Required]#

Standard deviation of the frequency content of the pulse.

  • exclusiveMinimum = 0

attribute offset: float = 5.0#

Time delay of the maximum value of the pulse in units of 1 / (2pi * fwidth).

  • minimum = 2.5

amp_time(time: float) complex#

Complex-valued source amplitude as a function of time.